SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
SLSceneView Class Reference

SceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene. More...

#include <SLSceneView.h>

Inheritance diagram for SLSceneView:

Public Member Functions

 SLSceneView (SLScene *s, int dpi, SLInputManager &inputManager)
 SLSceneView default constructor. More...
 ~SLSceneView () override
void init (SLstring name, SLint screenWidth, SLint screenHeight, void *onWndUpdateCallback, void *onSelectNodeMeshCallback, SLUiInterface *gui, const string &configPath)
void unInit ()
void onInitialize ()
SLbool onPaint ()
void onResize (SLint width, SLint height)
virtual void onStartup ()
virtual void preDraw ()
virtual void postDraw ()
virtual void postSceneLoad ()
virtual SLbool onMouseDown (SLMouseButton button, SLint scrX, SLint scrY, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onMouseUp (SLMouseButton button, SLint scrX, SLint scrY, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onMouseMove (SLint x, SLint y)
virtual SLbool onMouseWheelPos (SLint wheelPos, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onMouseWheel (SLint delta, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onTouch2Down (SLint scrX1, SLint scrY1, SLint scrX2, SLint scrY2)
virtual SLbool onTouch2Move (SLint scrX1, SLint scrY1, SLint scrX2, SLint scrY2)
virtual SLbool onTouch2Up (SLint scrX1, SLint scrY1, SLint scrX2, SLint scrY2)
virtual SLbool onDoubleClick (SLMouseButton button, SLint x, SLint y, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onKeyPress (SLKey key, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onKeyRelease (SLKey key, SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onCharInput (SLuint c)
SLbool draw3DGL (SLfloat elapsedTimeSec)
 Draws the 3D scene with OpenGL. More...
void draw3DGLAll ()
void draw3DGLNodes (SLVNode &nodes, SLbool alphaBlended, SLbool depthSorted)
void draw3DGLLines (SLVNode &nodes)
void draw3DGLLinesOverlay (SLVNode &nodes)
void draw2DGL ()
void draw2DGLNodes ()
SLbool draw3DRT ()
SLbool draw3DPT ()
SLbool draw3DCT ()
void initSceneViewCamera (const SLVec3f &dir=-SLVec3f::AXISZ, SLProjType proj=P_monoPerspective)
void switchToSceneViewCamera ()
void switchToNextCameraInScene ()
 Sets the active camera to the next in the scene. More...
SLbool isSceneViewCameraActive ()
SLstring windowTitle ()
void printStats ()
void startRaytracing (SLint maxDepth)
void startPathtracing (SLint maxDepth, SLint samples)
void setViewportFromRatio (const SLVec2i &vpRatio, SLViewportAlign vpAlignment, SLbool vpSameAsVideo)
 Sets the viewport ratio and the viewport rectangle. More...
void saveFrameBufferAsImage (SLstring pathFilename, cv::Size targetSize=cv::Size(-1, -1))
 Saves after n wait frames the front frame buffer as a PNG image. More...
void camera (SLCamera *camera)
void scene (SLScene *scene)
void scrW (SLint scrW)
void scrH (SLint scrH)
void doWaitOnIdle (SLbool doWI)
void doMultiSampling (SLbool doMS)
void doDepthTest (SLbool doDT)
void doFrustumCulling (SLbool doFC)
void doAlphaSorting (SLbool doAS)
void renderType (SLRenderType rt)
void viewportSameAsVideo (bool sameAsVideo)
void screenCaptureIsRequested (bool doScreenCap)
SLScenes ()
SLCameracamera ()
SLCamerasceneViewCamera ()
SLint scrW () const
SLint scrH () const
SLint scrWdiv2 () const
SLint scrHdiv2 () const
SLfloat scrWdivH () const
SLint dpi () const
SLRecti viewportRect () const
SLVec2i viewportRatio () const
SLfloat viewportWdivH () const
SLint viewportW () const
SLint viewportH () const
SLViewportAlign viewportAlign () const
SLbool viewportSameAsVideo () const
SLUiInterfacegui ()
SLbool doFrustumCulling () const
SLbool doAlphaSorting () const
SLbool doMultiSampling () const
SLbool doDepthTest () const
SLbool doWaitOnIdle () const
SLVNodenodesOpaque3D ()
SLVNodenodesBlended3D ()
SLVNodenodesOpaque2D ()
SLVNodenodesBlended2D ()
SLVNodenodesOverdrawn ()
SLRaytracerraytracer ()
SLPathtracerpathtracer ()
SLRenderType renderType () const
SLGLOculusFBoculusFB ()
SLDrawBitsdrawBits ()
SLbool drawBit (SLuint bit)
AvgFloatshadowMapTimeMS ()
AvgFloatcullTimesMS ()
AvgFloatdraw2DTimesMS ()
AvgFloatdraw3DTimesMS ()
SLNodeStatsstats2D ()
SLNodeStatsstats3D ()
SLbool screenCaptureIsRequested ()
std::unordered_set< SLMaterial * > & visibleMaterials2D ()
std::unordered_set< SLMaterial * > & visibleMaterials3D ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SLObject
 SLObject (const SLstring &Name="", const SLstring &url="")
virtual ~SLObject ()
void name (const SLstring &Name)
void url (const SLstring &url)
const SLstringname () const
const SLstringurl () const

Public Attributes

cbOnWndUpdate onWndUpdate
 C-Callback for app for intermediate window repaint. More...
cbOnSelectNodeMesh onSelectedNodeMesh
 C-Callback for app on node selection. More...

Protected Attributes

 Pointer to the scene observed by this scene view. More...
 Pointer to the _active camera. More...
SLCamera _sceneViewCamera
 Default camera for this SceneView (default cam not in scenegraph) More...
SLUiInterface_gui = nullptr
 new tighter imgui wrapper More...
SLNodeStats _stats2D
 Statistic numbers for 2D nodes. More...
SLNodeStats _stats3D
 Statistic numbers for 3D nodes. More...
SLbool _gotPainted
 flag if this sceneview got painted More...
SLRenderType _renderType
 rendering type (GL,RT,PT) More...
SLbool _doDepthTest
 Flag if depth test is turned on. More...
SLbool _doMultiSampling
 Flag if multisampling is on. More...
SLbool _doFrustumCulling
 Flag if view frustum culling is on. More...
SLbool _doAlphaSorting
 Flag if alpha sorting in blending is on. More...
SLbool _doWaitOnIdle
 Flag for Event waiting. More...
SLbool _isFirstFrame
 Flag if it is the first frame rendering. More...
SLDrawBits _drawBits
 Sceneview level drawing flags. More...
SLfloat _shadowMapTimeMS
 time for drawing the shadow maps in ms More...
SLfloat _cullTimeMS
 time for culling in ms More...
SLfloat _draw3DTimeMS
 time for 3D drawing in ms More...
SLfloat _draw2DTimeMS
 time for 2D drawing in ms More...
SLbool _mouseDownL
 Flag if left mouse button is pressed. More...
SLbool _mouseDownR
 Flag if right mouse button is pressed. More...
SLbool _mouseDownM
 Flag if middle mouse button is pressed. More...
SLKey _mouseMod
 mouse modifier key on key down More...
SLint _touchDowns
 finger touch down count More...
SLVec2i _touch [3]
 up to 3 finger touch coordinates More...
SLGLVertexArrayExt _vaoTouch
 Buffer for touch pos. rendering. More...
SLGLVertexArrayExt _vaoCursor
 Virtual cursor for stereo rendering. More...
SLint _scrW
 Screen width in pixels. More...
SLint _scrH
 Screen height in pixels. More...
SLint _scrWdiv2
 Screen half width in pixels. More...
SLint _scrHdiv2
 Screen half height in pixels. More...
SLfloat _scrWdivH
 Screen side aspect ratio. More...
int _dpi
 dots per inch of screen More...
SLVec2i _viewportRatio
 ratio of viewport More...
SLViewportAlign _viewportAlign
 alignment of viewport More...
SLRecti _viewportRect
 rectangle of viewport More...
SLbool _viewportSameAsVideo
 Adapt viewport aspect to the input video. More...
SLbool _screenCaptureIsRequested
 Flag if screen capture is requested. More...
SLint _screenCaptureWaitFrames
 Frames to delay the screen capture. More...
SLGLOculusFB _oculusFB
 Oculus framebuffer. More...
std::unordered_set< SLMaterial * > _visibleMaterials3D
 visible materials 3D per frame More...
std::unordered_set< SLMaterial * > _visibleMaterials2D
 visible materials 2D per frame More...
SLVNode _nodesOpaque2D
 Vector of visible opaque nodes not in _visibleMaterials2D rendered in 2D. More...
SLVNode _nodesBlended2D
 Vector of visible blended nodes not in _visibleMaterials2D rendered in 2D. More...
SLVNode _nodesOpaque3D
 Vector of visible opaque nodes not in _visibleMaterials3D rendered in 3D. More...
SLVNode _nodesBlended3D
 Vector of visible blended nodes not in _visibleMaterials3D rendered in 3D. More...
SLVNode _nodesOverdrawn
 Vector of helper nodes drawn over all others. More...
SLRaytracer _raytracer
 Whitted style raytracer. More...
SLbool _stopRT
 Flag to stop the RT. More...
SLPathtracer _pathtracer
 Pathtracer. More...
SLbool _stopPT
 Flag to stop the PT. More...
AvgFloat _shadowMapTimesMS
 Averaged time for drawing the shadow maps in ms. More...
AvgFloat _cullTimesMS
 Averaged time for culling in ms. More...
AvgFloat _draw3DTimesMS
 Averaged time for 3D drawing in ms. More...
AvgFloat _draw2DTimesMS
 Averaged time for 2D drawing in ms. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SLObject
SLstring _name
 name of an object More...
SLstring _url
 uniform resource locator More...


class SLNode
class SLRaytracer
class SLOptixRaytracer
class SLPathtracer

Detailed Description

SceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene.

The SLSceneView class has a pointer to an active camera that is used to generate the 3D view into a window of the clients GUI system. OpenGL ES3.0 or newer is used the default renderer for framebuffer rendering. Alternatively the sceneview can be rendered with a software ray tracing or path tracing renderer. All mouse, touch, keyboard, resize and paint events of the GUI system are handled in this class by the appropriate event handler methods. If your app need special event handling you can subclass this class and override the virtual function. If the scene contains itself no camera node the sceneview provides its own camera object.

Definition at line 68 of file SLSceneView.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SLSceneView()

SLSceneView::SLSceneView ( SLScene s,
int  dpi,
SLInputManager inputManager 

SLSceneView default constructor.

The default constructor adds the this pointer to the sceneView vector in SLScene. If an in between element in the vector is zero (from previous sceneviews) it will be replaced. The sceneviews _index is the index in the sceneview vector. It never changes throughout the life of a sceneview.

Definition at line 37 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

38  : SLObject(),
39  _s(s),
40  _dpi(dpi),
41  _inputManager(inputManager),
42  _shadowMapTimesMS(60, 0.0f),
43  _cullTimesMS(60, 0.0f),
44  _draw3DTimesMS(60, 0.0f),
45  _draw2DTimesMS(60, 0.0f),
48 {
49 }
SLObject(const SLstring &Name="", const SLstring &url="")
Definition: SLObject.h:25
The SLScene class represents the top level instance holding the scene structure.
Definition: SLScene.h:47
SLbool _screenCaptureIsRequested
Flag if screen capture is requested.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:266
SLint _screenCaptureWaitFrames
Frames to delay the screen capture.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:267
AvgFloat _shadowMapTimesMS
Averaged time for drawing the shadow maps in ms.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:294
SLint dpi() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:175
AvgFloat _cullTimesMS
Averaged time for culling in ms.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:295
SLInputManager & _inputManager
Definition: SLSceneView.h:292
AvgFloat _draw2DTimesMS
Averaged time for 2D drawing in ms.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:297
int _dpi
dots per inch of screen
Definition: SLSceneView.h:261
SLScene * _s
Pointer to the scene observed by this scene view.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:224
AvgFloat _draw3DTimesMS
Averaged time for 3D drawing in ms.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:296

◆ ~SLSceneView()

SLSceneView::~SLSceneView ( )

Definition at line 51 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

52 {
53 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ camera() [1/2]

SLCamera* SLSceneView::camera ( )

Definition at line 168 of file SLSceneView.h.

168 { return _camera; }
SLCamera * _camera
Pointer to the _active camera.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:225

◆ camera() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::camera ( SLCamera camera)

Definition at line 145 of file SLSceneView.h.

145 { _camera = camera; }
SLCamera * camera()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:168

◆ cullTimesMS()

AvgFloat& SLSceneView::cullTimesMS ( )

Definition at line 201 of file SLSceneView.h.

201 { return _cullTimesMS; }

◆ doAlphaSorting() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::doAlphaSorting ( ) const

Definition at line 185 of file SLSceneView.h.

185 { return _doAlphaSorting; }
SLbool _doAlphaSorting
Flag if alpha sorting in blending is on.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:236

◆ doAlphaSorting() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::doAlphaSorting ( SLbool  doAS)

Definition at line 153 of file SLSceneView.h.

153 { _doAlphaSorting = doAS; }

◆ doDepthTest() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::doDepthTest ( ) const

Definition at line 187 of file SLSceneView.h.

187 { return _doDepthTest; }
SLbool _doDepthTest
Flag if depth test is turned on.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:233

◆ doDepthTest() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::doDepthTest ( SLbool  doDT)

Definition at line 151 of file SLSceneView.h.

151 { _doDepthTest = doDT; }

◆ doFrustumCulling() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::doFrustumCulling ( ) const

Definition at line 184 of file SLSceneView.h.

184 { return _doFrustumCulling; }
SLbool _doFrustumCulling
Flag if view frustum culling is on.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:235

◆ doFrustumCulling() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::doFrustumCulling ( SLbool  doFC)

Definition at line 152 of file SLSceneView.h.

152 { _doFrustumCulling = doFC; }

◆ doMultiSampling() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::doMultiSampling ( ) const

Definition at line 186 of file SLSceneView.h.

186 { return _doMultiSampling; }
SLbool _doMultiSampling
Flag if multisampling is on.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:234

◆ doMultiSampling() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::doMultiSampling ( SLbool  doMS)

Definition at line 150 of file SLSceneView.h.

