Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- r
: colorBGR
, SLVec3< T >
, SLVec4< T >
- radius()
: SLCone
, SLCylinder
, SLDisk
, SLJoint
, SLLightDirect
, SLLightSpot
, SLSpheric
- radiusH()
: SLParticleSystem
- radiusOS()
- radiusW()
: SLParticleSystem
- radiusWS()
- random
: SLRay
- rayCount()
: SLShadowMap
- rayDiscIntersect()
: SLTransformNode
- rayPlaneIntersect()
: SLTransformNode
- raysPerMS()
: SLRaytracer
- raytracer()
: SLSceneView
- rboHeight()
: SLGLFrameBuffer
- rboID
- rboId()
: SLGLFrameBuffer
- rboWidth()
: SLGLFrameBuffer
- Read()
: SLAssimpIOStream
- read()
: SLIOReaderMemory
, SLIOReaderNative
, SLIOStream
, WebCamera
- readPixels()
: SLGLDepthBuffer
, SLGLState
, SLGLTextureIBL
- rebuild()
: SLBackground
- recordResult()
: Profiler
- rect()
: SLBackground
- rectCoverageInSS()
- rectSS()
: SLVec3< T >
, SLVec4< T >
- refKf()
: WAIMapPoint
- refKfId
: WAIMapStorage::MapPointInfo
- refKfSource
: WAIMapPoint
- RefKfSource
: WAIMapPoint
- RefKfSource_Constructor
: WAIMapPoint
- RefKfSource_EraseObservation
: WAIMapPoint
- RefKfSource_None
: WAIMapPoint
- reflect()
: SLRay
- reflectedPhotons
: SLRay
- reflectedRays
: SLRay
- reflectionModel()
: SLMaterial
- reflectMC()
: SLRay
- refract()
: SLRay
- refractedPhotons
: SLRay
- refractedRays
: SLRay
- refractMC()
: SLRay
- registerAssetsToLoad()
: AppDemoScene2Dand3DText
, AppDemoSceneAnimNode
, AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass2
, AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass
, AppDemoSceneAnimSkinned
, AppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass2
, AppDemoSceneAnimSkinnedMass
, AppDemoSceneEmpty
, AppDemoSceneErlebARAugustaTmpTht
, AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumAmphitheater
, AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumCigognier
, AppDemoSceneErlebARAventicumTheater
, AppDemoSceneErlebARBernChristoffel
, AppDemoSceneErlebARBielBFH
, AppDemoSceneErlebARSutz
, AppDemoSceneFigure
, AppDemoSceneFrustum
, AppDemoSceneGLTF
, AppDemoSceneJansUniverse
, AppDemoSceneLargeModel
, AppDemoSceneLevelOfDetail
, AppDemoSceneLotsOfNodes
, AppDemoSceneMeshLoad
, AppDemoSceneMinimal
, AppDemoSceneParticleComplexFire
, AppDemoSceneParticleDustStorm
, AppDemoSceneParticleFountain
, AppDemoSceneParticleMany
, AppDemoSceneParticleRingOfFire
, AppDemoSceneParticleSimple
, AppDemoSceneParticleSun
, AppDemoScenePointClouds
, AppDemoSceneRevolver
, AppDemoSceneRobot
, AppDemoSceneRTDoF
, AppDemoSceneRTLens
, AppDemoSceneRTMuttenzerBox
, AppDemoSceneRTSpheres
, AppDemoSceneShaderBlinn
, AppDemoSceneShaderBump
, AppDemoSceneShaderCook
, AppDemoSceneShaderEarth
, AppDemoSceneShaderIBL
, AppDemoSceneShaderParallax
, AppDemoSceneShaderSkybox
, AppDemoSceneShaderWave
, AppDemoSceneShadowBasic
, AppDemoSceneShadowCascaded
, AppDemoSceneShadowLightPoint
, AppDemoSceneShadowLightSpot
, AppDemoSceneShadowLightTypes
, AppDemoSceneSuzanne
, AppDemoSceneTextureBlend
, AppDemoSceneTextureCompression
, AppDemoSceneTextureFilter
, AppDemoSceneVideoSensorAR
, AppDemoSceneVideoTexture
, AppDemoSceneVideoTrackAruco
, AppDemoSceneVideoTrackChessboard
, AppDemoSceneVideoTrackFace
, AppDemoSceneVideoTrackFeatures
, AppDemoSceneVideoTrackMediapipe
, AppDemoSceneVideoTrackWAI
, AppDemoSceneVolumeRayCast
, AppDemoSceneVolumeRayCastLighted
, AppDemoSceneZFighting
, AppMinimalScene
, AppNodeScene
