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A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
▼NApp | The App namespace declares the App::Config struct and the App::run function |
CConfig | App configuration struct to be passed to the App::run function |
NByteOrder | Abort compilation if a char has not 8 bits, as functions for this case aren't implemented yet |
NFtpUtils | FtpUtils provides networking functionality via the FTP protocol |
NSLAlgo | Collection of algorithms that may should be integrated into other namespaces |
NSLFileStorage | Collection of functions to open, use and close streams |
NSLIOLocalStorage | Collection of functions for accessing browser local storage |
NSLIOMemory | Collection of functions for accessing files stored in memory |
▼Nsm | Collection of classes for a state machine implementation used in the Erleb-AR app |
CEvent | Event class used in the state machine |
CEventData | |
CNoEventData | |
CEventHandler | |
CEventSender | |
CStateBase | Abstract state base class that all states inherit from |
CStateAction | |
CStateMachine | |
▼NUtils | Utils provides utilities for string & file handling, logging and math functions |
CAveraged | Averaged template class provides an average value from a fixed size array |
CAverageTimingBlock | Concatenation of average value and timer |
CAverageTiming | Singleton timing class for average measurement of different timing blocks in loops |
CCustomLog | Logger interface |
CFileLog | File logging class |
CComputerInfos | Class for holding computer information |
▼NWAI | WAI : Where Am I: Collection of duplicate structs for vectors |
CV2 | |
CV3 | |
CM3x3 | |
CM4x4 | |
▼CModeOrbSlam2 | |
CParams | |
NZipUtils | ZipUtils provides compressing & decompressing files and folders |