150 { _doMultiSampling = doMS; }

◆ doWaitOnIdle() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::doWaitOnIdle ( ) const

Definition at line 188 of file SLSceneView.h.

188 { return _doWaitOnIdle; }
SLbool _doWaitOnIdle
Flag for Event waiting.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:237

◆ doWaitOnIdle() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::doWaitOnIdle ( SLbool  doWI)

Definition at line 149 of file SLSceneView.h.

149 { _doWaitOnIdle = doWI; }

◆ dpi()

SLint SLSceneView::dpi ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file SLSceneView.h.

175 { return _dpi; }

◆ draw2DGL()

void SLSceneView::draw2DGL ( )

SLSceneView::draw2DGL draws all 2D stuff in ortho projection. So far no update is done to the 2D scenegraph.

Definition at line 1065 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1066 {
1069  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
1070  SLfloat startMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS();
1072  SLfloat w2 = (SLfloat)_scrWdiv2;
1073  SLfloat h2 = (SLfloat)_scrHdiv2;
1077  // Set orthographic projection with 0,0,0 in the screen center
1078  if (_s)
1079  {
1080  // 1. Set Projection & View
1081  stateGL->projectionMatrix.ortho(-w2, w2, -h2, h2, 1.0f, -1.0f);
1082  stateGL->viewport(0, 0, _scrW, _scrH);
1084  // 2. Pseudo 2D Frustum Culling
1085  for (auto material : _visibleMaterials2D)
1086  material->nodesVisible2D().clear();
1087  _visibleMaterials2D.clear();
1088  _nodesOpaque2D.clear();
1089  _nodesBlended2D.clear();
1090  if (_s->root2D())
1091  _s->root2D()->cull2DRec(this);
1093  // 3. Draw all 2D nodes opaque
1094  draw2DGLNodes();
1096  // Draw selection rectangle. See also SLMesh::handleRectangleSelection
1097  if (!_camera->selectRect().isEmpty())
1098  {
1099  SLMat4f prevViewMat = stateGL->viewMatrix;
1100  stateGL->viewMatrix.identity();
1101  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
1102  stateGL->modelMatrix.translate(-w2, h2, 1.0f);
1103  stateGL->depthMask(false); // Freeze depth buffer for blending
1104  stateGL->depthTest(false); // Disable depth testing
1106  stateGL->depthMask(true); // enable depth buffer writing
1107  stateGL->depthTest(true); // enable depth testing
1108  stateGL->viewMatrix = prevViewMat;
1109  }
1111  // Draw deselection rectangle. See also SLMesh::handleRectangleSelection
1112  if (!_camera->deselectRect().isEmpty())
1113  {
1114  SLMat4f prevViewMat = stateGL->viewMatrix;
1115  stateGL->viewMatrix.identity();
1116  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
1117  stateGL->modelMatrix.translate(-w2, h2, 1.0f);
1118  stateGL->depthMask(false); // Freeze depth buffer for blending
1119  stateGL->depthTest(false); // Disable depth testing
1121  stateGL->depthMask(true); // enable depth buffer writing
1122  stateGL->depthTest(true); // enable depth testing
1123  stateGL->viewMatrix = prevViewMat;
1124  }
1125  }
1127  // 4. Draw UI
1128  if (_gui)
1131  _draw2DTimeMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS() - startMS;
1132 }
Definition: Instrumentor.h:41
float SLfloat
Definition: SL.h:173
static float timeMS()
Definition: GlobalTimer.cpp:25
SLRectf & deselectRect()
Definition: SLCamera.h:172
SLRectf & selectRect()
Definition: SLCamera.h:171
Singleton class holding all OpenGL states.
Definition: SLGLState.h:71
SLMat4f modelMatrix
Init all states.
Definition: SLGLState.h:89
void depthMask(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:190
void viewport(SLint x, SLint y, SLsizei width, SLsizei height)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:378
static SLGLState * instance()
Public static instance getter for singleton pattern.
Definition: SLGLState.h:74
SLMat4f viewMatrix
matrix for the active cameras view transform
Definition: SLGLState.h:91
SLMat4f projectionMatrix
matrix for projection transform
Definition: SLGLState.h:90
void depthTest(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:172
void ortho(T l, T r, T b, T t, T n, T f)
Defines a orthographic projection matrix with a field of view angle.
Definition: SLMat4.h:911
void identity()
Sets the identity matrix.
Definition: SLMat4.h:1333
void translate(T tx, T ty, T tz=0)
Definition: SLMat4.h:601
SLbool isEmpty() const
Definition: SLRect.h:74
void drawGL(const SLCol4f &color)
Definition: SLRect.h:88
void root2D(SLNode *root2D)
Definition: SLScene.h:90
SLfloat _draw2DTimeMS
time for 2D drawing in ms
Definition: SLSceneView.h:244
std::unordered_set< SLMaterial * > _visibleMaterials2D
visible materials 2D per frame
Definition: SLSceneView.h:272
SLint _scrW
Screen width in pixels.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:256
SLint _scrH
Screen height in pixels.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:257
SLVNode _nodesOpaque2D
Vector of visible opaque nodes not in _visibleMaterials2D rendered in 2D.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:274
SLVNode _nodesBlended2D
Vector of visible blended nodes not in _visibleMaterials2D rendered in 2D.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:275
SLRecti _viewportRect
rectangle of viewport
Definition: SLSceneView.h:264
SLUiInterface * _gui
new tighter imgui wrapper
Definition: SLSceneView.h:227
SLint _scrWdiv2
Screen half width in pixels.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:258
void draw2DGLNodes()
SLint _scrHdiv2
Screen half height in pixels.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:259
SLNodeStats _stats2D
Statistic numbers for 2D nodes.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:228
virtual void onPaint(const SLRecti &viewport)
ui render call (called by SLSceneView draw2DGL)
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:39
static SLVec4 WHITE
Definition: SLVec4.h:215
static SLVec4 MAGENTA
Definition: SLVec4.h:221
SLuint numNodesOpaque
NO. of visible opaque nodes.
Definition: SLNode.h:43
SLuint numNodesBlended
NO. of visible blended nodes.
Definition: SLNode.h:44

◆ draw2DGLNodes()

void SLSceneView::draw2DGLNodes ( )

SLSceneView::draw2DGLNodes draws 2D nodes from root2D in orthographic projection

Definition at line 1137 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1138 {
1141  SLfloat depth = 1.0f; // Render depth between -1 & 1
1142  SLfloat cs = std::min((float)_scrW, (float)_scrH) * 0.01f; // center size
1143  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
1145  SLMat4f prevViewMat(stateGL->viewMatrix);
1146  stateGL->viewMatrix.identity();
1147  stateGL->depthMask(false); // Freeze depth buffer for blending
1148  stateGL->depthTest(false); // Disable depth testing
1149  stateGL->blend(true); // Enable blending
1150  stateGL->polygonLine(false); // Only filled polygons
1152  // Draw all 2D nodes blended (mostly text font textures)
1153  // draw the shapes directly with their wm transform
1154  for (auto material : _visibleMaterials2D)
1155  {
1156  _stats2D.numNodesOpaque += (SLuint)material->nodesVisible2D().size();
1157  for (auto* node : material->nodesVisible2D())
1158  {
1159  // Apply world transform
1160  stateGL->modelMatrix = node->updateAndGetWM();
1162  // Finally, the nodes meshes
1163  node->drawMesh(this);
1164  }
1165  }
1167  // Deprecated: SLText node need to be meshes as well
1169  for (auto* node : _nodesBlended2D)
1170  {
1171  // Apply world transform
1172  stateGL->modelMatrix = node->updateAndGetWM();
1174  // Finally, the nodes meshes
1175  node->drawMesh(this);
1176  }
1178  // Draw rotation helpers during camera animations
1179  if ((_mouseDownL || _mouseDownM) && _touchDowns == 0)
1180  {
1181  if (_camera->camAnim() == CA_turntableYUp ||
1183  {
1184  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
1185  stateGL->modelMatrix.translate(0, 0, depth);
1187  SLVVec3f centerRombusPoints = {{-cs, 0, 0},
1188  {0, -cs, 0},
1189  {cs, 0, 0},
1190  {0, cs, 0}};
1192  _vaoTouch.generateVertexPos(&centerRombusPoints);
1193  SLCol4f yelloAlpha(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
1196  }
1197  else if (_camera->camAnim() == CA_trackball)
1198  {
1199  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
1200  stateGL->modelMatrix.translate(0, 0, depth);
1202  // radius = half width or height
1203  SLfloat r = (SLfloat)(_scrW < _scrH
1204  ? _scrW / 2
1205  : _scrH / 2) *
1208  SLVVec3f rombusAndCirclePoints; // = {{-cs,0,0},{0,-cs,0},{cs,0,0},{0,cs,0}};
1210  // Add points for circle over window
1211  SLint circlePoints = 60;
1212  SLfloat deltaPhi = Utils::TWOPI / (SLfloat)circlePoints;
1213  for (SLint i = 0; i < circlePoints; ++i)
1214  {
1215  SLVec2f c;
1216  c.fromPolar(r, (float)i * deltaPhi);
1217  rombusAndCirclePoints.push_back(SLVec3f(c.x, c.y, 0));
1218  }
1220  _vaoTouch.generateVertexPos(&rombusAndCirclePoints);
1221  SLCol4f yelloAlpha(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
1224  }
1225  }
1227  stateGL->viewMatrix = prevViewMat;
1228  stateGL->blend(false); // turn off blending
1229  stateGL->depthMask(true); // enable depth buffer writing
1230  stateGL->depthTest(true); // enable depth testing
1231  GET_GL_ERROR; // check if any OGL errors occurred
1232 }
unsigned int SLuint
Definition: SL.h:171
int SLint
Definition: SL.h:170
@ CA_turntableYUp
Orbiting around central object w. turntable rotation around y & right axis.
Definition: SLEnums.h:122
@ CA_trackball
Orbiting around central object w. one rotation around one axis.
Definition: SLEnums.h:124
@ CA_turntableZUp
Orbiting around central object w. turntable rotation around z & right axis.
Definition: SLEnums.h:123
@ PT_lineLoop
Definition: SLGLEnums.h:33
#define GET_GL_ERROR
Definition: SLGLState.h:56
vector< SLVec3f > SLVVec3f
Definition: SLVec3.h:325
SLVec3< SLfloat > SLVec3f
Definition: SLVec3.h:318
SLfloat trackballSize() const
Definition: SLCamera.h:164
void camAnim(SLCamAnim ca)
Definition: SLCamera.h:103
void blend(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:236
void polygonLine(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:290
void generateVertexPos(SLVVec2f *p)
Adds or updates & generates a position vertex attribute for colored line or point drawing.
void drawArrayAsColored(SLGLPrimitiveType primitiveType, SLCol4f color, SLfloat lineOrPointSize=1.0f, SLuint indexFirstVertex=0, SLuint countVertices=0)
Draws the array as the specified primitive with the color.
void clearAttribs()
Clears the attribute definition.
SLbool _mouseDownM
Flag if middle mouse button is pressed.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:248
SLbool _mouseDownL
Flag if left mouse button is pressed.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:246
SLGLVertexArrayExt _vaoTouch
Buffer for touch pos. rendering.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:253
SLint _touchDowns
finger touch down count
Definition: SLSceneView.h:250
T y
Definition: SLVec2.h:30
T x
Definition: SLVec2.h:30
void fromPolar(T r, T phiRAD)
Calculates the vector from polar coords r & phi in radians (-pi < phi < pi)
Definition: SLVec2.h:101
static const float TWOPI
Definition: Utils.h:240

◆ draw2DTimesMS()

AvgFloat& SLSceneView::draw2DTimesMS ( )

Definition at line 202 of file SLSceneView.h.

202 { return _draw2DTimesMS; }

◆ draw3DCT()

SLbool SLSceneView::draw3DCT ( )

◆ draw3DGL()

SLbool SLSceneView::draw3DGL ( SLfloat  elapsedTimeMS)

Draws the 3D scene with OpenGL.

This is the main routine for updating and drawing the 3D scene for one frame. The following steps are processed:

  1. Render shadow maps: Renders all shadow maps for lights in SLLight::renderShadowMap
  2. Updates the camera: If the active camera has an animation it gets updated first in SLCamera::camUpdate
  3. Clear all buffers: The color and depth buffer are cleared in this step. If the projection is the Oculus stereo projection also the framebuffer target is bound.
  4. Set viewport: Depending on the projection we set the camera projection and the view for the center or left eye.
  5. Render background: If no skybox is used the background is rendered. This can be the camera image if the camera is turned on.
  6. Set projection and view: Sets the camera projection matrix
  7. Frustum culling: During the cull traversal all materials that are seen in the view frustum get collected in _visibleMaterials. All nodes with their meshes get collected in SLMaterial::_nodesVisible3D. These materials and nodes get drawn in draw3DGLAll.
  8. Draw skybox: The skybox is draw as first object with frozen depth buffer. The skybox is always around the active camera.
  9. Draw all visible nodes: By calling the SLSceneView::draw3DGL all visible nodes of all visible materials get drawn sorted by material and transparency. If a stereo projection is set, the scene gets drawn a second time for the right eye.
  10. Draw right eye for stereo projections

