SLProject 4.0.000
- Member SLAnimTrack::getKeyframesAtTime (SLfloat time, SLAnimKeyframe **k1, SLAnimKeyframe **k2) const
- do we want to consider the edge case below or do we want imported animations to have to have a keyframe at 0.0 time? Is there a better solution for this problem? e.x: the astroboy animation looks wrong when doing this (but thats because it is **** and kf0 and kfn dont match up...
- Member SLGLTextureIBL::build (SLint texID=0)
- : Priority 1: These frame buffer ops do not work properly on iOS & Android. This is probably the most difficult OpenGL code in the project.
- Member SLImporter::logMessage (SLLogVerbosity verbosity, const char *msg,...)
- Build a dedicated log class that can be instantiated (so the importer can have its own) Let this log class write to file etc. Don't use printf anymore, its c. (c++11 has to_str, else we have to work with ss (ugh...)) I only used printf here because it allows me to combine a string with different variables in only one line and I don't have an easy way to do this in c++0x. Again c++11 would be easy.
- Member SLLightDirect::init (SLScene *s)
- properly remove this function and find a clean way to init lights in a scene
- Member SLLightRect::init (SLScene *s)
- properly remove this function and find a clean way to init lights in a scene
- Member SLLightSpot::init (SLScene *s)
- properly remove this function and find a clean way to init lights in a scene
- Class SLQuat4< T >
- Add more doxygen documentation.
- Member SLQuat4< T >::slerp (const SLQuat4< T > &q2, T t) const
- clean up the code below and find a working algorithm (or check the original shoemake implementation for errors)