SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
SLCurveBezier Member List

This is the complete list of members for SLCurveBezier, including all inherited members.

acceleration(SLfloat t)SLCurveBezier
arcLength(SLfloat t1, SLfloat t2)SLCurveBezier
draw(const SLMat4f &wm)SLCurveBeziervirtual
evaluate(const SLfloat t)SLCurveBeziervirtual
findParamByDist(SLfloat t1, SLfloat s)SLCurveBezier
init(const SLVVec4f &points, const SLVVec3f &controlPoints)SLCurveBezier
segmentArcLength(SLuint i, SLfloat u1, SLfloat u2)SLCurveBezier
SLCurveBezier(const SLVVec4f &points)SLCurveBezier
SLCurveBezier(const SLVVec4f &points, const SLVVec3f &controlPoints)SLCurveBezier
subdivideLength(const SLVec3f &P0, const SLVec3f &P1, const SLVec3f &P2, const SLVec3f &P3)SLCurveBezier
subdivideRender(SLVVec3f &points, const SLMat4f &wm, SLfloat epsilon, const SLVec3f &P0, const SLVec3f &P1, const SLVec3f &P2, const SLVec3f &P3)SLCurveBezier
velocity(SLfloat t)SLCurveBezier