SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 App.hThe App namespace declares the App::Config struct and the App::run function
 AppAndroid.cppApp::run implementation from App.h for the Android platform
 AppCommon.cppThe AppCommon class holds the top-level instances for SLProject apps
 AppCommon.hThe AppCommon class holds the top-level instances of the app-demo
 AppDelegate.hDeclaration of the callbacks in ObjectivC for iOS
 AppDelegate.mmImplementation of the callbacks in ObjectivC for iOS
 AppDemoGui.cppUI with the ImGUI framework fully rendered in OpenGL 3+
 AppDemoGui.hC++ Header file for the class AppDemoGui.h
 AppDemoMain.cppThis file has the main function of the demo app of SLProject
 AppDemoScene2Dand3DText.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoScene2Dand3DText.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimNode.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimNode.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass2.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass2.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimSkinned.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimSkinned.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass2.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass2.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneEmpty.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneEmpty.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAugustaTmpTht.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumAmphitheater.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumAmphitheater.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumCigognier.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumCigognier.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumTheater.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumTheater.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARBernChristoffel.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARBernChristoffel.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARBielBFH.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARBielBFH.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARSutz.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneErlebARSutz.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneFigure.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneFigure.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneFrustum.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneFrustum.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneGLTF.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneGLTF.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneID.hDefinition of scene IDs in the demo app
 AppDemoSceneJansUniverse.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneJansUniverse.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneLargeModel.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneLargeModel.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneLevelOfDetail.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneLevelOfDetail.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneLotsOfNodes.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneLotsOfNodes.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneMeshLoad.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneMeshLoad.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneMinimal.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneMinimal.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleComplexFire.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleComplexFire.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleDustStorm.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleDustStorm.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleFountain.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleFountain.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleMany.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleMany.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleRingOfFire.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleRingOfFire.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleSimple.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleSimple.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleSun.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneParticleSun.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoScenePointClouds.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoScenePointClouds.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRevolver.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRevolver.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRobot.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRobot.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTDoF.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTDoF.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTLens.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTLens.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTMuttenzerBox.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTMuttenzerBox.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTSpheres.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneRTSpheres.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderBlinn.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderBlinn.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderBump.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderBump.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderCook.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderCook.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderEarth.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderEarth.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderIBL.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderIBL.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderParallax.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderParallax.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderSkybox.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderSkybox.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderWave.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShaderWave.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowBasic.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowBasic.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowCascaded.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowCascaded.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowLightPoint.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowLightPoint.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowLightSpot.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowLightSpot.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowLightTypes.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneShadowLightTypes.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneSuzanne.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneSuzanne.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneTextureBlend.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneTextureBlend.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneTextureCompression.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneTextureCompression.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneTextureFilter.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneTextureFilter.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoSensorAR.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoSensorAR.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTexture.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTexture.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackAruco.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackAruco.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackChessboard.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackFace.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackFace.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackFeatures.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackFeatures.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackMediapipe.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackMediapipe.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackWAI.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVideoTrackWAI.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVolumeRayCast.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVolumeRayCast.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVolumeRayCastLighted.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneVolumeRayCastLighted.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneZFighting.cppImplementation for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoSceneZFighting.hClass declaration for an SLScene inherited class
 AppDemoVideo.cppAll video capturing and video tracking functions are in here
 AppEmscripten.cppApp::run implementation from App.h for the Emscripten platform
 AppGLFW.cppApp::run implementation from App.h for the GLFW platform
 AppNodeGui.cppUI with the ImGUI framework fully rendered in OpenGL 3+
 AppNodeMain.cppFile with the main function and two callbacks for the node demo app
 AppNodeScene.cppScene creation callback for the the node demo app
 AppNodeScene.hScene creation callback for the the node demo app
 AppNodeSceneView.cppNode transform test app to demonstrates all transforms of SLNode
 AppNodeSceneView.hNode transform test app to demonstrates all transforms of SLNode
 AsyncWorker.cppImplementation of an async worker thread
 AsyncWorker.hDeclaration of an async worker thread class
 CVCapture.cppOpenCV Capture Device
 CVFeatureManager.cppOpenCV Detector Describer Wrapper
 CVRaulMurExtNode.hDeclares the Raul Mur ORB feature detector and descriptor
 CVRaulMurOrb.cppDeclares the Raul Mur ORB feature detector and descriptor
 CVRaulMurOrb.hDeclares the Raul Mur ORB feature detector and descriptor
 Event.hEvent class used in the state machine
 EventData.hEvent class used in the state machine
 ImGuiWrapper.cppWrapper Class around the external ImGui GUI-framework See also:
 SLAlgo.hContainer for general algorithm functions
 SLDeviceLocation.hMobile device location class declaration
 SLDeviceRotation.hMobile device rotation class declaration
 SLGLDepthBuffer.hUses an OpenGL framebuffer object as a depth-buffer
 SLGLEnums.hEnumerations containing OpenGL constants
 SLGLFbo.cppWraps an OpenGL framebuffer object
 SLGLFbo.hWraps an OpenGL framebuffer object
 SLGLFrameBuffer.cppWrapper class around OpenGL Frame Buffer Objects (FBO)
 SLGLFrameBuffer.hWrapper class around OpenGL Frame Buffer Objects (FBO)
 SLGLImGui.cppWrapper Class around the external ImGui GUI-framework See also:
 SLGLOculusFB.cppOpenGL Frame Buffer Object for the Oculus Rift Display
 SLGLOculusFB.hOpenGL Frame Buffer Object for the Oculus Rift Display
 SLGLOVRWorkaround.hWrapper around Oculus Rift
 SLGLState.cppSingleton class implementation for global OpenGL replacement
 SLGLState.hSingleton class for global render state
 SLGLVertexArray.cppWrapper around an OpenGL Vertex Array Objects
 SLGLVertexArray.hWrapper class around OpenGL Vertex Array Objects (VAO)
 SLGLVertexArrayExt.cppExtension class with functions for quick line & point drawing
 SLGLVertexArrayExt.hExtension class with functions for quick line & point drawing
 SLGLVertexBuffer.cppWrapper around an OpenGL Vertex Array Objects
 SLGLVertexBuffer.hWrapper class around OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO)
 SLImGui.cppWrapper Class around the original OpenGL3 ImGui backend
 SLImGui.hWrapper Class around the external ImGui GUI-framework
 SLInterface.cppImplementation of the main Scene Library C-Interface
 SLInterface.hDeclaration of the main Scene Library C-Interface
 SLTexColorLUT.cppImplements a transfer function functionality
 SLTexColorLUT.hDeclares a color look up table functionality
 Utils.cppImplementation of various utility functions defined in Utils.h
 WebCamera.cppInterface to access the camera through the browser
 WebCamera.hInterface to access the camera through the browser