Definition at line 638 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

639 {
642  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
644  preDraw();
646  ///////////////////////////
647  // 1. Render shadow maps //
648  ///////////////////////////
650  SLfloat startMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS();
652  // Render shadow map for each light which creates shadows
653  for (SLLight* light : _s->lights())
654  {
655  if (light->createsShadows())
656  light->renderShadowMap(this, _s->root3D());
657  }
661  /////////////////////////
662  // 2. Do camera update //
663  /////////////////////////
665  startMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS();
667  // Update camera animation separately (smooth transition on key movement)
668  // todo: ghm1: this is currently only necessary for walking animation (which is somehow always enabled)
669  // A problem is also, that it only updates the current camera.
670  // This is maybe not what we want for sensor rotated camera.
672  SLbool camUpdated = _camera->camUpdate(this, elapsedTimeMS);
674  //////////////////////
675  // 3. Clear buffers //
676  //////////////////////
678  // Render into framebuffer if Oculus stereo projection is used
680  {
681  _s->oculus()->beginFrame();
684  }
686  // Clear color buffer
687  stateGL->clearColor(SLVec4f(0.00001f, 0.00001f, 0.00001f, 1.0f));
688  stateGL->clearColorDepthBuffer();
690  /////////////////////
691  // 4. Set viewport //
692  /////////////////////
695  _camera->setViewport(this, ET_left);
696  else
697  _camera->setViewport(this, ET_center);
699  //////////////////////////
700  // 5. Render background //
701  //////////////////////////
703  // Render solid color, gradient or textured background from active camera
704  if (!_s->skybox())
708  // Change state (only when changed)
709  stateGL->multiSample(_doMultiSampling);
710  stateGL->depthTest(_doDepthTest);
712  //////////////////////////////
713  // 6. Set projection & View //
714  //////////////////////////////
716  // Set projection
718  {
719  _camera->setProjection(this, ET_left);
720  _camera->setView(this, ET_left);
721  }
722  else
723  {
725  _camera->setView(this, ET_center);
726  }
728  ////////////////////////
729  // 7. Frustum culling //
730  ////////////////////////
732  // Delete all visible nodes from the last frame
733  for (auto* material : _visibleMaterials3D)
734  material->nodesVisible3D().clear();
736  _visibleMaterials3D.clear();
737  _nodesOpaque3D.clear();
738  _nodesBlended3D.clear();
739  _nodesOverdrawn.clear();
744  if (_s->root3D())
745  _s->root3D()->cull3DRec(this);
747  _cullTimeMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS() - startMS;
749  ////////////////////
750  // 8. Draw skybox //
751  ////////////////////
753  if (_s->skybox())
754  _s->skybox()->drawAroundCamera(this);
756  ////////////////////////////
757  // 9. Draw all visible nodes
758  ////////////////////////////
760  startMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS();
762  draw3DGLAll();
764  ///////////////////////////////////////////////
765  // 10. Draw right eye for stereo projections //
766  ///////////////////////////////////////////////
769  {
770  _camera->setViewport(this, ET_right);
772  // Only draw backgrounds for stereo projections in different viewports
773  if (!_s->skybox() && _camera->projType() < P_stereoLineByLine)
777  _camera->setView(this, ET_right);
778  stateGL->depthTest(true);
779  if (_s->skybox())
780  _s->skybox()->drawAroundCamera(this);
781  draw3DGLAll();
782  }
784  // Enable all color channels again
785  stateGL->colorMask(1, 1, 1, 1);
787  _draw3DTimeMS = GlobalTimer::timeMS() - startMS;
789  postDraw();
791  GET_GL_ERROR; // Check if any OGL errors occurred
792  return camUpdated;
793 }
bool SLbool
Definition: SL.h:175
@ P_stereoSideBySideD
side-by-side distorted for Oculus Rift like glasses
Definition: SLEnums.h:140
@ P_stereoLineByLine
Definition: SLEnums.h:141
@ P_monoOrthographic
standard mono orthographic projection
Definition: SLEnums.h:137
@ ET_center
Definition: SLEnums.h:154
@ ET_right
Definition: SLEnums.h:155
@ ET_left
Definition: SLEnums.h:153
SLVec4< SLfloat > SLVec4f
Definition: SLVec4.h:235
void render(SLint widthPX, SLint heightPX)
Draws the background as 2D rectangle with OpenGL buffers.
void setViewport(SLSceneView *sv, SLEyeType eye)
Sets the viewport transform depending on the projection.
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:459
void setView(SLSceneView *sv, SLEyeType eye)
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:719
void projType(SLProjType p)
Definition: SLCamera.h:92
virtual SLbool camUpdate(SLSceneView *sv, SLfloat timeMS)
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:98
void setFrustumPlanes()
SLCamera::setFrustumPlanes set the 6 plane from the view frustum.
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1495
SLBackground & background()
Definition: SLCamera.h:165
void setProjection(SLSceneView *sv, SLEyeType eye)
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:513
void bindFramebuffer(SLint scrWidth, SLint scrHeight)
void beginFrame()
Definition: SLGLOculus.cpp:195
SLfloat resolutionScale()
Definition: SLGLOculus.h:51
void clearColor(const SLCol4f &c)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:157
void multiSample(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:267
void colorMask(GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:394
void clearColorDepthBuffer()
Definition: SLGLState.h:123
Abstract Light class for OpenGL light sources.
Definition: SLLight.h:61
T width
Definition: SLRect.h:29
T height
Definition: SLRect.h:29
SLVLight & lights()
Definition: SLScene.h:107
void skybox(SLSkybox *skybox)
Definition: SLScene.h:91
void root3D(SLNode *root3D)
Definition: SLScene.h:78
SLGLOculus * oculus()
Definition: SLScene.h:140
std::unordered_set< SLMaterial * > _visibleMaterials3D
visible materials 3D per frame
Definition: SLSceneView.h:271
virtual void postDraw()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:96
SLNodeStats _stats3D
Statistic numbers for 3D nodes.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:229
void draw3DGLAll()
SLVNode _nodesBlended3D
Vector of visible blended nodes not in _visibleMaterials3D rendered in 3D.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:277
SLVNode _nodesOverdrawn
Vector of helper nodes drawn over all others.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:278
SLGLOculusFB _oculusFB
Oculus framebuffer.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:269
SLVNode _nodesOpaque3D
Vector of visible opaque nodes not in _visibleMaterials3D rendered in 3D.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:276
SLfloat _draw3DTimeMS
time for 3D drawing in ms
Definition: SLSceneView.h:243
virtual void preDraw()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:95
SLfloat _cullTimeMS
time for culling in ms
Definition: SLSceneView.h:242
SLfloat _shadowMapTimeMS
time for drawing the shadow maps in ms
Definition: SLSceneView.h:241

◆ draw3DGLAll()

void SLSceneView::draw3DGLAll ( )

SLSceneView::draw3DGLAll renders by material sorted to avoid expensive material switches on the GPU. During the cull traversal all materials that are seen in the view frustum get collected in _visibleMaterials. All nodes with their meshes get collected in SLMaterial::_nodesVisible3D.
The 3D rendering has then the following steps: 1) Draw nodes with meshes with opaque materials and all helper lines sorted by material
2) Draw remaining opaque nodes (SLCameras, needs redesign)
3) Draw nodes with meshes with blended materials sorted by material and sorted back to front
4) Draw remaining blended nodes (SLText, needs redesign)
5) Draw helpers in overlay mode (not depth buffered)
6) Draw visualization lines of animation curves

Definition at line 808 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

809 {
812  // a) Draw nodes with meshes with opaque materials and all helper lines sorted by material
813  for (auto material : _visibleMaterials3D)
814  {
815  if (!material->hasAlpha())
816  {
817  draw3DGLNodes(material->nodesVisible3D(), false, false);
818  _stats3D.numNodesOpaque += (SLuint)material->nodesVisible3D().size();
819  }
820  draw3DGLLines(material->nodesVisible3D());
821  }
823  // b) Draw remaining opaque nodes without meshes
825  draw3DGLNodes(_nodesOpaque3D, false, false);
828  // c) Draw nodes with meshes with blended materials sorted by material and sorted back to front
829  for (auto material : _visibleMaterials3D)
830  {
831  if (material->hasAlpha())
832  {
833  draw3DGLNodes(material->nodesVisible3D(), true, _doAlphaSorting);
834  _stats3D.numNodesBlended += (SLuint)material->nodesVisible3D().size();
835  }
836  }
838  // d) Draw remaining blended nodes (SLText, needs redesign)
842  // e) Draw helpers in overlay mode (not depth buffered)
843  for (auto material : _visibleMaterials3D)
844  draw3DGLLinesOverlay(material->nodesVisible3D());
849  // f) Draw visualization lines of animation curves
850  _s->animManager().drawVisuals(this);
852  // g) Turn blending off again for correct anaglyph stereo modes
853  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
854  stateGL->blend(false);
855  stateGL->depthMask(true);
856  stateGL->depthTest(true);
857 }
void drawVisuals(SLSceneView *sv)
Draws the animation visualizations.
SLAnimManager & animManager()
Definition: SLScene.h:97
void draw3DGLLinesOverlay(SLVNode &nodes)
void draw3DGLNodes(SLVNode &nodes, SLbool alphaBlended, SLbool depthSorted)
void draw3DGLLines(SLVNode &nodes)

◆ draw3DGLLines()

void SLSceneView::draw3DGLLines ( SLVNode nodes)

SLSceneView::draw3DGLLines draws the AABB from the passed node vector directly with their world coordinates after the view transform. The lines must be drawn without blending. Colors: Red : AABB of nodes with meshes Pink : AABB of nodes without meshes (only child nodes) Yellow: AABB of selected node

Definition at line 909 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

910 {
913  if (nodes.empty()) return;
915  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
916  stateGL->blend(false);
917  stateGL->depthMask(true);
919  // Set the view transform for drawing in world space
920  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
922  // draw the opaque shapes directly w. their wm transform
923  for (auto* node : nodes)
924  {
925  if (node != _camera)
926  {
927  // Draw first AABB of the shapes but not the camera
928  if ((drawBit(SL_DB_BBOX) || node->drawBit(SL_DB_BBOX)) &&
929  !node->isSelected())
930  {
931  if (node->mesh())
932  node->aabb()->drawWS(SLCol4f::RED);
933  else
934  node->aabb()->drawWS(SLCol4f::MAGENTA);
935  }
937  // Draw AABB for selected shapes
938  if (node->isSelected())
939  {
940  node->aabb()->drawWS(SLCol4f::YELLOW);
941  }
942  }
943  }
945  GET_GL_ERROR; // Check if any OGL errors occurred
946 }
#define SL_DB_BBOX
Draw the bounding boxes of a node.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:24
SLbool drawBit(SLuint bit)
Definition: SLSceneView.h:199
static SLVec4 YELLOW
Definition: SLVec4.h:219
static SLVec4 RED
Definition: SLVec4.h:216

◆ draw3DGLLinesOverlay()

void SLSceneView::draw3DGLLinesOverlay ( SLVNode nodes)

SLSceneView::draw3DGLLinesOverlay draws the nodes axis and skeleton joints as overlay

Definition at line 952 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

953 {
956  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
958  // draw the opaque shapes directly w. their wm transform
959  for (auto* node : nodes)
960  {
961  if (node != _camera)
962  {
963  if (drawBit(SL_DB_AXIS) || node->drawBit(SL_DB_AXIS) ||
964  drawBit(SL_DB_SKELETON) || node->drawBit(SL_DB_SKELETON) ||
965  node->isSelected())
966  {
967  // Set the view transform
968  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
969  stateGL->blend(false); // Turn off blending for overlay
970  stateGL->depthMask(true); // Freeze depth buffer for blending
971  stateGL->depthTest(false); // Turn of depth test for overlay
973  // Draw axis
974  if (drawBit(SL_DB_AXIS) ||
975  node->drawBit(SL_DB_AXIS) ||
976  node->isSelected())
977  {
978  node->aabb()->drawAxisWS();
979  }
981  // Draw skeleton
982  if (drawBit(SL_DB_SKELETON) ||
983  node->drawBit(SL_DB_SKELETON))
984  {
985  // Draw axis of the skeleton joints and its parent bones
986  const SLAnimSkeleton* skeleton = node->skeleton();
987  if (skeleton)
988  {
989  for (auto joint : skeleton->joints())
990  {
991  // Get the node wm & apply the joints wm
992  SLMat4f wm = node->updateAndGetWM();
993  wm *= joint->updateAndGetWM();
995  // Get parent node wm & apply the parent joint wm
996  SLMat4f parentWM;
997  if (joint->parent())
998  {
999  parentWM = node->parent()->updateAndGetWM();
1000  parentWM *= joint->parent()->updateAndGetWM();
1001  joint->aabb()->updateBoneWS(parentWM, false, wm);
1002  }
1003  else
1004  joint->aabb()->updateBoneWS(parentWM, true, wm);
1006  joint->aabb()->drawBoneWS();
1007  }
1008  }
1009  }
1010  }
1011  else if (drawBit(SL_DB_BRECT) || node->drawBit(SL_DB_BRECT))
1012  {
1013  node->aabb()->calculateRectSS();
1015  SLMat4f prevProjMat = stateGL->projectionMatrix;
1016  SLMat4f prevViewMat = stateGL->viewMatrix;
1017  SLfloat w2 = (SLfloat)_scrWdiv2;
1018  SLfloat h2 = (SLfloat)_scrHdiv2;
1019  stateGL->projectionMatrix.ortho(-w2, w2, -h2, h2, 1.0f, -1.0f);
1020  stateGL->viewport(0, 0, _scrW, _scrH);
1021  stateGL->viewMatrix.identity();
1022  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
1023  stateGL->modelMatrix.translate(-w2, h2, 1.0f);
1024  stateGL->depthMask(false); // Freeze depth buffer for blending
1025  stateGL->depthTest(false); // Disable depth testing
1027  node->aabb()->rectSS().drawGL(SLCol4f::GREEN);
1029  stateGL->depthMask(true); // Freeze depth buffer for blending
1030  stateGL->depthTest(true); // Disable depth testing
1031  stateGL->projectionMatrix = prevProjMat;
1032  stateGL->viewMatrix = prevViewMat;
1033  }
1034  else if (node->drawBit(SL_DB_OVERDRAW))
1035  {
1036  if (node->mesh() && node->mesh()->mat())
1037  {
1038  SLMesh* mesh = node->mesh();
1039  bool hasAlpha = mesh->mat()->hasAlpha();
1041  // For blended nodes we activate OpenGL blending and stop depth buffer updates
1042  stateGL->blend(hasAlpha);
1043  stateGL->depthMask(!hasAlpha);
1044  stateGL->depthTest(false); // Turn of depth test for overlay
1046  // Set model & view transform
1047  stateGL->viewMatrix = stateGL->viewMatrix;
1048  stateGL->modelMatrix = node->updateAndGetWM();
1050  // Finally, draw the nodes mesh
1051  node->drawMesh(this);
1052  GET_GL_ERROR; // Check if any OGL errors occurred
1053  }
1054  }
1055  }
1056  }
1058  GET_GL_ERROR; // Check if any OGL errors occurred
1059 }
Draw the skeletons joints.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:27
#define SL_DB_AXIS
Draw the coordinate axis of a node.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:25
#define SL_DB_BRECT
Draw the bounding rectangle of a node.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:32
Draw node over all other nodes.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:29
SLAnimSkeleton keeps track of a skeletons joints and animations.
const SLVJoint & joints() const
SLbool hasAlpha()
Returns true if there is any transparency in diffuse alpha or textures.
Definition: SLMaterial.h:125
An SLMesh object is a triangulated mesh, drawn with one draw call.
Definition: SLMesh.h:134
SLMaterial * mat() const
Definition: SLMesh.h:177
static SLVec4 GREEN
Definition: SLVec4.h:217

◆ draw3DGLNodes()

void SLSceneView::draw3DGLNodes ( SLVNode nodes,
SLbool  alphaBlended,
SLbool  depthSorted 

SLSceneView::draw3DGLNodes draws the nodes meshes from the passed node vector directly with their world transform after the view transform.

