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A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
►NApp | The App namespace declares the App::Config struct and the App::run function |
►Nsm | Collection of classes for a state machine implementation used in the Erleb-AR app |
►NUtils | Utils provides utilities for string & file handling, logging and math functions |
►NWAI | WAI : Where Am I: Collection of duplicate structs for vectors |
CAppCommon | Top level class for the major global instances off an SLProject app |
CAppDelegate | |
CAppDemoGui | ImGui UI class for the UI of the demo applications |
CAppDemoScene2Dand3DText | Class for 2D and 3D text scene |
CAppDemoSceneAnimNode | Class for node animation test scene |
CAppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass | Class for mass animation test scene |
CAppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass2 | Class for benchmark mass animation test scene |
CAppDemoSceneAnimSkinned | Class for skinned animation test scene |
CAppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass | Class for skinned animation test scene |
CAppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass2 | Class for skinned animation test scene |
CAppDemoSceneEmpty | |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARAugustaTmpTht | Class for ErlebAR model for Augusta Raurica Tempel & Theater |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumAmphitheater | Class for ErlebAR model for Aventicum Amphitheater |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumCigognier | Class for ErlebAR model for Aventicum Cigognier |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumTheater | Class for ErlebAR model for Aventicum Theater |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARBernChristoffel | Class for ErlebAR model Christoffel Tower in Bern |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARBielBFH | Class for ErlebAR model in Biel at BFH |
CAppDemoSceneErlebARSutz | Class for ErlebAR model in Sutz |
CAppDemoSceneFigure | Class for the figure scene |
CAppDemoSceneFrustum | Class for frustum culling test scene |
CAppDemoSceneGLTF | Class for GLTF file loading demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneJansUniverse | Class for the benchmark scene for Jans Universe |
CAppDemoSceneLargeModel | Class for large model scene |
CAppDemoSceneLevelOfDetail | Class for level of detail test scene |
CAppDemoSceneLotsOfNodes | Class for scene with lots of nodes |
CAppDemoSceneMeshLoad | Class for mesh loading demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneMinimal | Class for minimal scene |
CAppDemoSceneParticleComplexFire | Class for fire ring particle system scene |
CAppDemoSceneParticleDustStorm | Class for simple particle system scene |
CAppDemoSceneParticleFountain | Class for simple particle system scene |
CAppDemoSceneParticleMany | Class for benchmark scene with a particle system with many particles |
CAppDemoSceneParticleRingOfFire | Class for fire ring particle system scene |
CAppDemoSceneParticleSimple | Class for simple particle system scene |
CAppDemoSceneParticleSun | Class for sun particle system scene |
CAppDemoScenePointClouds | Class for point cloud test scene |
CAppDemoSceneRevolver | Class for revolver mesh scene |
CAppDemoSceneRobot | Class for a robot arm test scene |
CAppDemoSceneRTDoF | Class for the depth of field ray tracing scene |
CAppDemoSceneRTLens | Class for the lens ray tracing scene |
CAppDemoSceneRTMuttenzerBox | Class for the Muttenzer Box ray tracing scene |
CAppDemoSceneRTSpheres | Class for the ray tracing scene with sphere group |
CAppDemoSceneShaderBlinn | Class for demo scene with Blinn-Phong lighting per vertex or per pixel |
CAppDemoSceneShaderBump | Class for normal map bump mapping |
CAppDemoSceneShaderCook | Class for Cook-Torrance lighting demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneShaderEarth | Class for image base lighting demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneShaderIBL | Class for image base lighting demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneShaderParallax | Class for parallax bump mapping demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneShaderSkybox | Class for image base lighting demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneShaderWave | Class for per vertex wave shader |
CAppDemoSceneShadowBasic | Class for basic shadow mapping demo scene |
CAppDemoSceneShadowCascaded | Class for demo scene for cascaded shadow mapping |
CAppDemoSceneShadowLightPoint | Class for demo scene for point light shadow mapping |
CAppDemoSceneShadowLightSpot | Class for demo scene for spotlight shadow mapping |
