SLProject 4.0.000
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NUtilsUtils provides utilities for string & file handling, logging and math functions
 CAppDemoGuiImGui UI class for the UI of the demo applications
 CHighResTimerHigh Resolution Timer class using C++11
 CInstrumentorBasic instrumentation profiler for Google Chrome tracing format
 ClightDataStd140Struct for uniform buffer with std140 layout
 CProfilerUtility for profiling functions/scopes and writing the results to a file
 CProfilerTimerA timer for profiling functions and scopes
 CSLAABBoxDefines an axis aligned bounding box
 CSLAccelStructSLAccelStruct is an abstract base class for acceleration structures
 CSLAlphaLUTPointAlpha point with alpha value and position value between 0-1
 CSLAnimationSLAnimation is the base container for all animation data
 CSLAnimKeyframeBase class for all animation keyframes
 CSLAnimManagerSLAnimManager is the central class for all animation handling
 CSLAnimPlaybackManages the playback of an SLAnimation
 CSLAnimSkeletonSLAnimSkeleton keeps track of a skeletons joints and animations
 CSLAnimTrackAbstract base class for SLAnimationTracks providing time and keyframe functions
 CSLArrowSLArrow is creates an arrow mesh based on its SLRevolver methods
 CSLAssetManagerToplevel holder of the assets meshes, materials, textures and shaders
 CSLBackgroundDefines a 2D-Background for the OpenGL framebuffer background
 CSLBoxAxis aligned box mesh
 CSLCameraActive or visible camera node class
 CSLCharInputEventSpecialized SLInput class for unicode character input
 CSLColorLUTPointColor point with color and position value between 0-1
 CSLCompactGridClass for compact uniform grid acceleration structure
 CSLConeSLCone creates a cone mesh based on SLRevolver
 CSLCoordAxisAxis aligned coordinate axis mesh
 CSLCoordAxisArrowSingle arrow for coordinate axis
 CSLCurveBase class for curves defined by multiple 3D points
 CSLCurveBezierImplements a Bezier curve interpolation
 CSLCylinderSLCylinder is creates sphere mesh based on its SLRevolver methods
 CSLDeviceLocationEncapsulation of a mobile device location set by the device's GPS sensor
 CSLDeviceRotationEncapsulation of a mobile device rotation set by the device's IMU sensor
 CSLDiskSLDisk creates a disk mesh based on SLRevolver
 CSLDrawBitsDrawing states stored in the bits of an unsigned int
 CSLEntitiesScenegraph in Data Oriented Design with flat std::vector of SLEntity
 CSLEntitySLEntity is the Data Oriented Design version of a SLNode
 CSLEventHandlerVirtual Eventhandler class
 CSLFrustumMatrix to 6 frustum plane conversion functions
 CSLGLAttributeStruct for vertex attribute information
 CSLGLImGuiImGui Interface class for forwarding all events to the ImGui Handlers
 CSLGLOculusWrapper around Oculus Rift Devkit 2
 CSLGLOculusFBWrapper around Oculus Rift and its Frame Buffer Objects
 CSLGLProgramEncapsulation of an OpenGL shader program object
 CSLGLProgramGeneratedGenerated Shader Program class inherited from SLGLProgram
 CSLGLProgramGenericGeneric Shader Program class inherited from SLGLProgram
 CSLGLProgramManagerStatic container for standard shader programs
 CSLGLShaderEncapsulation of an OpenGL shader object
 CSLGLStateSingleton class holding all OpenGL states
 CSLGLTextureTexture object for OpenGL texturing
 CSLGLTextureIBLTexture object generated in run time from another texture
 CSLGLUniformTemplate for a single GLSL uniform variable
 CSLGLVertexArraySLGLVertexArray encapsulates the core OpenGL drawing
 CSLGLVertexArrayExtSLGLVertexArray adds Helper Functions for quick Line & Point Drawing
 CSLGLVertexBufferSLGLVertexBuffer encapsulates an OpenGL buffer for vertex attributes
 CSLGridSLGrid creates a rectangular grid with lines with a certain resolution
 CSLImporterInterface for 3D file format importer implementations
 CSLInputDeviceInterface for input devices that have to be pollsed
 CSLInputEventBaseclass for all system input events
 CSLInputManagerSLInputManager. manages system input and custom input devices
 CSLIOBufferUtility struct that holds a pointer and its length