Definition at line 863 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

866 {
869  if (nodes.empty()) return;
871  // For blended nodes we activate OpenGL blending and stop depth buffer updates
872  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
873  stateGL->blend(alphaBlended);
874  stateGL->depthMask(!alphaBlended);
876  // Important and expensive step for blended nodes with alpha meshes
877  // Depth sort with lambda function by their view distance
878  if (depthSorted)
879  {
880  std::sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [](SLNode* a, SLNode* b)
881  {
882  if (!a) return false;
883  if (!b) return true;
884  return a->aabb()->sqrViewDist() > b->aabb()->sqrViewDist(); });
885  }
887  // draw the shapes directly with their wm transform
888  for (auto* node : nodes)
889  {
890  // Set model matrix as the nodes model to world matrix
891  stateGL->modelMatrix = node->updateAndGetWM();
893  // Finally, draw the nodes mesh
894  node->drawMesh(this);
895  }
897  GET_GL_ERROR; // Check if any OGL errors occurred
898 }
SLNode represents a node in a hierarchical scene graph.
Definition: SLNode.h:147

◆ draw3DPT()

SLbool SLSceneView::draw3DPT ( )

SLSceneView::updateAndRT3D starts the raytracing or refreshes the current RT image during rendering. The function returns true if an animation was done prior to the rendering start.

Definition at line 1936 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1937 {
1938  SLbool updated = false;
1940  // if the pathtracer not yet got started
1941  if (_pathtracer.state() == rtReady)
1942  {
1943  if (_s->root3D())
1944  {
1945  // Update transforms and AABBs
1946  // @Todo: causes multithreading bug in RT
1947  // s->root3D()->needUpdate();
1949  // Do software skinning on all changed skeletons
1950  _s->root3D()->updateMeshAccelStructs();
1951  }
1953  // Start raytracing
1954  _pathtracer.render(this);
1955  }
1957  // Refresh the render image during PT
1958  _pathtracer.renderImage(true);
1960  // React on the stop flag (e.g. ESC)
1961  if (_stopPT)
1962  {
1963  _renderType = RT_gl;
1964  updated = true;
1965  }
1967  return updated;
1968 }
@ RT_gl
Definition: SLEnums.h:70
@ rtReady
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:29
SLbool render(SLSceneView *sv)
void state(SLRTState state)
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:80
virtual void renderImage(bool updateTextureGL)
SLPathtracer _pathtracer
Definition: SLSceneView.h:282
SLbool _stopPT
Flag to stop the PT.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:283
SLRenderType _renderType
rendering type (GL,RT,PT)
Definition: SLSceneView.h:231

◆ draw3DRT()

SLbool SLSceneView::draw3DRT ( )

SLSceneView::updateAndRT3D starts the raytracing or refreshes the current RT image during rendering. The function returns true if an animation was done prior to the rendering start.

Definition at line 1883 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1884 {
1885  SLbool updated = false;
1887  // if the raytracer not yet got started
1888  if (_raytracer.state() == rtReady)
1889  {
1890  if (_s->root3D())
1891  {
1892  // Update transforms and AABBs
1893  // @Todo: causes multithreading bug in RT
1894  // s->root3D()->needUpdate();
1896  // Do software skinning on all changed skeletons
1897  _s->root3D()->updateMeshAccelStructs();
1898  }
1900  // Start raytracing
1901  if (_raytracer.doDistributed())
1902  _raytracer.renderDistrib(this);
1903  else
1904  _raytracer.renderClassic(this);
1905  }
1907  // Refresh the render image during RT
1908  _raytracer.renderImage(true);
1910  // React on the stop flag (e.g. ESC)
1911  if (_stopRT)
1912  {
1913  _renderType = RT_gl;
1914  updated = true;
1915  }
1917  return updated;
1918 }
SLbool renderClassic(SLSceneView *sv)
Definition: SLRaytracer.cpp:56
SLbool renderDistrib(SLSceneView *sv)
void doDistributed(SLbool distrib)
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:90
SLRaytracer _raytracer
Whitted style raytracer.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:280
SLbool _stopRT
Flag to stop the RT.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:281

◆ draw3DTimesMS()

AvgFloat& SLSceneView::draw3DTimesMS ( )

Definition at line 203 of file SLSceneView.h.

203 { return _draw3DTimesMS; }

◆ drawBit()

SLbool SLSceneView::drawBit ( SLuint  bit)

Definition at line 199 of file SLSceneView.h.

199 { return _drawBits.get(bit); }
SLbool get(SLuint bit)
Returns the specified bit.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:69
SLDrawBits _drawBits
Sceneview level drawing flags.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:239

◆ drawBits()

SLDrawBits* SLSceneView::drawBits ( )

Definition at line 198 of file SLSceneView.h.

198 { return &_drawBits; }

◆ gui()

SLUiInterface* SLSceneView::gui ( )

Definition at line 183 of file SLSceneView.h.

183 { return _gui; }

◆ init()

void SLSceneView::init ( SLstring  name,
SLint  screenWidth,
SLint  screenHeight,
void onWndUpdateCallback,
void onSelectNodeMeshCallback,
SLUiInterface gui,
const string &  configPath 

SLSceneView::init initializes default values for an empty scene

nameName of the sceneview
screenWidthWidth of the OpenGL frame buffer.
screenHeightHeight of the OpenGL frame buffer.
onWndUpdateCallbackCallback for ray tracing update
onSelectNodeMeshCallbackCallback on node and mesh selection
guiInterface for the external Gui build function
configPathPath to the config file

Definition at line 64 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

71 {
72  _gui = gui;
73  _name = std::move(name);
74  _scrW = screenWidth;
75  _scrH = screenHeight;
76  _gotPainted = true;
78  // The window update callback function is used to refresh the ray tracing
79  // image during the rendering process. The ray tracing image is drawn by OpenGL
80  // as a texture on a single quad.
81  onWndUpdate = (cbOnWndUpdate)onWndUpdateCallback;
83  // The on select node callback is called when a node got selected on double
84  // click, so that the UI can react on it.
85  onSelectedNodeMesh = (cbOnSelectNodeMesh)onSelectNodeMeshCallback;
89  // enables and modes
90  _mouseDownL = false;
91  _mouseDownR = false;
92  _mouseDownM = false;
93  _touchDowns = 0;
95  _doDepthTest = true;
96  _doMultiSampling = true;
97  _doFrustumCulling = true;
98  _doAlphaSorting = true;
99  _doWaitOnIdle = true;
100  _drawBits.allOff();
102  _stats2D.clear();
103  _stats3D.clear();
105  _scrWdiv2 = _scrW >> 1;
106  _scrHdiv2 = _scrH >> 1;
109  _renderType = RT_gl;
113 #if defined(SL_OS_ANDROID) || defined(SL_OS_MACIOS) || defined(SL_EMSCRIPTEN)
115 #else
117 #endif
119  if (_gui)
120  _gui->init(configPath);
122  // Set default viewport ratio to the same as the screen
125  onStartup();
126 }
@ VA_leftOrBottom
Definition: SLEnums.h:256
@ VA_center
Definition: SLEnums.h:255
void(SL_STDCALL * cbOnSelectNodeMesh)(SLNode *, SLMesh *)
Callback function typedef for select node.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:51
SLbool(SL_STDCALL * cbOnWndUpdate)()
Callback function typedef for GUI window updateRec.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:48
SLVec2< SLint > SLVec2i
Definition: SLVec2.h:140
void allOff()
Turns all bits off.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:48
SLstring _name
name of an object
Definition: SLObject.h:42
const SLstring & name() const
Definition: SLObject.h:38
virtual void onStartup()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:94
SLfloat _scrWdivH
Screen side aspect ratio.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:260
SLbool _gotPainted
flag if this sceneview got painted
Definition: SLSceneView.h:230
cbOnWndUpdate onWndUpdate
C-Callback for app for intermediate window repaint.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:141
cbOnSelectNodeMesh onSelectedNodeMesh
C-Callback for app on node selection.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:142
SLViewportAlign _viewportAlign
alignment of viewport
Definition: SLSceneView.h:263
SLbool _mouseDownR
Flag if right mouse button is pressed.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:247
SLCamera _sceneViewCamera
Default camera for this SceneView (default cam not in scenegraph)
Definition: SLSceneView.h:226
void setViewportFromRatio(const SLVec2i &vpRatio, SLViewportAlign vpAlignment, SLbool vpSameAsVideo)
Sets the viewport ratio and the viewport rectangle.
SLUiInterface * gui()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:183
virtual void init(const string &configPath)
initialization (called by SLSceneView init)
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:29
void clear()
Resets all counters to zero.
Definition: SLNode.h:55

◆ initSceneViewCamera()

void SLSceneView::initSceneViewCamera ( const SLVec3f dir = -SLVec3f::AXISZ,
SLProjType  proj = P_monoPerspective 

SLSceneView::onInitialize is called by the window system before the first rendering. It applies all scene rendering attributes with the according OpenGL function.

Definition at line 163 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

164 {
166"SceneView Camera");
168  _sceneViewCamera.clipFar(2000.0f);
174  // fit scenes bounding box in view frustum
175  if (_s && _s->root3D())
176  {
177  // we want to fit the scenes combined aabb in the view frustum
178  SLAABBox* sceneBounds = _s->root3D()->aabb();
181  _sceneViewCamera.lookAt(sceneBounds->centerWS() + dir,
183  TS_parent);
185  SLfloat minX = sceneBounds->minWS().x;
186  SLfloat minY = sceneBounds->minWS().y;
187  SLfloat minZ = sceneBounds->minWS().z;
188  SLfloat maxX = sceneBounds->maxWS().x;
189  SLfloat maxY = sceneBounds->maxWS().y;
190  SLfloat maxZ = sceneBounds->maxWS().z;
192  // calculate the min and max points in view space
193  SLVec4f vsCorners[8];
195  vsCorners[0] = SLVec4f(minX, minY, minZ);
196  vsCorners[1] = SLVec4f(maxX, minY, minZ);
197  vsCorners[2] = SLVec4f(minX, maxY, minZ);
198  vsCorners[3] = SLVec4f(maxX, maxY, minZ);
199  vsCorners[4] = SLVec4f(minX, minY, maxZ);
200  vsCorners[5] = SLVec4f(maxX, minY, maxZ);
201  vsCorners[6] = SLVec4f(minX, maxY, maxZ);
202  vsCorners[7] = SLVec4f(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
204  SLVec3f vsMin(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
205  SLVec3f vsMax(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN);
209  for (auto& vsCorner : vsCorners)
210  {
211  vsCorner = vm * vsCorner;
213  vsMin.x = std::min(vsMin.x, vsCorner.x);
214  vsMin.y = std::min(vsMin.y, vsCorner.y);
215  vsMin.z = std::min(vsMin.z, vsCorner.z);
217  vsMax.x = std::max(vsMax.x, vsCorner.x);
218  vsMax.y = std::max(vsMax.y, vsCorner.y);
219  vsMax.z = std::max(vsMax.z, vsCorner.z);
220  }
222  SLfloat distX = 0.0f;
223  SLfloat distY = 0.0f;
224  SLfloat halfTan = tan(Utils::DEG2RAD * _sceneViewCamera.fovV() * 0.5f);
226  // @todo There is still a bug when OSX doesn't pass correct GLWidget size
227  // correctly set the camera distance...
230  // special case for orthographic cameras
231  if (proj == P_monoOrthographic)
232  {
233  // NOTE, the orthographic camera has the ability to zoom by using the following:
234  // tan(SL_DEG2RAD*_fovV*0.5f) * pos.length();
236  distX = vsMax.x / (ar * halfTan);
237  distY = vsMax.y / halfTan;
238  }
239  else
240  {
241  // for now we treat all other cases as having a single frustum
242  distX = (vsMax.x - vsMin.x) * 0.5f / (ar * halfTan);
243  distY = (vsMax.y - vsMin.y) * 0.5f / halfTan;
245  distX += vsMax.z;
246  distY += vsMax.z;
247  }
249  SLfloat dist = std::max(distX, distY);
251  // set focal distance
254  }
259  // if no camera exists or in VR mode use the sceneViewCamera
260  if (_camera == nullptr)
261  {
263  }
265  _camera->needUpdate();
266 }
@ TS_world
Definition: SLEnums.h:208
@ TS_parent
Definition: SLEnums.h:209
@ TS_object
Definition: SLEnums.h:210
Defines an axis aligned bounding box.
Definition: SLAABBox.h:34
SLVec3f centerWS()
Definition: SLAABBox.h:50
void minWS(const SLVec3f &minC)
Definition: SLAABBox.h:39
void maxWS(const SLVec3f &maxC)
Definition: SLAABBox.h:40
void stereoEyeSeparation(const SLfloat es)
Definition: SLCamera.h:119
SLfloat fovV() const
Vertical field of view.
Definition: SLCamera.h:135
void clipFar(const SLfloat cFar)
Definition: SLCamera.h:109
void clipNear(const SLfloat cNear)
Definition: SLCamera.h:108
void focalDist(const SLfloat f)
Definition: SLCamera.h:116
void maxSpeed(const SLfloat ms)
Definition: SLCamera.h:112
SLfloat aspect() const
Definition: SLCamera.h:139
void translation(const SLVec3f &pos, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent)
Definition: SLNode.cpp:828
virtual void needUpdate()
Definition: SLNode.cpp:616
void setInitialState()
Definition: SLNode.cpp:1084
const SLMat4f & updateAndGetWMI() const
Definition: SLNode.cpp:714
void lookAt(SLfloat targetX, SLfloat targetY, SLfloat targetZ, SLfloat upX=0, SLfloat upY=1, SLfloat upZ=0, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world)
Definition: SLNode.h:652
virtual SLAABBox & updateAABBRec(SLbool updateAlsoAABBinOS)
Definition: SLNode.cpp:731
void translate(const SLVec3f &vec, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object)
Definition: SLNode.cpp:906
void name(const SLstring &Name)
Definition: SLObject.h:34
static SLVec3 AXISY
Definition: SLVec3.h:298
static const float DEG2RAD
Definition: Utils.h:239

◆ isSceneViewCameraActive()

SLbool SLSceneView::isSceneViewCameraActive ( )

Definition at line 128 of file SLSceneView.h.