CAppDemoSceneShadowLightTypes | Class for demo scene with all shadow mapping types |
CAppDemoSceneSuzanne | Class for all variants of generated shaders on the Suzanne head |
CAppDemoSceneTextureBlend | Class for texture blending scene |
CAppDemoSceneTextureCompression | Class for texture compression test scene |
CAppDemoSceneTextureFilter | Class for texture filtering scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoSensorAR | Class for devices IMU and GPS Sensors test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTexture | Class for live or file video on texture test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTrackAruco | Class for ARUCO marker tracking test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTrackChessboard | Class for video for chessboard test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTrackFace | Class for facial feature tracking test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTrackFeatures | Class for feature tracking test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTrackMediapipe | Class for Mediapipe hand tracking test scene |
CAppDemoSceneVideoTrackWAI | Class for Mediapipe hand tracking test scene |
CAppDemoSceneView | |
CAppDemoSceneVolumeRayCast | Class for test scene for volume rendering of an angiographic MRI scan" |
CAppDemoSceneVolumeRayCastLighted | Class for test scene for lighted volume rendering of an angiographic MRI scan" |
CAppDemoSceneZFighting | Class for z-fighting test scene |
CAppDirectories | |
CAppMinimalScene | Scene class derived from SLScene |
CAppNodeGui | ImGui UI class for the UI of the demo applications |
CAppNodeScene | |
CAppNodeSceneView | |
CAsyncWorker | AsyncWorker implements a async worker thread |
CAveragedQuat4f | |
CcolorBGR | YUV to RGB image infos. Offset value can be negative for mirrored copy |
CCVArucoParams | ArUco Parameters loaded from configuration file |
CCVCalibration | Live video camera calibration class with OpenCV an OpenCV calibration |
CCVCalibrationEstimator | |
CCVCalibrationEstimatorException | Special exception that informs about errors during calibration process |
CCVCalibrationEstimatorParams | |
CCVCamera | |
CCVCapture | Encapsulation of the OpenCV Capture Device and holder of the last frame |
CCVFeatureManager | Wrapper class around OpenCV feature detector & describer |
CCVImage | OpenCV image class with the same interface as the former SLImage class |
CCVImageGeoTiff | Encapsulates a GEOTiff images with geo referenced meta information |
CCVRaulMurExtNode | Data structure used to subdivide the Image with key points into segments |
CCVRaulMurOrb | Orb detector and descriptor with distribution |
CCVTracked | CVTracked is the pure virtual base class for tracking features in video |
CCVTrackedAruco | OpenCV ArUco marker tracker class derived from CVTracked |
CCVTrackedArucoCube | OpenCV ArUco cube marker tracker class derived from CVTrackedAruco |
CCVTrackedChessboard | OpenCV chessboard tracker class derived from CVTracked |
CCVTrackedFaces | OpenCV face & facial landmark tracker class derived from CVTracked |
►CCVTrackedFeatures | CVTrackedFeatures is the main part of the AR Christoffelturm scene |
CCVTrackedWAI | Tracker that uses the ORB-Slam based WAI library (Where Am I) |
CDistortionMeshVertexData | |
CDistortionRenderDesc | |
CF2FTransform | |
CFeatureExtractorFactory | |
CGlobalTimer | |
CHighResTimer | High Resolution Timer class using C++11 |
►CHmdRenderInfo | |
CHttpDownloader | |
CImGuiEngine | |
CImGuiRenderer | |
CImGuiRendererOpenGL | |
CImGuiWrapper | ImGui Interface class for forwarding all events to the ImGui Handlers |
CInstrumentationSession | |
CInstrumentationTimer | |
CInstrumentor | Basic instrumentation profiler for Google Chrome tracing format |
CLensConfig | |
ClightDataStd140 | Struct for uniform buffer with std140 layout |
CLogWindow | |
CovrDistortionMesh_ | |
CovrDistortionVertex_ | |
CovrFovPort_ | |
CovrSizef | |
CovrSizei | |
CPanScrolling | |
CProfiler | Utility for profiling functions/scopes and writing the results to a file |
CProfileResult | |
CProfilerTimer | A timer for profiling functions and scopes |
CProfilingResult | |
CScaleAndOffset2D | |
CSLAABBox | Defines an axis aligned bounding box |
CSLAccelStruct | SLAccelStruct is an abstract base class for acceleration structures |
CSLAlphaLUTPoint | Alpha point with alpha value and position value between 0-1 |
CSlamMapInfos | |
CSlamVideoInfos | |
CSLAnimation | SLAnimation is the base container for all animation data |
CSLAnimKeyframe | Base class for all animation keyframes |
CSLAnimManager | SLAnimManager is the central class for all animation handling |
