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SLProject 4.0.000
This is the complete list of members for SLMat4< T >, including all inherited members.
_m | SLMat4< T > | private |
add(const SLMat4 &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
axisX() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
axisY() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
axisZ() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
compose(SLVec3f trans, SLVec3f rotEulerRAD, SLVec3f scale) | SLMat4< T > | |
decompose(SLVec3f &trans, SLVec4f &rotQuat, SLVec3f &scale) | SLMat4< T > | |
decompose(SLVec3f &trans, SLMat3f &rotMat, SLVec3f &scale) | SLMat4< T > | |
decompose(SLVec3f &trans, SLVec3f &rotEulerRAD, SLVec3f &scale) | SLMat4< T > | |
fromEulerAnglesXYZ(double angle1RAD, double angle2RAD, double angle3RAD, bool keepTranslation=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
fromEulerAnglesZXZ(double angle1RAD, double angle2RAD, double angle3RAD, bool keepTranslation=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
frustum(T l, T r, T b, T t, T n, T f) | SLMat4< T > | |
identity() | SLMat4< T > | |
inverseTransposed() | SLMat4< T > | |
invert() | SLMat4< T > | |
inverted() const | SLMat4< T > | |
isEqual(const SLMat4 &A, SLfloat epsilon=0.01f) | SLMat4< T > | |
lightAt(T PosX, T PosY, T PosZ, T AtX=0, T AtY=0, T AtZ=0, T UpX=0, T UpY=0, T UpZ=0) | SLMat4< T > | |
lightAt(const SLVec3< T > &pos, const SLVec3< T > &At=SLVec3< T >::ZERO, const SLVec3< T > &Up=SLVec3< T >::ZERO) | SLMat4< T > | |
lookAt(T EyeX, T EyeY, T EyeZ, T AtX=0, T AtY=0, T AtZ=0, T UpX=0, T UpY=0, T UpZ=0) | SLMat4< T > | |
lookAt(const SLVec3< T > &Eye, const SLVec3< T > &At=SLVec3< T >::ZERO, const SLVec3< T > &Up=SLVec3< T >::ZERO) | SLMat4< T > | |
lookAt(SLVec3< T > *eye, SLVec3< T > *at, SLVec3< T > *up, SLVec3< T > *right) const | SLMat4< T > | |
m(int i, T val) | SLMat4< T > | inline |
m() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
m(int i) const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
mat3() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
multiply(const SLMat4 &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
multVec(SLVec3< T > v) const | SLMat4< T > | |
multVec(SLVec4< T > v) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator()(int row, int col) | SLMat4< T > | inline |
operator()(int row, int col) const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
operator*(const SLMat4 &A) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator*(const SLVec3< T > &v) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator*(const SLVec4< T > &v) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator*(T a) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator*=(const SLMat4 &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
operator*=(T a) | SLMat4< T > | |
operator+(const SLMat4 &A) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator/(T a) const | SLMat4< T > | |
operator/=(T a) | SLMat4< T > | |
operator=(const SLMat4 &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
ortho(T l, T r, T b, T t, T n, T f) | SLMat4< T > | |
perspective(T fov, T aspect, T n, T f) | SLMat4< T > | |
perspectiveCenteredPP(T w, T h, T fx, T fy, T cx, T cy, T n, T f) | SLMat4< T > | |
posAtUp(T PosX, T PosY, T PosZ, T dirAtX=0, T dirAtY=0, T dirAtZ=0, T dirUpX=0, T dirUpY=0, T dirUpZ=0) | SLMat4< T > | |
posAtUp(const SLVec3< T > &pos, const SLVec3< T > &dirAt=SLVec3< T >::ZERO, const SLVec3< T > &dirUp=SLVec3< T >::ZERO) | SLMat4< T > | |
print(const SLchar *str=nullptr) const | SLMat4< T > | |
rotate(T degAng, T axisx, T axisy, T axisz) | SLMat4< T > | |
rotate(T degAng, const SLVec3< T > &axis) | SLMat4< T > | |
rotate(const SLVec3< T > &fromUnitVec, const SLVec3< T > &toUnitVec) | SLMat4< T > | |
rotation(T degAng, const SLVec3< T > &axis, SLbool keepTranslation=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
rotation(T degAng, T axisx, T axisy, T axisz, SLbool keepTranslation=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
rotation(const SLVec3< T > &fromUnitVec, const SLVec3< T > &toUnitVec) | SLMat4< T > | |
scale(T sxyz) | SLMat4< T > | |
scale(T sx, T sy, T sz) | SLMat4< T > | |
scale(const SLVec3< T > &sxyz) | SLMat4< T > | |
scaling(T sxyz, SLbool keepTrans=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
scaling(const SLVec3< T > &sxyz, SLbool keepTrans=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
scaling(T sx, T sy, T sz, SLbool keepTranslation=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(const SLMat4 &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(const SLMat3f &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(const SLMat4 *A) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(const T *M) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(T M0, T M4, T M8, T M12, T M1, T M5, T M9, T M13, T M2, T M6, T M10, T M14, T M3, T M7, T M11, T M15) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(const SLVec3< T > &translation, const SLMat3< T > &rotation, const SLVec3< T > &scale) | SLMat4< T > | |
setMatrix(const int16_t i, const SLfloat value) | SLMat4< T > | inline |
setRotation(const SLMat3< T > &rotation) | SLMat4< T > | |
setTranslation(const SLVec3< T > &translation) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4() | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(const SLMat4 &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(const SLMat3f &A) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(const T *M) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(T M0, T M4, T M8, T M12, T M1, T M5, T M9, T M13, T M2, T M6, T M10, T M14, T M3, T M7, T M11, T M15) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(T tx, T ty, T tz) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(T degAng, T axis_x, T axis_y, T axis_z) | SLMat4< T > | explicit |
SLMat4(T scale_xyz) | SLMat4< T > | explicit |
SLMat4(const SLVec3< T > &translationVec) | SLMat4< T > | explicit |
SLMat4(const SLVec3< T > &fromUnitVec, const SLVec3< T > &toUnitVec) | SLMat4< T > | |
SLMat4(const SLVec3< T > &translation, const SLMat3< T > &rotation, const SLVec3< T > &scale) | SLMat4< T > | |
swap(T &a, T &b) | SLMat4< T > | inlinestatic |
toEulerAngles(int order) | SLMat4< T > | |
toEulerAnglesXYZ(T &xRotRAD, T &yRotRAD, T &zRotRAD) | SLMat4< T > | |
toEulerAnglesZYX(T &zRotRAD, T &yRotRAD, T &xRotRAD) | SLMat4< T > | |
toString() const | SLMat4< T > | |
trace() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
translate(T tx, T ty, T tz=0) | SLMat4< T > | |
translate(const SLVec2< T > &t) | SLMat4< T > | |
translate(const SLVec3< T > &t) | SLMat4< T > | |
translation() const | SLMat4< T > | inline |
translation(T tx, T ty, T tz, SLbool keepLinear=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
translation(const SLVec3< T > &t, SLbool keepLinear=true) | SLMat4< T > | |
transpose() | SLMat4< T > | |
transposed() | SLMat4< T > | |
viewport(T x, T y, T ww, T wh, T n=0.0f, T f=1.0f) | SLMat4< T > |