128 { return _camera == &_sceneViewCamera; }

◆ nodesBlended2D()

SLVNode& SLSceneView::nodesBlended2D ( )

Definition at line 192 of file SLSceneView.h.

192 { return _nodesBlended2D; }

◆ nodesBlended3D()

SLVNode& SLSceneView::nodesBlended3D ( )

Definition at line 190 of file SLSceneView.h.

190 { return _nodesBlended3D; }

◆ nodesOpaque2D()

SLVNode& SLSceneView::nodesOpaque2D ( )

Definition at line 191 of file SLSceneView.h.

191 { return _nodesOpaque2D; }

◆ nodesOpaque3D()

SLVNode& SLSceneView::nodesOpaque3D ( )

Definition at line 189 of file SLSceneView.h.

189 { return _nodesOpaque3D; }

◆ nodesOverdrawn()

SLVNode& SLSceneView::nodesOverdrawn ( )

Definition at line 193 of file SLSceneView.h.

193 { return _nodesOverdrawn; }

◆ oculusFB()

SLGLOculusFB* SLSceneView::oculusFB ( )

Definition at line 197 of file SLSceneView.h.

197 { return &_oculusFB; }

◆ onCharInput()

SLbool SLSceneView::onCharInput ( SLuint  c)

SLSceneView::onCharInput get called whenever a new charcter comes in

Definition at line 1787 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1788 {
1789  if (_gui)
1790  {
1791  if (_gui->doNotDispatchKeyboard())
1792  {
1793  _gui->onCharInput(c);
1794  return true;
1795  }
1796  }
1798  return false;
1799 }
virtual bool doNotDispatchKeyboard()
inform if user keyboard input was consumed by the ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:58
virtual void onCharInput(SLuint c)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:55

◆ onDoubleClick()

SLbool SLSceneView::onDoubleClick ( SLMouseButton  button,
SLint  scrX,
SLint  scrY,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onDoubleClick gets called when a mouse double click or finger double tab occurs.

Definition at line 1487 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1491 {
1492  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1493  return false;
1495  // Correct viewport offset
1496  // mouse coordinates are top-left, viewport is bottom-left)
1497  SLint x = scrX - _viewportRect.x;
1498  SLint y = scrY - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1500  SLbool result = false;
1502  // Do object picking with ray cast
1503  if (button == MB_left)
1504  {
1505  _mouseDownR = false;
1507  SLRay pickRay(this);
1508  if (_camera)
1509  {
1510  _camera->eyeToPixelRay((SLfloat)x, (SLfloat)y, &pickRay);
1512  // Update the AABB min & max points in OS
1513  _s->root3D()->updateAABBRec(true);
1515  _s->root3D()->hitRec(&pickRay);
1516  if (pickRay.hitNode)
1517  SL_LOG("NODE HIT: %s", pickRay.hitNode->name().c_str());
1518  }
1520  if (pickRay.length < FLT_MAX)
1521  {
1522  if (mod & K_shift)
1523  {
1524  _s->selectNodeMesh(pickRay.hitNode, pickRay.hitMesh);
1525  if (onSelectedNodeMesh)
1526  onSelectedNodeMesh(pickRay.hitNode, pickRay.hitMesh);
1527  }
1528  else
1529  {
1530  if (_s->singleNodeSelected() != pickRay.hitNode)
1533  _s->selectNodeMesh(pickRay.hitNode, pickRay.hitMesh);
1534  if (onSelectedNodeMesh)
1535  onSelectedNodeMesh(pickRay.hitNode, pickRay.hitMesh);
1536  }
1537  result = true;
1538  }
1539  }
1540  else
1541  {
1542  result = _camera->onDoubleClick(button, x, y, mod);
1543  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1544  {
1545  if (eh->onDoubleClick(button, x, y, mod))
1546  result = true;
1547  }
1548  }
1549  return result;
1550 }
#define SL_LOG(...)
Definition: SL.h:233
@ MB_left
Definition: SLEnums.h:100
@ K_shift
Definition: SLEnums.h:62
void eyeToPixelRay(SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLRay *ray)
eyeToPixelRay returns the a ray from the eye to the center of a pixel.
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1514
virtual SLbool onDoubleClick(const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
Ray class with ray and intersection properties.
Definition: SLRay.h:40
T y
Definition: SLRect.h:29
T x
Definition: SLRect.h:29
void deselectAllNodesAndMeshes()
Deselects all nodes and its meshes.
Definition: SLScene.cpp:338
SLVEventHandler & eventHandlers()
Definition: SLScene.h:105
void selectNodeMesh(SLNode *nodeToSelect, SLMesh *meshToSelect)
Handles the full mesh selection from double-clicks.
Definition: SLScene.cpp:234
SLNode * singleNodeSelected()
Returns the node if only one is selected. See also SLMesh::selectNodeMesh.
Definition: SLScene.h:116
T mod(T a, T b)
Definition: Utils.h:250

◆ onInitialize()

void SLSceneView::onInitialize ( )

SLSceneView::onInitialize is called by the window system before the first rendering. It applies all scene rendering attributes with the according OpenGL function.

Definition at line 378 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

379 {
382  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
384  if (_camera)
385  stateGL->onInitialize(_camera->background().colors()[0]);
386  else
387  stateGL->onInitialize(SLCol4f::GRAY);
389  _visibleMaterials2D.clear();
390  _visibleMaterials3D.clear();
391  _nodesOverdrawn.clear();
392  _stats2D.clear();
393  _stats3D.clear();
395  _raytracer.deleteData(false);
396  _renderType = RT_gl;
397  _isFirstFrame = true;
399 #ifdef SL_HAS_OPTIX
400  _optixRaytracer.setupOptix();
401  _optixPathtracer.setupOptix();
402 #endif
404  // init 3D scene with initial depth 1
405  if (_s && _s->root3D() && _s->root3D()->aabb()->radiusOS() < 0.0001f)
406  {
407  // Init camera so that its frustum is set
408  if (_camera)
411  // build axis aligned bounding box hierarchy after init
412  clock_t t = clock();
413  _s->root3D()->updateAABBRec(true);
414  _s->root3D()->updateMeshAccelStructs();
416  SL_LOG_DEBUG("Time for AABBs : %5.3f sec.",
417  (SLfloat)(clock() - t) / (SLfloat)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
419  // Collect node statistics
420  _s->root3D()->statsRec(_stats3D);
422  // Warn if there are no light in scene
423  if (_s->lights().empty())
424  SL_LOG_DEBUG("sv->onInitialize : No Lights found in scene!");
426  //_s->root3D()->dumpRec();
427  }
429  // init 2D scene with initial depth 1
430  if (_s && _s->root2D() && _s->root2D()->aabb()->radiusOS() < 0.0001f)
431  {
432  // build axis aligned bounding box hierarchy after init
433  _s->root2D()->updateAABBRec(true);
435  // Collect node statistics
436  _stats2D.clear();
437  _s->root2D()->statsRec(_stats2D);
438  }
440  // Reset timing variables
441  _shadowMapTimeMS = 0.0f;
442  _cullTimeMS = 0.0f;
443  _draw3DTimeMS = 0.0f;
444  _draw2DTimeMS = 0.0f;
445  _cullTimesMS.init(60, 0.0f);
446  _draw3DTimesMS.init(60, 0.0f);
447  _draw2DTimesMS.init(60, 0.0f);
451  if (_gui)
453 }
#define SL_LOG_DEBUG(...)
Definition: SL.h:237
void colors(const SLCol4f &uniformColor)
Sets a uniform background color.
void onInitialize(const SLCol4f &clearColor)
On init GL.
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:137
void deleteData(SLbool deleteAlsoOnGPU)
Delete all data (CVImages and GPU textures)
void initSceneViewCamera(const SLVec3f &dir=-SLVec3f::AXISZ, SLProjType proj=P_monoPerspective)
SLbool _isFirstFrame
Flag if it is the first frame rendering.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:238
virtual void onResize(const SLRecti &viewportRect)
inform the ui about scene view size change
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:31
static SLVec4 GRAY
Definition: SLVec4.h:214
void init(int numValues, T initValue)
Initializes the average value array to a given value.
Definition: Averaged.h:41

◆ onKeyPress()

SLbool SLSceneView::onKeyPress ( SLKey  key,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onKeyPress gets get called whenever a key is pressed. Before passing the command to the eventhandlers the main key commands are handled by forwarding them to onCommand.

Reimplemented in AppDemoSceneView, and AppNodeSceneView.

Definition at line 1655 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1656 {
1657  // Pass the event to imgui
1658  if (_gui)
1659  {
1660  if (_gui->doNotDispatchKeyboard())
1661  {
1662  _gui->onKeyPress(key, mod);
1663  return true;
1664  }
1665  }
1667  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1668  return false;
1670  // clang-format off
1671  // We have to coordinate these shortcuts in SLDemoGui::buildMenuBar
1672  if (key=='L') {doMultiSampling(!doMultiSampling()); return true;}
1673  if (key=='I') {doWaitOnIdle(!doWaitOnIdle()); return true;}
1674  if (key=='F') {doFrustumCulling(!doFrustumCulling()); return true;}
1675  if (key=='J') {doAlphaSorting(!doAlphaSorting()); return true;}
1676  if (key=='T') {doDepthTest(!doDepthTest()); return true;}
1677  if (key==K_space) {_s->stopAnimations(!_s->stopAnimations()); return true;}
1679  if (key=='R') {startRaytracing(5);}
1680  if (key=='P') {startPathtracing(5, 10);}
1681 #ifdef SL_HAS_OPTIX
1682  if (key=='R' && mod==K_shift) {startOptixRaytracing(5);}
1683  if (key=='P' && mod==K_shift) {startOptixPathtracing(5, 100);}
1684 #endif
1686  if (key=='M') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_MESHWIRED); return true;}
1687  if (key=='H') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_WITHEDGES); return true;}
1688  if (key=='O') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_ONLYEDGES); return true;}
1689  if (key=='N') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_NORMALS); return true;}
1690  if (key=='B') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_BBOX); return true;}
1691  if (key=='U') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_BRECT); return true;}
1692  if (key=='V') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_VOXELS); return true;}
1693  if (key=='X') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_AXIS); return true;}
1694  if (key=='C') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_CULLOFF); return true;}
1695  if (key=='K') {drawBits()->toggle(SL_DB_SKELETON); return true;}
1697  if (key=='5')
1698  { if (_camera->projType() == P_monoPerspective)
1701  if (_renderType == RT_rt && !_raytracer.doContinuous() &&
1704  }
1706  if (key==K_tab) {switchToNextCameraInScene(); return true;}
1708  if (key==K_esc)
1709  {
1713  if (!_s->selectedNodes().empty() ||
1714  !_camera->selectRect().isEmpty() ||
1716  {
1718  _camera->selectRect().setZero();
1720  return true;
1721  }
1723  if(_renderType == RT_rt) _stopRT = true;
1724  if(_renderType == RT_pt) _stopPT = true;
1725 #ifdef SL_HAS_OPTIX
1726  if(_renderType == RT_optix_rt) _stopOptixRT = true;
1727  if(_renderType == RT_optix_pt) _stopOptixPT = true;
1728 #endif
1729  return true;
1730  }
1731  // clang-format on
1733  SLbool result = false;
1734  if (key || mod)
1735  {
1736  // 1) pass it to the camera
1737  result = _camera->onKeyPress(key, mod);
1739  // 2) pass it to any other eventhandler
1740  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1741  {
1742  if (eh->onKeyPress(key, mod))
1743  result = true;
1744  }
1745  }
1746  return result;
1747 }
Draw only hard edges.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:31
Draw the vertex normals.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:23
Draw faces with hard edges.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:30
#define SL_DB_VOXELS
Draw the voxels of the uniform grid.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:26
Turn off face culling.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:28
Draw polygons as wired mesh.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:22
@ P_monoPerspective
standard mono pinhole perspective projection
Definition: SLEnums.h:135
@ RT_rt
Ray Tracing.
Definition: SLEnums.h:71
@ RT_pt
Path Tracing.
Definition: SLEnums.h:72
@ RT_optix_pt
Path Tracing with OptiX.
Definition: SLEnums.h:74
@ RT_optix_rt
Ray Tracing with OptiX.
Definition: SLEnums.h:73
@ K_space
Definition: SLEnums.h:18
@ K_esc
Definition: SLEnums.h:21
@ K_tab
Definition: SLEnums.h:19
@ rtFinished
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:31
SLbool onKeyPress(SLKey key, SLKey mod) override
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1425
void toggle(SLuint bit)
Toggles the specified bit.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:66
void doContinuous(SLbool cont)
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:91
void setZero()
Definition: SLRect.h:49
SLVNode & selectedNodes()
Definition: SLScene.h:124
void stopAnimations(SLbool stop)
Definition: SLScene.h:92
SLDrawBits * drawBits()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:198
void switchToNextCameraInScene()
Sets the active camera to the next in the scene.
SLbool doWaitOnIdle() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:188
SLbool doDepthTest() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:187
void startPathtracing(SLint maxDepth, SLint samples)
SLbool doFrustumCulling() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:184
SLbool doMultiSampling() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:186
void startRaytracing(SLint maxDepth)
SLbool doAlphaSorting() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:185
virtual void onKeyPress(SLKey key, SLKey mod)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:51

◆ onKeyRelease()

SLbool SLSceneView::onKeyRelease ( SLKey  key,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onKeyRelease get called whenever a key is released.

Reimplemented in AppDemoSceneView, and AppNodeSceneView.