CSLAnimPlayback | Manages the playback of an SLAnimation |
CSLAnimSkeleton | SLAnimSkeleton keeps track of a skeletons joints and animations |
CSLAnimTrack | Abstract base class for SLAnimationTracks providing time and keyframe functions |
CSLArrow | SLArrow is creates an arrow mesh based on its SLRevolver methods |
CSLAssetLoader | |
CSLAssetManager | Toplevel holder of the assets meshes, materials, textures and shaders |
CSLAssimpIOStream | |
CSLAssimpIOSystem | |
CSLBackground | Defines a 2D-Background for the OpenGL framebuffer background |
CSLBox | Axis aligned box mesh |
CSLCamera | Active or visible camera node class |
CSLCharInputEvent | Specialized SLInput class for unicode character input |
CSLCircle | Circle line mesh derived from SLPolyline |
CSLColorLUTPoint | Color point with color and position value between 0-1 |
CSLCompactGrid | Class for compact uniform grid acceleration structure |
CSLCone | SLCone creates a cone mesh based on SLRevolver |
CSLCoordAxis | Axis aligned coordinate axis mesh |
CSLCoordAxisArrow | Single arrow for coordinate axis |
CSLCurve | Base class for curves defined by multiple 3D points |
CSLCurveBezier | Implements a Bezier curve interpolation |
CSLCylinder | SLCylinder is creates sphere mesh based on its SLRevolver methods |
CSLDeviceLocation | Encapsulation of a mobile device location set by the device's GPS sensor |
CSLDeviceRotation | Encapsulation of a mobile device rotation set by the device's IMU sensor |
CSLDisk | SLDisk creates a disk mesh based on SLRevolver |
CSLDrawBits | Drawing states stored in the bits of an unsigned int |
CSLEntities | Scenegraph in Data Oriented Design with flat std::vector of SLEntity |
CSLEntity | SLEntity is the Data Oriented Design version of a SLNode |
CSLEventHandler | Virtual Eventhandler class |
CSLFrustum | Matrix to 6 frustum plane conversion functions |
CSLGLAttribute | Struct for vertex attribute information |
CSLGLDepthBuffer | |
CSLGLFbo | |
CSLGLFrameBuffer | |
CSLGLImGui | ImGui Interface class for forwarding all events to the ImGui Handlers |
CSLGLOculus | Wrapper around Oculus Rift Devkit 2 |
CSLGLOculusFB | Wrapper around Oculus Rift and its Frame Buffer Objects |
CSLGLProgram | Encapsulation of an OpenGL shader program object |
CSLGLProgramGenerated | Generated Shader Program class inherited from SLGLProgram |
CSLGLProgramGeneric | Generic Shader Program class inherited from SLGLProgram |
CSLGLProgramManager | Static container for standard shader programs |
CSLGLShader | Encapsulation of an OpenGL shader object |
CSLGLState | Singleton class holding all OpenGL states |
CSLGLTexture | Texture object for OpenGL texturing |
CSLGLTextureIBL | Texture object generated in run time from another texture |
CSLGLUniform | Template for a single GLSL uniform variable |
CSLGLVertexArray | SLGLVertexArray encapsulates the core OpenGL drawing |
CSLGLVertexArrayExt | SLGLVertexArray adds Helper Functions for quick Line & Point Drawing |
CSLGLVertexBuffer | SLGLVertexBuffer encapsulates an OpenGL buffer for vertex attributes |
CSLGrid | SLGrid creates a rectangular grid with lines with a certain resolution |
CSLHorizonNode | |
CSLImGui | ImGui Interface class for forwarding all events to the original ImGui Handlers |
CSLImporter | Interface for 3D file format importer implementations |
CSLInputDevice | Interface for input devices that have to be pollsed |
CSLInputEvent | Baseclass for all system input events |
CSLInputEventInterface | |
CSLInputManager | SLInputManager. manages system input and custom input devices |
CSLIOBuffer | Utility struct that holds a pointer and its length |
CSLIOReaderFetch | SLIOStream implementation for downloading files from a web server |
CSLIOReaderLocalStorage | SLIOStream implementation for reading from browser local storage |
CSLIOReaderMemory | SLIOStream implementation for reading from memory |
CSLIOReaderNative | SLIOStream implementation for reading from native files |
CSLIOStream | Interface for accessing external data using streams |
CSLIOWriterBrowserPopup | SLIOStream implementation to display PNG files in a browser popup |
CSLIOWriterLocalStorage | SLIOStream implementation for writing to browser local storage |
CSLIOWriterMemory | SLIOStream implementation for reading to memory |
CSLIOWriterNative | SLIOStream implementation for writing to native files |
CSLJoint | Specialized SLNode that represents a single joint (or bone) in a skeleton |
CSLKeyEvent | Specialized SLInput class for all keypress related input events |
CSLKeyframeCamera | |
CSLLens | SLLens creates a lens mesh based on SLRevolver |
CSLLight | Abstract Light class for OpenGL light sources |
CSLLightDirect | SLLightDirect class for a directional light source |