, SLScene
- registerCoreAssetsLoad()
: AppCommon
- registerState()
: sm::StateMachine
- release()
: CVCapture
- ReliefInMeters
: HmdRenderInfo::EyeConfig
- relocalization()
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
, WAISlamTools
- relocalizationGPS()
: WAISlamTools
- relocate()
: CVTrackedFeatures
- remap()
: CVCalibration
- removeChild()
: SLNode
- removeComments()
: SLGLShader
- removeMesh()
: SLAssetManager
, SLNode
- removeProgram()
: SLAssetManager
- removeTextureType()
: SLMaterial
- removeTransformNode()
: AppDemoGui
- render()
: ImGuiRenderer
, ImGuiRendererOpenGL
, SLBackground
, SLPathtracer
- renderBackground()
: SLKeyframeCamera
- renderClassic()
: SLRaytracer
- renderCube()
: SLGLTextureIBL
- renderDirectionalLightCascaded()
: SLShadowMap
- renderDistortion()
: SLGLOculus
- renderDistrib()
: SLRaytracer
- renderer()
: ImGuiEngine
- renderExtraFrame()
: ImGuiWrapper
, SLImGui
, SLUiInterface
- renderImage()
: SLRaytracer
- renderInScene()
: SLBackground
- renderQuad()
: SLGLTextureIBL
- renderResolution()
: SLGLOculus
- renderSec()
: SLRaytracer
- renderShadowMap()
: SLLight
, SLLightDirect
- renderShadows()
: SLShadowMap
- renderSlices()
: SLPathtracer
, SLRaytracer
- renderSlicesAsync
: SLRaytracer
- renderSlicesMS()
: SLRaytracer
- renderSlicesPTAsync
: SLPathtracer
- renderType()
: SLSceneView
- renderUIBeforeUpdate()
: SLRaytracer
- Replace()
: WAIMapPoint
- ReplaceMapPointMatch()
: WAIKeyFrame
- reprojectionError()
: CVCalibration
, CVTrackedFeatures::SLFrameData
- requestFinish()
: WAISlam
- requestResume()
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
- requestStateIdle()
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
, WAISlam
- reserve()
: SLVector< T, U >
- reset()
: AppNodeSceneView
, SLAnimSkeleton
, WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
, WAISlam
- resetNodes()
: SLAnimation
- resetRequests()
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
- resetTimes()
: CVTracked
- resetToInitialState()
: SLNode
- resize()
: CVImage
- Resize
: SLInputEvent
- resize()
: SLInputEventInterface
, SLVector< T, U >
- resolution
: SlamVideoInfos
- resolutionFactor()
: SLRaytracer
- resolutionFactorPC()
: SLRaytracer
- ResolutionInPixels
: HmdRenderInfo
- resolutionScale()
: SLGLOculus
- response
: WAIMapStorage::KeyPointData
- resume()
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
, WAISlam
- retainImage()
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2
, WAISlam
- retainImg
: WAI::ModeOrbSlam2::Params
, WAISlam::Params
, WAISlamTrackPool::Params
- reverse()
: SLVector< T, U >
- rightOS()
: SLNode
- RightTan
: ovrFovPort_
- rightWS()
: SLNode
- rollDEG()
: SLDeviceRotation
- rollRAD()
: SLDeviceRotation
- root2D()
: SLScene
- root3D()
: SLScene
- rootJoint()
: SLAnimSkeleton
- rootNode()
: SLImporter
: WAIMap
: WAIMap
: WAIMap
- rotate()
: SLMat4< T >
, SLNode
, SLQuat4< T >
, WAIMap
- rotateAround()
: SLNode
- rotated()
: SLQuat4< T >
- rotateObject()
: AppNodeSceneView
- rotateObjectAroundPivot()
: AppNodeSceneView
- RotatingSpheres()
: AppDemoSceneAnimNodeMass2
- rotation()
: SLDeviceRotation
, SLMat3< T >
, SLMat4< T >
, SLNode
, SLTransformKeyframe
- rotationAveraged()
: SLDeviceRotation
- roughness()
: SLMaterial
- roughnessCubemap()
: SLSkybox
- rowCount
: YUV2RGB_BlockInfo
- run()
: AsyncWorker
- rvec
: CVTrackedFeatures::SLFrameData