Definition at line 1752 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1753 {
1754  // Pass the event to imgui
1755  if (_gui)
1756  {
1757  if (_gui->doNotDispatchKeyboard())
1758  {
1759  _gui->onKeyRelease(key, mod);
1760  return true;
1761  }
1762  }
1764  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1765  return false;
1767  SLbool result = false;
1769  if (key || mod)
1770  {
1771  // 1) pass it to the camera
1772  result = _camera->onKeyRelease(key, mod);
1774  // 2) pass it to any other eventhandler
1775  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1776  {
1777  if (eh->onKeyRelease(key, mod))
1778  result = true;
1779  }
1780  }
1781  return result;
1782 }
SLbool onKeyRelease(SLKey key, SLKey mod) override
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1470
virtual void onKeyRelease(SLKey key, SLKey mod)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:53

◆ onMouseDown()

SLbool SLSceneView::onMouseDown ( SLMouseButton  button,
SLint  scrX,
SLint  scrY,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onMouseDown gets called whenever a mouse button gets pressed and dispatches the event to the currently attached event handler object.

Reimplemented in AppDemoSceneView.

Definition at line 1240 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1244 {
1245  // Correct viewport offset
1246  // mouse coordinates are top-left, viewport is bottom-left)
1247  SLint x = scrX - _viewportRect.x;
1248  SLint y = scrY - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1250  // Pass the event to imgui
1251  if (_gui)
1252  {
1253  _gui->onMouseDown(button, x, y);
1255  // Touch devices on iOS or Android have no mouse move event when the
1256  // finger isn't touching the screen. Therefore, imgui can not detect hovering
1257  // over an imgui window. Without this extra frame you would have to touch
1258  // the display twice to open e.g. a menu.
1259  _gui->renderExtraFrame(_s, this, x, y);
1261  if (_gui->doNotDispatchMouse())
1262  return true;
1263  }
1265  _mouseDownL = (button == MB_left);
1266  _mouseDownR = (button == MB_right);
1267  _mouseDownM = (button == MB_middle);
1268  _mouseMod = mod;
1270  SLbool result = false;
1271  if (_s && _camera && _s->root3D())
1272  {
1273  SLbool eventConsumed = false;
1274  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1275  {
1276  if (eh->onMouseDown(button, x, y, mod))
1277  eventConsumed = true;
1278  }
1280  if (!eventConsumed)
1281  result = _camera->onMouseDown(button, x, y, mod);
1282  else
1283  result = true;
1284  }
1286  return result;
1287 }
@ MB_right
Definition: SLEnums.h:102
@ MB_middle
Definition: SLEnums.h:101
SLbool onMouseDown(SLMouseButton button, SLint x, SLint y, SLKey mod) override
Gets called whenever a mouse button gets pressed.
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1005
SLKey _mouseMod
mouse modifier key on key down
Definition: SLSceneView.h:249
virtual void onMouseDown(SLMouseButton button, SLint x, SLint y)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:43
virtual void renderExtraFrame(SLScene *s, SLSceneView *sv, SLint mouseX, SLint mouseY)
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:40
virtual bool doNotDispatchMouse()
inform if user mouse input was consumed by the ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:64

◆ onMouseMove()

SLbool SLSceneView::onMouseMove ( SLint  scrX,
SLint  scrY 

SLSceneView::onMouseMove gets called whenever the mouse is moved.

Definition at line 1364 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1365 {
1366  // Correct viewport offset
1367  // mouse corrds are top-left, viewport is bottom-left)
1368  SLint x = scrX - _viewportRect.x;
1369  SLint y = scrY - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1371  // Pass the event to imgui
1372  if (_gui)
1373  {
1374  _gui->onMouseMove(x, y);
1375  if (_gui->doNotDispatchMouse())
1376  return true;
1377  }
1379  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1380  return false;
1382  _touchDowns = 0;
1383  SLbool result = false;
1385  SLMouseButton btn;
1386  if (_mouseDownL)
1387  btn = MB_left;
1388  else if (_mouseDownR)
1389  btn = MB_right;
1390  else if (_mouseDownM)
1391  btn = MB_middle;
1392  else
1393  btn = MB_none;
1396  {
1397  // Handle move in ray tracing
1399  {
1400  if (_raytracer.state() == rtFinished)
1402  else
1403  _raytracer.doContinuous(false);
1405  _renderType = RT_gl;
1406  }
1408  // Handle move in path tracing
1409  if (_renderType == RT_pt)
1410  {
1411  if (_pathtracer.state() == rtFinished)
1414  _renderType = RT_gl;
1415  }
1416  }
1418  SLbool eventConsumed = false;
1419  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1420  {
1421  if (eh->onMouseMove(btn, x, y, _mouseMod))
1422  eventConsumed = true;
1423  }
1425  if (!eventConsumed)
1426  result = _camera->onMouseMove(btn, x, y, _mouseMod);
1427  else
1428  result = true;
1430  return result;
1431 }
Mouse button codes.
Definition: SLEnums.h:98
@ MB_none
Definition: SLEnums.h:99
@ rtMoveGL
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:32
SLbool onMouseMove(SLMouseButton button, SLint x, SLint y, SLKey mod) override
Gets called whenever the mouse is moved.
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1031
virtual void onMouseMove(SLint xPos, SLint yPos)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:47

◆ onMouseUp()

SLbool SLSceneView::onMouseUp ( SLMouseButton  button,
SLint  scrX,
SLint  scrY,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onMouseUp gets called whenever a mouse button gets released.

Definition at line 1292 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1296 {
1297  _touchDowns = 0;
1299  // Correct viewport offset
1300  // mouse coordinates are top-left, viewport is bottom-left)
1301  SLint x = scrX - _viewportRect.x;
1302  SLint y = scrY - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1304  // Continue with ray tracing
1305  if (_raytracer.state() == rtMoveGL)
1306  {
1307  _renderType = RT_rt;
1309  }
1311  // Continue with path tracing
1312  if (_pathtracer.state() == rtMoveGL)
1313  {
1314  _renderType = RT_pt;
1316  }
1318  // Pass the event to imgui
1319  if (_gui)
1320  {
1321  _gui->onMouseUp(button, x, y);
1322  if (_gui->doNotDispatchMouse())
1323  return true;
1325  // Touch devices on iOS or Android have no mouse move event when the
1326  // finger isn't touching the screen. Therefore imgui can not detect hovering
1327  // over an imgui window. Without this extra frame you would have to touch
1328  // the display twice to open e.g. a menu.
1329  _gui->renderExtraFrame(_s, this, x, y);
1330  }
1332  _mouseDownL = false;
1333  _mouseDownR = false;
1334  _mouseDownM = false;
1336  if (_s && _camera && _s->root3D())
1337  {
1338  SLbool result = false;
1339  SLbool eventConsumed = false;
1340  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1341  {
1342  if (eh->onMouseUp(button, x, y, mod))
1343  eventConsumed = true;
1344  }
1346  if (!eventConsumed)
1347  {
1348  result = _camera->onMouseUp(button, x, y, mod);
1349  }
1350  else
1351  {
1352  result = true;
1353  }
1355  return result;
1356  }
1358  return false;
1359 }
SLbool onMouseUp(SLMouseButton button, SLint x, SLint y, SLKey mod) override
Gets called whenever the mouse button is released.
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1207
virtual void onMouseUp(SLMouseButton button, SLint x, SLint y)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:45

◆ onMouseWheel()

SLbool SLSceneView::onMouseWheel ( SLint  delta,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onMouseWheel gets called whenever the mouse wheel is turned. The parameter delta is positive/negative depending on the wheel direction

Definition at line 1449 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1450 {
1451  // Pass the event to imgui
1452  if (_gui)
1453  {
1454  if (_gui->doNotDispatchMouse())
1455  {
1456  _gui->onMouseWheel((SLfloat)delta);
1457  return true;
1458  }
1459  }
1461  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1462  return false;
1464  // Handle mouse wheel in RT mode
1465  if (_renderType == RT_rt && !_raytracer.doContinuous() &&
1469  // Handle mouse wheel in PT mode
1470  if (_renderType == RT_pt && _pathtracer.state() == rtFinished)
1473  SLbool result = _camera->onMouseWheel(delta, mod);
1475  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1476  {
1477  if (eh->onMouseWheel(delta, mod))
1478  result = true;
1479  }
1480  return result;
1481 }
SLbool onMouseWheel(SLint delta, SLKey mod) override
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1243
virtual void onMouseWheel(SLfloat yoffset)
forward user input to ui
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:49

◆ onMouseWheelPos()

SLbool SLSceneView::onMouseWheelPos ( SLint  wheelPos,
SLKey  mod 

SLSceneView::onMouseWheel gets called whenever the mouse wheel is turned. The parameter wheelPos is an increasing or decreeing counter number.

Definition at line 1437 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1438 {
1439  static SLint lastMouseWheelPos = 0;
1440  SLint delta = wheelPos - lastMouseWheelPos;
1441  lastMouseWheelPos = wheelPos;
1442  return onMouseWheel(delta, mod);
1443 }
virtual SLbool onMouseWheel(SLint delta, SLKey mod)

◆ onPaint()

SLbool SLSceneView::onPaint ( )

SLSceneView::onPaint is called by window system whenever the window and therefore the scene needs to be painted. Depending on the renderer it calls first SLSceneView::draw3DGL, SLSceneView::draw3DRT or SLSceneView::draw3DPT and then SLSceneView::draw2DGL for all UI in 2D. The method returns true if either the 2D or 3D graph was updated or waitEvents is false.

Definition at line 500 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

501 {
504  // SL_LOG("onPaint: -----------------------------------------------------");
511  SLbool sceneHasChanged = false;
512  SLbool viewConsumedEvents = false;
514  // Only update scene if sceneview got repainted: This check is necessary if
515  // this function is called for multiple SceneViews. In this way we only
516  // update the geometric representations if all SceneViews got painted once.
517  // (can only happen during raytracing)
518  if (_gotPainted)
519  {
520  _gotPainted = false;
522  // Process queued up system events and poll custom input devices
523  viewConsumedEvents = _inputManager.pollAndProcessEvents(this);
525  if (_s)
526  {
527  // update current scene
528  sceneHasChanged = _s->onUpdate((_renderType == RT_rt),
532  }
533  }
535  SLbool camUpdated = false;
537  // Init and build GUI for all projections except distorted stereo
539  _gui->onInitNewFrame(_s, this);
541  // Clear NO. of draw calls after UI creation
546  if (_s && _camera)
547  { // Render the 3D scenegraph by raytracing, pathtracing or OpenGL
548  switch (_renderType)
549  {
550  case RT_gl: camUpdated = draw3DGL(_s->elapsedTimeMS()); break;
551  case RT_rt: camUpdated = draw3DRT(); break;
552  case RT_pt: camUpdated = draw3DPT(); break;
553 #ifdef SL_HAS_OPTIX
554  case RT_optix_rt: camUpdated = draw3DOptixRT(); break;
555  case RT_optix_pt: camUpdated = draw3DOptixPT(); break;
556 #endif
557  }
558  }
560  // Render the 2D stuff inclusive the ImGui
561  draw2DGL();
565  // Finish Oculus framebuffer
568  _scrH,
569  _oculusFB.texID(),
570  _camera->background().colors()[0]);
572  // Set gotPainted only to true if RT is not busy
575  // Return true if it is the first frame or a repaint is needed
576  if (_isFirstFrame)
577  {
578  _isFirstFrame = false;
579  return true;
580  }
582  return !_doWaitOnIdle || camUpdated || sceneHasChanged || viewConsumedEvents;
583 }
Perform skinning on the GPU.
Definition: SLDrawBits.h:33
@ rtBusy
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:30
SLuint texID()
Definition: SLGLOculusFB.h:40
void renderDistortion(SLint width, SLint height, SLuint tex, const SLCol4f &background)
Definition: SLGLOculus.cpp:79
void unbindAnythingAndFlush()
finishes all GL commands
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:465
static SLuint totalDrawCalls
static SLuint totalPrimitivesRendered
static total no. of draw calls
SLbool pollAndProcessEvents(SLSceneView *sv)
bool onUpdate(bool renderTypeIsRT, bool voxelsAreShown, bool forceCPUSkinning)
Updates animations and AABBs.
Definition: SLScene.cpp:124
SLfloat elapsedTimeMS() const
Definition: SLScene.h:103
SLbool draw3DPT()
SLbool draw3DRT()
SLRaytracer * raytracer()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:194
SLbool draw3DGL(SLfloat elapsedTimeSec)
Draws the 3D scene with OpenGL.
static SLuint drawCalls
NO. of draw calls for shadow mapping.
Definition: SLShadowMap.h:92
virtual void onInitNewFrame(SLScene *s, SLSceneView *sv)
prepare the ui for a new rendering, e.g. update visual ui representation (called by SLSceneView onPai...
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:36
void set(T value)
Sets the current value in the value array and builds the average.
Definition: Averaged.h:53

◆ onResize()

void SLSceneView::onResize ( SLint  width,
SLint  height 

SLSceneView::onResize is called by the window system before the first rendering and whenever the window changes its size.

Definition at line 459 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

460 {
461  // On OSX and Qt this can be called with invalid values > so exit
462  if (width == 0 || height == 0) return;
464  if (_scrW != width || _scrH != height)
465  {
466  _scrW = width;
467  _scrH = height;
468  _scrWdiv2 = _scrW >> 1; // width / 2
469  _scrHdiv2 = _scrH >> 1; // height / 2
476  // Resize Oculus framebuffer
478  {
482  }
484  // Stop raytracing & pathtracing on resize
485  if (_renderType != RT_gl)
486  {
487  _renderType = RT_gl;
488  _raytracer.doContinuous(false);
489  }
490  }
491 }
void updateSize(SLint scrWidth, SLint scrHeight)
void renderResolution(SLint width, SLint height)
Definition: SLGLOculus.cpp:182
SLbool _viewportSameAsVideo
Adapt viewport aspect to the input video.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:265
SLVec2i _viewportRatio
ratio of viewport
Definition: SLSceneView.h:262

◆ onStartup()

virtual void SLSceneView::onStartup ( )

Definition at line 94 of file SLSceneView.h.

94 {}

◆ onTouch2Down()

SLbool SLSceneView::onTouch2Down ( SLint  scrX1,
SLint  scrY1,
SLint  scrX2,
SLint  scrY2 

SLSceneView::onTouch2Down gets called whenever two fingers touch a handheld screen.