CSLLightRect | Light node class for a rectangular light source |
CSLLightSpot | SLLightSpot class for a spot light source |
CSLLocation | Class for a named location with lat-lon-Alt WGS84 position |
CSLMat3 | 3x3 matrix template class |
CSLMat4 | 4x4 matrix template class |
CSLMaterial | Defines a standard CG material with textures and a shader program |
CSLMaterialDefaultColorAttribute | Global default color attribute material for meshes that have colors per vertex |
CSLMaterialDefaultGray | Global default gray color material for meshes that don't define their own |
CSLMesh | An SLMesh object is a triangulated mesh, drawn with one draw call |
CSLMouseEvent | Specialized SLInput class for all mouse related input events |
CSLNode | SLNode represents a node in a hierarchical scene graph |
CSLNodeAnimTrack | Specialized animation track for node animations |
CSLNodeLOD | Level of detail (LOD) group node based on screen space coverage |
CSLNodeStats | Struct for scene graph statistics |
CSLObject | Base class for all other classes |
CSLParticleSystem | SLParticleSystem creates a particle meshes from a point primitive buffer |
CSLPathtracer | Classic Monte Carlo Pathtracing algorithm for real global illumination |
CSLPlane | Defines a plane in 3D space with the equation ax + by + cy + d = 0 |
CSLPoints | The SLPoints mesh object of witch the vertices are drawn as points |
CSLPolygon | SLPolygon creates a convex polyon mesh |
CSLPolyline | SLPolyline creates a polyline object |
CSLQuat4 | Quaternion class for angle-axis rotation representation |
CSLRay | Ray class with ray and intersection properties |
CSLRaySamples2D | Class for 2D disk sample points |
CSLRaytracer | SLRaytracer hold all the methods for Whitted style Ray Tracing |
CSLRect | A rectangle template class |
CSLRectangle | SLRectangle creates a rectangular mesh with a certain resolution |
CSLResizeEvent | Specialized SLInput class for window resize events |
CSLRevolver | SLRevolver is an SLMesh object built out of revolving points |
CSLRnd3f | Abstract base class for random 3D point generator |
CSLRnd3fNormal | Class for random generator for normal distributed 3D points |
CSLRnd3fUniform | Class for random generator for uniform distributed 3D points |
CSLRotationEvent | Specialized SLInput class for all device rotation related input events |
CSLRTAAPixel | Pixel index struct used in anti aliasing in ray tracing |
CSLScene | Top level instance holding the scene structure |
CSLSceneView | SceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene |
CSLScrCaptureRequestEvent | Specialized SLInput class to trigger a screen capture |
CSLShadowMap | Class for standard and cascaded shadow mapping |
CSLSkybox | Skybox node class with a SLBox mesh |
CSLSphere | SLSphere creates a sphere mesh based on SLSpheric w. 180 deg polar angle |
CSLSpheric | SLSphere creates a sphere mesh based on SLRevolver |
CSLTexColorLUT | SLTexColorLUT defines a lookup table as an 1D texture of (256) RGBA values |
►CSLTexFont | Texture Font class inherits SLGLTexture for alpha blended font rendering |
CSLText | SLText creates a mesh using a textured font from SLTexFont |
CSLTouchEvent | Specialized SLInput class for touch related input events |
CSLTransformKeyframe | SLTransformKeyframe is a specialized SLKeyframe for node transformations |
CSLTransformNode | Class that holds all visible gizmo node during mouse transforms |
CSLTriangle | A triangle class as the most simplest mesh |
CSLUiInterface | Interface for ui integration in SLSceneView |
CSLVec2 | 2D vector template class for standard 2D vector algebra |
CSLVec3 | 3D vector template class for standard 3D vector algebra |
CSLVec4 | 4D vector template class for standard 4D vector algebra |
CSLVector | Template class for dynamic vector |
CSLVertexOculus | Distorted vertex used to draw in the Oculus frame buffer |
CUtils_iOS | SLFileSystem provides basic filesystem functions |
CViewController | |
CWAIApp | Implements app functionality (e.g. scene description, which camera, how to start and use WAISlam) |
CWAIBowVector | |
►CWAICompassAlignment | |
CWAIFeatVector | |
CWAIFrame | |
CWAIImageStabilizedOrientation | |
CWAIInitializerData | |
CWAIKeyFrame | AR Keyframe node class |
CWAIKeyFrameDB | AR Keyframe database class |
CWAIMap | |
CWAIMapPoint | |
CWAIMapPointCoordinate | |
►CWAIMapStorage | |
CWAIOrbVocabulary | |
►CWAISlam | |
CWAISlamTools | |
►CWAISlamTrackPool | |
CWebCamera | Interface to access the camera in the browser |
CYUV2RGB_BlockInfo | YUV to RGB image block infos that are different per thread |
CYUV2RGB_ImageInfo | YUV to RGB image infos. Offset value can be negative for mirrored copy |