| SLSphere (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLfloat radius, SLuint stacks=32, SLuint slices=32, SLstring name="sphere mesh", SLMaterial *mat=nullptr) |
| SLSpheric (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLfloat radius, SLfloat thetaStartDEG, SLfloat thetaEndDEG, SLuint stacks=32, SLuint slices=32, SLstring name="spheric mesh", SLMaterial *mat=nullptr) |
SLfloat | radius () |
| SLRevolver (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLVVec3f revolvePoints, SLVec3f revolveAxis, SLuint slices=36, SLbool smoothFirst=false, SLbool smoothLast=false, SLstring name="revolver mesh", SLMaterial *mat=nullptr) |
| ctor for generic revolver mesh More...
| SLRevolver (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLstring name) |
| ctor for derived revolver shapes More...
void | buildMesh (SLMaterial *mat=nullptr) |
SLuint | stacks () |
SLuint | slices () |
| SLMesh (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, const SLstring &name="Mesh") |
| ~SLMesh () override |
| The destructor deletes everything by calling deleteData. More...
virtual void | init (SLNode *node) |
| SLMesh::shapeInit sets the transparency flag of the AABB. More...
virtual void | draw (SLSceneView *sv, SLNode *node) |
void | drawIntoDepthBuffer (SLSceneView *sv, SLNode *node, SLMaterial *depthMat) |
| Simplified drawing method for shadow map creation. More...
void | addStats (SLNodeStats &stats) |
virtual void | buildAABB (SLAABBox &aabb, const SLMat4f &wmNode) |
void | updateAccelStruct () |
SLbool | hit (SLRay *ray, SLNode *node) |
virtual void | preShade (SLRay *ray) |
virtual void | deleteData () |
| SLMesh::deleteData deletes all mesh data and vbo's. More...
virtual void | deleteDataGpu () |
void | deleteSelected (SLNode *node) |
| Deletes the rectangle selected vertices and the dependent triangles. More...
void | deleteUnused () |
| Deletes unused vertices (= vertices that are not indexed in I16 or I32) More...
virtual void | calcMinMax () |
virtual void | calcNormals () |
| SLMesh::calcNormals recalculates vertex normals for triangle meshes. More...
void | calcCenterRad (SLVec3f ¢er, SLfloat &radius) |
SLbool | hitTriangleOS (SLRay *ray, SLNode *node, SLuint iT) |
virtual void | generateVAO (SLGLVertexArray &vao) |
| Generate the Vertex Array Object for a specific shader program. More...
void | computeHardEdgesIndices (float angleRAD, float epsilon) |
| computes the hard edges and stores the vertex indexes separately More...
void | transformSkin (const std::function< void(SLMesh *)> &cbInformNodes) |
| Transforms the vertex positions and normals with by joint weights. More...
void | deselectPartialSelection () |
SLMaterial * | mat () const |
SLMaterial * | matOut () const |
SLGLPrimitiveType | primitive () const |
const SLAnimSkeleton * | skeleton () const |
SLuint | numI () const |
SLGLVertexArray & | vao () |
SLbool | isSelected () const |
SLfloat | edgeAngleDEG () const |
SLfloat | edgeWidth () const |
SLCol4f | edgeColor () const |
SLVec3f | finalP (SLuint i) |
SLVec3f | finalN (SLuint i) |
SLbool | accelStructIsOutOfDate () |
void | mat (SLMaterial *m) |
void | matOut (SLMaterial *m) |
void | primitive (SLGLPrimitiveType pt) |
void | skeleton (SLAnimSkeleton *skel) |
void | isSelected (bool isSelected) |
void | edgeWidth (SLfloat ew) |
void | edgeAngleDEG (SLfloat ea) |
void | edgeColor (const SLCol4f &ec) |
void | vertexPosEpsilon (SLfloat eps) |
| SLObject (const SLstring &Name="", const SLstring &url="") |
virtual | ~SLObject () |
void | name (const SLstring &Name) |
void | url (const SLstring &url) |
const SLstring & | name () const |
const SLstring & | url () const |
SLSphere creates a sphere mesh based on SLSpheric w. 180 deg polar angle.