Definition at line 1556 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1560 {
1561  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1562  return false;
1564  // Correct viewport offset
1565  // mouse coordinates are top-left, viewport is bottom-left)
1566  SLint x1 = scrX1 - _viewportRect.x;
1567  SLint y1 = scrY1 - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1568  SLint x2 = scrX2 - _viewportRect.x;
1569  SLint y2 = scrY2 - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1571  _touch[0].set(x1, y1);
1572  _touch[1].set(x2, y2);
1573  _touchDowns = 2;
1575  SLbool result = _camera->onTouch2Down(x1, y1, x2, y2);
1577  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1578  {
1579  if (eh->onTouch2Down(x1, y1, x2, y2))
1580  result = true;
1581  }
1582  return result;
1583 }
SLbool onTouch2Down(SLint x1, SLint y1, SLint x2, SLint y2) override
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1280
SLVec2i _touch[3]
up to 3 finger touch coordinates
Definition: SLSceneView.h:251
void set(const T X, const T Y)
Definition: SLVec2.h:40

◆ onTouch2Move()

SLbool SLSceneView::onTouch2Move ( SLint  scrX1,
SLint  scrY1,
SLint  scrX2,
SLint  scrY2 

SLSceneView::onTouch2Move gets called whenever two fingers touch a handheld screen.

Definition at line 1589 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1593 {
1594  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1595  return false;
1597  // Correct viewport offset
1598  SLint x1 = scrX1 - _viewportRect.x;
1599  SLint y1 = scrY1 - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1600  SLint x2 = scrX2 - _viewportRect.x;
1601  SLint y2 = scrY2 - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1603  _touch[0].set(x1, y1);
1604  _touch[1].set(x2, y2);
1606  SLbool result = false;
1607  if (_touchDowns == 2)
1608  {
1609  result = _camera->onTouch2Move(x1, y1, x2, y2);
1610  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1611  {
1612  if (eh->onTouch2Move(x1, y1, x2, y2))
1613  result = true;
1614  }
1615  }
1616  return result;
1617 }
SLbool onTouch2Move(SLint x1, SLint y1, SLint x2, SLint y2) override
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1295

◆ onTouch2Up()

SLbool SLSceneView::onTouch2Up ( SLint  scrX1,
SLint  scrY1,
SLint  scrX2,
SLint  scrY2 

SLSceneView::onTouch2Up gets called whenever two fingers lift off a handheld screen.

Definition at line 1623 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1627 {
1628  if (!_s || !_s->root3D())
1629  return false;
1631  // Correct viewport offset
1632  SLint x1 = scrX1 - _viewportRect.x;
1633  SLint y1 = scrY1 - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1634  SLint x2 = scrX2 - _viewportRect.x;
1635  SLint y2 = scrY2 - ((_scrH - _viewportRect.height) - _viewportRect.y);
1637  _touch[0].set(x1, y1);
1638  _touch[1].set(x2, y2);
1639  _touchDowns = 0;
1641  SLbool result = _camera->onTouch2Up(x1, y1, x2, y2);
1642  for (auto* eh : _s->eventHandlers())
1643  {
1644  if (eh->onTouch2Up(x1, y1, x2, y2))
1645  result = true;
1646  }
1647  return result;
1648 }
SLbool onTouch2Up(SLint x1, SLint y1, SLint x2, SLint y2) override
Definition: SLCamera.cpp:1412

◆ pathtracer()

SLPathtracer* SLSceneView::pathtracer ( )

Definition at line 195 of file SLSceneView.h.

195 { return &_pathtracer; }

◆ postDraw()

virtual void SLSceneView::postDraw ( )

Definition at line 96 of file SLSceneView.h.

96 {}

◆ postSceneLoad()

virtual void SLSceneView::postSceneLoad ( )

Reimplemented in AppNodeSceneView.

Definition at line 97 of file SLSceneView.h.

97 {}

◆ preDraw()

virtual void SLSceneView::preDraw ( )

Reimplemented in AppNodeSceneView.

Definition at line 95 of file SLSceneView.h.

95 {}

◆ printStats()

void SLSceneView::printStats ( )

Definition at line 132 of file SLSceneView.h.

132 { _stats3D.print(); }
void print() const
Prints all statistic informations on the std out stream.
Definition: SLNode.h:73

◆ raytracer()

SLRaytracer* SLSceneView::raytracer ( )

Definition at line 194 of file SLSceneView.h.

194 { return &_raytracer; }

◆ renderType() [1/2]

SLRenderType SLSceneView::renderType ( ) const

Definition at line 196 of file SLSceneView.h.

196 { return _renderType; }

◆ renderType() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::renderType ( SLRenderType  rt)

Definition at line 154 of file SLSceneView.h.

154 { _renderType = rt; }

◆ s()

SLScene* SLSceneView::s ( )

Definition at line 167 of file SLSceneView.h.

167 { return _s; }

◆ saveFrameBufferAsImage()

void SLSceneView::saveFrameBufferAsImage ( SLstring  pathFilename,
cv::Size  targetSize = cv::Size(-1, -1) 

Saves after n wait frames the front frame buffer as a PNG image.

Definition at line 2051 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

2053 {
2054  if (_screenCaptureWaitFrames == 0)
2055  {
2056  SLint fbW = _viewportRect.width;
2057  SLint fbH = _viewportRect.height;
2059 #ifndef SL_EMSCRIPTEN
2060  GLsizei nrChannels = 3;
2061 #else
2062  GLsizei nrChannels = 4;
2063 #endif
2065  GLsizei stride = nrChannels * fbW;
2066  stride += (stride % 4) ? (4 - stride % 4) : 0;
2067  GLsizei bufferSize = stride * fbH;
2068  vector<uchar> buffer(bufferSize);
2070  SLGLState::instance()->readPixels(;
2072 #ifndef SL_EMSCRIPTEN
2073  CVMat rgbImg = CVMat(fbH, fbW, CV_8UC3, (void*), stride);
2074  cv::cvtColor(rgbImg, rgbImg, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
2075 #else
2076  CVMat rgbImg = CVMat(fbH,
2077  fbW,
2078  CV_8UC4,
2079  (void*),
2080  stride);
2081  cv::cvtColor(rgbImg, rgbImg, cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB);
2082  nrChannels = 3;
2083  stride = nrChannels * fbW;
2084 #endif
2086  cv::flip(rgbImg, rgbImg, 0);
2087  if (targetSize.width > 0 && targetSize.height > 0)
2088  cv::resize(rgbImg, rgbImg, targetSize);
2090 #ifndef SL_EMSCRIPTEN
2091  vector<int> compression_params;
2092  compression_params.push_back(cv::IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION);
2093  compression_params.push_back(6);
2095  try
2096  {
2097  imwrite(pathFilename, rgbImg, compression_params);
2098  string msg = "Screenshot saved to: " + pathFilename;
2099  SL_LOG(msg.c_str());
2100  }
2101  catch (std::runtime_error& ex)
2102  {
2103  string msg = "SLSceneView::saveFrameBufferAsImage: Exception: ";
2104  msg += ex.what();
2105  Utils::exitMsg("SLProject", msg.c_str(), __LINE__, __FILE__);
2106  }
2107 #else
2108  auto writer = [](void* context, void* data, int size)
2109  {
2110  SLIOStream* stream = (SLIOStream*)context;
2111  stream->write(data, size);
2112  };
2114  SLIOStream* stream = SLFileStorage::open(pathFilename,
2115  IOK_image,
2116  IOM_write);
2117  stbi_write_png_to_func(writer,
2118  (void*)stream,
2119  fbW,
2120  fbH,
2121  nrChannels,
2123  stride);
2124  SLFileStorage::close(stream);
2125 #endif
2127 #if !defined(SL_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(SL_OS_MACIOS) && !defined(SL_EMSCRIPTEN)
2128  _gui->drawMouseCursor(true);
2129 #endif
2130  _screenCaptureIsRequested = false;
2131  }
2132  else
2134 }
cv::Mat CVMat
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:38
@ IOM_write
Definition: SLFileStorage.h:51
@ IOK_image
Definition: SLFileStorage.h:40
void readPixels(void *buffer)
Reads the front framebuffer pixels into the passed buffer.
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:639
Interface for accessing external data using streams.
Definition: SLFileStorage.h:62
virtual size_t write(const void *buffer, size_t size)
Definition: SLFileStorage.h:73
virtual void drawMouseCursor(bool doDraw)
Turns on or off the mouse cursor drawing.
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:67
void close(SLIOStream *stream)
Closes and deletes a stream.
SLIOStream * open(std::string path, SLIOStreamKind kind, SLIOStreamMode mode)
Opens a file stream for I/O operations.
void exitMsg(const char *tag, const char *msg, const int line, const char *file)
Terminates the application with a message. No leak checking.
Definition: Utils.cpp:1135

◆ scene()

void SLSceneView::scene ( SLScene scene)

Definition at line 146 of file SLSceneView.h.

146 { _s = scene; }
void scene(SLScene *scene)
Definition: SLSceneView.h:146

◆ sceneViewCamera()

SLCamera* SLSceneView::sceneViewCamera ( )

Definition at line 169 of file SLSceneView.h.

169 { return &_sceneViewCamera; }

◆ screenCaptureIsRequested() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::screenCaptureIsRequested ( )

Definition at line 206 of file SLSceneView.h.

206 { return _screenCaptureIsRequested; }

◆ screenCaptureIsRequested() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::screenCaptureIsRequested ( bool  doScreenCap)

Definition at line 156 of file SLSceneView.h.

157  {
158  if (doScreenCap)
159  {
160  _gui->drawMouseCursor(false);
162  }
163  _screenCaptureIsRequested = doScreenCap;
164  }

◆ scrH() [1/2]

SLint SLSceneView::scrH ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file SLSceneView.h.

171 { return _scrH; }

◆ scrH() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::scrH ( SLint  scrH)

Definition at line 148 of file SLSceneView.h.

148 { _scrH = scrH; }
SLint scrH() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:171

◆ scrHdiv2()

SLint SLSceneView::scrHdiv2 ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file SLSceneView.h.

173 { return _scrHdiv2; }

◆ scrW() [1/2]

SLint SLSceneView::scrW ( ) const

Definition at line 170 of file SLSceneView.h.

170 { return _scrW; }

◆ scrW() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::scrW ( SLint  scrW)

Definition at line 147 of file SLSceneView.h.

147 { _scrW = scrW; }
SLint scrW() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:170

◆ scrWdiv2()

SLint SLSceneView::scrWdiv2 ( ) const

Definition at line 172 of file SLSceneView.h.

172 { return _scrWdiv2; }

◆ scrWdivH()

SLfloat SLSceneView::scrWdivH ( ) const

Definition at line 174 of file SLSceneView.h.

174 { return _scrWdivH; }

◆ setViewportFromRatio()

void SLSceneView::setViewportFromRatio ( const SLVec2i vpRatio,
SLViewportAlign  vpAlignment,
SLbool  vpSameAsVideo 

Sets the viewport ratio and the viewport rectangle.

Definition at line 309 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

312 {
313  assert(_scrW > 0 && _scrH > 0 && "SLSceneView::setViewportFromRatio: Invalid screen size");
315  _viewportRatio = vpRatio;
316  _viewportAlign = vpAlign;
317  _viewportSameAsVideo = vpSameAsVideo;
319  // Shortcut if viewport is the same as the screen
320  if (vpRatio == SLVec2i::ZERO)
321  {
322  _viewportRect.set(0, 0, _scrW, _scrH);
324  if (_gui)
326  return;
327  }
329  // Calculate viewport rect from viewport aspect ratio
330  SLfloat vpWdivH = (float)vpRatio.x / (float)vpRatio.y;
331  _scrWdivH = (float)_scrW / (float)_scrH;
332  SLRecti vpRect;
334  if (_scrWdivH > vpWdivH)
335  {
336  vpRect.width = (int)((float)_scrH * vpWdivH);
337  vpRect.height = _scrH;
338  vpRect.y = 0;
340  switch (vpAlign)
341  {
342  // viewport coordinates are bottom-left
343  case VA_leftOrBottom: vpRect.x = 0; break;
344  case VA_center:
345  default: vpRect.x = (_scrW - vpRect.width) / 2; break;
346  }
347  }
348  else
349  {
350  vpRect.width = _scrW;
351  vpRect.height = (SLint)((float)_scrW / (float)vpWdivH);
352  vpRect.x = 0;
354  switch (vpAlign)
355  {
356  // viewport coordinates are bottom-left
357  case VA_leftOrBottom: vpRect.y = 0; break;
358  case VA_center:
359  default: vpRect.y = (_scrH - vpRect.height) / 2; break;
360  }
361  }
363  if (SLRecti(_scrW, _scrH).contains(vpRect))
364  {
365  _viewportRect = vpRect;
366  if (_gui)
368  }
369  else
370  SL_EXIT_MSG("SLSceneView::viewport: Viewport is bigger than the screen!");
371 }
#define SL_EXIT_MSG(message)
Definition: SL.h:240
SLRect< SLint, SLVec2i > SLRecti
Definition: SLRect.h:104
void set(const T X, const T Y, const T WIDTH, const T HEIGHT)
Definition: SLRect.h:42
SLbool contains(T X, T Y)
Definition: SLRect.h:76
static SLVec2 ZERO
Definition: SLVec2.h:135

◆ shadowMapTimeMS()

AvgFloat& SLSceneView::shadowMapTimeMS ( )

Definition at line 200 of file SLSceneView.h.

200 { return _shadowMapTimesMS; }

◆ startPathtracing()

void SLSceneView::startPathtracing ( SLint  maxDepth,
SLint  samples 

Starts the pathtracing

Definition at line 1923 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1924 {
1925  _renderType = RT_pt;
1926  _stopPT = false;
1927  _pathtracer.maxDepth(maxDepth);
1928  _pathtracer.aaSamples(samples);
1929 }
void maxDepth(SLint depth)
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:84
void aaSamples(SLint samples)
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:101

◆ startRaytracing()

void SLSceneView::startRaytracing ( SLint  maxDepth)

Starts the ray tracing & sets the RT menu

Definition at line 1871 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1872 {
1873  _renderType = RT_rt;
1874  _stopRT = false;
1875  _raytracer.maxDepth(maxDepth);
1876 }

◆ stats2D()

SLNodeStats& SLSceneView::stats2D ( )

Definition at line 204 of file SLSceneView.h.

204 { return _stats2D; }

◆ stats3D()

SLNodeStats& SLSceneView::stats3D ( )

Definition at line 205 of file SLSceneView.h.