 CSLIOStreamInterface for accessing external data using streams
 CSLJointSpecialized SLNode that represents a single joint (or bone) in a skeleton
 CSLKeyEventSpecialized SLInput class for all keypress related input events
 CSLLensSLLens creates a lens mesh based on SLRevolver
 CSLLightAbstract Light class for OpenGL light sources
 CSLLightDirectSLLightDirect class for a directional light source
 CSLLightRectLight node class for a rectangular light source
 CSLLightSpotSLLightSpot class for a spot light source
 CSLLocationClass for a named location with lat-lon-Alt WGS84 position
 CSLMat33x3 matrix template class
 CSLMat44x4 matrix template class
 CSLMaterialDefines a standard CG material with textures and a shader program
 CSLMaterialDefaultColorAttributeGlobal default color attribute material for meshes that have colors per vertex
 CSLMaterialDefaultGrayGlobal default gray color material for meshes that don't define their own
 CSLMeshAn SLMesh object is a triangulated mesh that is drawn with one draw call
 CSLMouseEventSpecialized SLInput class for all mouse related input events
 CSLNodeSLNode represents a node in a hierarchical scene graph
 CSLNodeAnimTrackSpecialized animation track for node animations
 CSLNodeLODLevel of detail (LOD) group node based on screen space coverage
 CSLNodeStatsStruct for scene graph statistics
 CSLObjectBase class for all other classes
 CSLParticleSystemSLParticleSystem creates a particle meshes from a point primitive buffer
 CSLPathtracerClassic Monte Carlo Pathtracing algorithm for real global illumination
 CSLPlaneDefines a plane in 3D space with the equation ax + by + cy + d = 0
 CSLPointsSLPoints creates
 CSLPolygonSLPolygon creates a convex polyon mesh
 CSLPolylineSLPolyline creates a polyline object
 CSLQuat4Quaternion class for angle-axis rotation representation
 CSLRayRay class with ray and intersection properties
 CSLRaySamples2DClass for 2D disk sample points
 CSLRaytracerSLRaytracer hold all the methods for Whitted style Ray Tracing
 CSLRectA rectangle template class
 CSLRectangleSLRectangle creates a rectangular mesh with a certain resolution
 CSLResizeEventSpecialized SLInput class for window resize events
 CSLRevolverSLRevolver is an SLMesh object built out of revolving points
 CSLRnd3fAbstract base class for random 3D point generator
 CSLRnd3fNormalClass for random generator for normal distributed 3D points
 CSLRnd3fUniformClass for random generator for uniform distributed 3D points
 CSLRotationEventSpecialized SLInput class for all device rotation related input events
 CSLRTAAPixelPixel index struct used in anti aliasing in ray tracing
 CSLSceneTop level instance holding the scene structure
 CSLSceneViewSceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene
 CSLScrCaptureRequestEventSpecialized SLInput class to trigger a screen capture
 CSLShadowMapClass for standard and cascaded shadow mapping
 CSLSkyboxSkybox node class with a SLBox mesh
 CSLSphereSLSphere creates a sphere mesh based on SLSpheric w. 180 deg polar angle
 CSLSphericSLSphere creates a sphere mesh based on SLRevolver
 CSLTexColorLUTSLTexColorLUT defines a lookup table as an 1D texture of (256) RGBA values
 CSLTexFontTexture Font class inherits SLGLTexture for alpha blended font rendering
 CSLTextSLText creates a mesh using a textured font from SLTexFont
 CSLTouchEventSpecialized SLInput class for touch related input events
 CSLTransformKeyframeSLTransformKeyframe is a specialized SLKeyframe for node transformations
 CSLTransformNodeClass that holds all visible gizmo node during mouse transforms
 CSLTriangleA triangle class as the most simplest mesh
 CSLUiInterfaceInterface for ui integration in SLSceneView
 CSLVec22D vector template class for standard 2D vector algebra
 CSLVec33D vector template class for standard 3D vector algebra
 CSLVec44D vector template class for standard 4D vector algebra
 CSLVectorTemplate class for dynamic vector
 CSLVertexOculusDistorted vertex used to draw in the Oculus frame buffer
 CUtils_iOSSLFileSystem provides basic filesystem functions
 CWAIKeyFrameAR Keyframe node class
 CWAIKeyFrameDBAR Keyframe database class