205 { return _stats3D; }

◆ switchToNextCameraInScene()

void SLSceneView::switchToNextCameraInScene ( )

Sets the active camera to the next in the scene.

Definition at line 290 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

291 {
292  if (!_s)
293  return;
295  SLCamera* nextCam = _s->nextCameraInScene(this->camera());
297  if (nextCam == nullptr)
298  return;
300  if (nextCam != _camera)
301  _camera = nextCam;
302  else
306 }
void rebuild()
Definition: SLBackground.h:42
Active or visible camera node class.
Definition: SLCamera.h:54
SLCamera * nextCameraInScene(SLCamera *activeSVCam)
Returns the next camera in the scene if there is one.
Definition: SLScene.cpp:361

◆ switchToSceneViewCamera()

void SLSceneView::switchToSceneViewCamera ( )

SLSceneView::switchToSceneViewCamera the general idea for this function is to switch to the editor camera from a scene camera. It could provide functionality to stay at the position of the previous camera, or to be reset to the init position etc..

Definition at line 274 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

275 {
276  // if we have an active camera, use its position and orientation
277  if (_camera)
278  {
279  SLMat4f currentWM = _camera->updateAndGetWM();
280  SLVec3f position = currentWM.translation();
281  SLVec3f forward(-currentWM.m(8), -currentWM.m(9), -currentWM.m(10));
282  _sceneViewCamera.translation(position);
283  _sceneViewCamera.lookAt(position + forward);
284  }
287 }
SLVec3< T > translation() const
Definition: SLMat4.h:184
void m(int i, T val)
Definition: SLMat4.h:93
const SLMat4f & updateAndGetWM() const
Definition: SLNode.cpp:703

◆ unInit()

void SLSceneView::unInit ( )

Definition at line 128 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

129 {
131  _mouseDownL = false;
132  _mouseDownR = false;
133  _mouseDownM = false;
134  _touchDowns = 0;
136  _renderType = RT_gl;
138  _doDepthTest = true;
139  _doMultiSampling = true;
140  _doFrustumCulling = true;
141  _doAlphaSorting = true;
142  _doWaitOnIdle = true;
143  _drawBits.allOff();
145  for (auto* material : _visibleMaterials2D)
146  material->nodesVisible2D().clear();
147  _visibleMaterials2D.clear();
149  for (auto* material : _visibleMaterials3D)
150  material->nodesVisible3D().clear();
151  _visibleMaterials3D.clear();
153  _stats2D.clear();
154  _stats3D.clear();
155  _s = nullptr;
156 }

◆ viewportAlign()

SLViewportAlign SLSceneView::viewportAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 181 of file SLSceneView.h.

181 { return _viewportAlign; }

◆ viewportH()

SLint SLSceneView::viewportH ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file SLSceneView.h.

180 { return _viewportRect.height; }

◆ viewportRatio()

SLVec2i SLSceneView::viewportRatio ( ) const

Definition at line 177 of file SLSceneView.h.

177 { return _viewportRatio; }

◆ viewportRect()

SLRecti SLSceneView::viewportRect ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file SLSceneView.h.

176 { return _viewportRect; }

◆ viewportSameAsVideo() [1/2]

SLbool SLSceneView::viewportSameAsVideo ( ) const

Definition at line 182 of file SLSceneView.h.

182 { return _viewportSameAsVideo; }

◆ viewportSameAsVideo() [2/2]

void SLSceneView::viewportSameAsVideo ( bool  sameAsVideo)

Definition at line 155 of file SLSceneView.h.

155 { _viewportSameAsVideo = sameAsVideo; }

◆ viewportW()

SLint SLSceneView::viewportW ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file SLSceneView.h.

179 { return _viewportRect.width; }

◆ viewportWdivH()

SLfloat SLSceneView::viewportWdivH ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file SLSceneView.h.

178 { return (float)_viewportRect.width / (float)_viewportRect.height; }

◆ visibleMaterials2D()

std::unordered_set<SLMaterial*>& SLSceneView::visibleMaterials2D ( )

Definition at line 208 of file SLSceneView.h.

208 { return _visibleMaterials2D; }

◆ visibleMaterials3D()

std::unordered_set<SLMaterial*>& SLSceneView::visibleMaterials3D ( )

Definition at line 209 of file SLSceneView.h.

209 { return _visibleMaterials3D; }

◆ windowTitle()

SLstring SLSceneView::windowTitle ( )

Returns the window title with name & FPS

Definition at line 1804 of file SLSceneView.cpp.

1805 {
1806  SLchar title[255];
1807  SLstring profiling = "";
1809 #if PROFILING
1810  profiling = " *** PROFILING *** ";
1811 #endif
1813  if (_s)
1814  {
1815  if (_renderType == RT_rt)
1816  {
1817  SLuint numThreads = _raytracer.doDistributed() ? _raytracer.numThreads() : 1;
1819  if (_raytracer.doContinuous())
1820  {
1821  snprintf(title,
1822  sizeof(title),
1823  "Ray Tracing: %s (fps: %4.1f, Threads: %d)",
1824  _s->name().c_str(),
1825  _s->fps(),
1826  numThreads);
1827  }
1828  else
1829  {
1830  snprintf(title,
1831  sizeof(title),
1832  "Ray Tracing: %s (Threads: %d)",
1833  _s->name().c_str(),
1834  numThreads);
1835  }
1836  }
1837  else if (_renderType == RT_pt)
1838  {
1839  snprintf(title,
1840  sizeof(title),
1841  "Path Tracing: %s (Threads: %d)",
1842  _s->name().c_str(),
1844  }
1845  else
1846  {
1847  string format;
1848  if (_s->fps() > 5)
1849  format = "OpenGL Renderer: %s (fps: %4.0f, %u nodes of %u rendered)";
1850  else
1851  format = "OpenGL Renderer: %s (fps: %4.1f, %u nodes of %u rendered)";
1853  snprintf(title,
1854  sizeof(title),
1855  format.c_str(),
1856  _s->name().c_str(),
1857  _s->fps(),
1859  _stats3D.numNodes);
1860  }
1861  }
1862  else
1863  snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "Scene is loading ...");
1865  return profiling + SLstring(title) + profiling;
1866 }
char SLchar
Definition: SL.h:162
string SLstring
Definition: SL.h:158
static SLuint numThreads()
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:119
SLfloat fps() const
Definition: SLScene.h:108
SLuint numNodes
NO. of children nodes.
Definition: SLNode.h:38

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ SLNode

friend class SLNode

Definition at line 70 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ SLOptixRaytracer

friend class SLOptixRaytracer

Definition at line 72 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ SLPathtracer

friend class SLPathtracer

Definition at line 73 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ SLRaytracer

friend class SLRaytracer

Definition at line 71 of file SLSceneView.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _camera

SLCamera* SLSceneView::_camera

Pointer to the _active camera.

Definition at line 225 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _cullTimeMS

SLfloat SLSceneView::_cullTimeMS

time for culling in ms

Definition at line 242 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _cullTimesMS

AvgFloat SLSceneView::_cullTimesMS

Averaged time for culling in ms.

Definition at line 295 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _doAlphaSorting

SLbool SLSceneView::_doAlphaSorting

Flag if alpha sorting in blending is on.

Definition at line 236 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _doDepthTest

SLbool SLSceneView::_doDepthTest

Flag if depth test is turned on.

Definition at line 233 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _doFrustumCulling

SLbool SLSceneView::_doFrustumCulling

Flag if view frustum culling is on.

Definition at line 235 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _doMultiSampling

SLbool SLSceneView::_doMultiSampling

Flag if multisampling is on.

Definition at line 234 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _doWaitOnIdle

SLbool SLSceneView::_doWaitOnIdle

Flag for Event waiting.

Definition at line 237 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _dpi

int SLSceneView::_dpi

dots per inch of screen

Definition at line 261 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _draw2DTimeMS

SLfloat SLSceneView::_draw2DTimeMS

time for 2D drawing in ms

Definition at line 244 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _draw2DTimesMS

AvgFloat SLSceneView::_draw2DTimesMS

Averaged time for 2D drawing in ms.

Definition at line 297 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _draw3DTimeMS

SLfloat SLSceneView::_draw3DTimeMS

time for 3D drawing in ms

Definition at line 243 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _draw3DTimesMS

AvgFloat SLSceneView::_draw3DTimesMS

Averaged time for 3D drawing in ms.

Definition at line 296 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _drawBits

SLDrawBits SLSceneView::_drawBits

Sceneview level drawing flags.

Definition at line 239 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _gotPainted

SLbool SLSceneView::_gotPainted

flag if this sceneview got painted

Definition at line 230 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _gui

SLUiInterface* SLSceneView::_gui = nullptr

new tighter imgui wrapper

Definition at line 227 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _inputManager

SLInputManager& SLSceneView::_inputManager

Definition at line 292 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _isFirstFrame

SLbool SLSceneView::_isFirstFrame

Flag if it is the first frame rendering.

Definition at line 238 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _mouseDownL

SLbool SLSceneView::_mouseDownL

Flag if left mouse button is pressed.

Definition at line 246 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _mouseDownM

SLbool SLSceneView::_mouseDownM

Flag if middle mouse button is pressed.

Definition at line 248 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _mouseDownR

SLbool SLSceneView::_mouseDownR

Flag if right mouse button is pressed.

Definition at line 247 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _mouseMod

SLKey SLSceneView::_mouseMod

mouse modifier key on key down

Definition at line 249 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _nodesBlended2D

SLVNode SLSceneView::_nodesBlended2D

Vector of visible blended nodes not in _visibleMaterials2D rendered in 2D.

Definition at line 275 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _nodesBlended3D

SLVNode SLSceneView::_nodesBlended3D

Vector of visible blended nodes not in _visibleMaterials3D rendered in 3D.

Definition at line 277 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _nodesOpaque2D

SLVNode SLSceneView::_nodesOpaque2D

Vector of visible opaque nodes not in _visibleMaterials2D rendered in 2D.

Definition at line 274 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _nodesOpaque3D

SLVNode SLSceneView::_nodesOpaque3D

Vector of visible opaque nodes not in _visibleMaterials3D rendered in 3D.

Definition at line 276 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _nodesOverdrawn

SLVNode SLSceneView::_nodesOverdrawn

Vector of helper nodes drawn over all others.

Definition at line 278 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _oculusFB

SLGLOculusFB SLSceneView::_oculusFB

Oculus framebuffer.

Definition at line 269 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _pathtracer

SLPathtracer SLSceneView::_pathtracer


Definition at line 282 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _raytracer

SLRaytracer SLSceneView::_raytracer

Whitted style raytracer.

Definition at line 280 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _renderType

SLRenderType SLSceneView::_renderType

rendering type (GL,RT,PT)

Definition at line 231 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _s

SLScene* SLSceneView::_s

Pointer to the scene observed by this scene view.

Definition at line 224 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _sceneViewCamera

SLCamera SLSceneView::_sceneViewCamera

Default camera for this SceneView (default cam not in scenegraph)

Definition at line 226 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _screenCaptureIsRequested

SLbool SLSceneView::_screenCaptureIsRequested

Flag if screen capture is requested.

Definition at line 266 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _screenCaptureWaitFrames

SLint SLSceneView::_screenCaptureWaitFrames

Frames to delay the screen capture.

Definition at line 267 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _scrH

SLint SLSceneView::_scrH

Screen height in pixels.

Definition at line 257 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _scrHdiv2

SLint SLSceneView::_scrHdiv2

Screen half height in pixels.

Definition at line 259 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _scrW

SLint SLSceneView::_scrW

Screen width in pixels.

Definition at line 256 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _scrWdiv2

SLint SLSceneView::_scrWdiv2

Screen half width in pixels.

Definition at line 258 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _scrWdivH

SLfloat SLSceneView::_scrWdivH

Screen side aspect ratio.

Definition at line 260 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _shadowMapTimeMS

SLfloat SLSceneView::_shadowMapTimeMS

time for drawing the shadow maps in ms

Definition at line 241 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _shadowMapTimesMS

AvgFloat SLSceneView::_shadowMapTimesMS

Averaged time for drawing the shadow maps in ms.

Definition at line 294 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _stats2D

SLNodeStats SLSceneView::_stats2D

Statistic numbers for 2D nodes.

Definition at line 228 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _stats3D

SLNodeStats SLSceneView::_stats3D

Statistic numbers for 3D nodes.

Definition at line 229 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _stopPT

SLbool SLSceneView::_stopPT

Flag to stop the PT.

Definition at line 283 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _stopRT

SLbool SLSceneView::_stopRT

Flag to stop the RT.

Definition at line 281 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _touch

SLVec2i SLSceneView::_touch[3]

up to 3 finger touch coordinates

Definition at line 251 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _touchDowns

SLint SLSceneView::_touchDowns

finger touch down count

Definition at line 250 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _vaoCursor

SLGLVertexArrayExt SLSceneView::_vaoCursor

Virtual cursor for stereo rendering.

Definition at line 254 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _vaoTouch

SLGLVertexArrayExt SLSceneView::_vaoTouch

Buffer for touch pos. rendering.

Definition at line 253 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _viewportAlign

SLViewportAlign SLSceneView::_viewportAlign

alignment of viewport

Definition at line 263 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _viewportRatio

SLVec2i SLSceneView::_viewportRatio

ratio of viewport

Definition at line 262 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _viewportRect

SLRecti SLSceneView::_viewportRect

rectangle of viewport

Definition at line 264 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _viewportSameAsVideo

SLbool SLSceneView::_viewportSameAsVideo

Adapt viewport aspect to the input video.

Definition at line 265 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _visibleMaterials2D

std::unordered_set<SLMaterial*> SLSceneView::_visibleMaterials2D

visible materials 2D per frame

Definition at line 272 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ _visibleMaterials3D

std::unordered_set<SLMaterial*> SLSceneView::_visibleMaterials3D

visible materials 3D per frame

Definition at line 271 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ onSelectedNodeMesh

cbOnSelectNodeMesh SLSceneView::onSelectedNodeMesh

C-Callback for app on node selection.

Definition at line 142 of file SLSceneView.h.

◆ onWndUpdate

cbOnWndUpdate SLSceneView::onWndUpdate

C-Callback for app for intermediate window repaint.

Definition at line 141 of file SLSceneView.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: