enum | SLKey {
K_none = 0
, K_space = 32
, K_tab = 256
, K_enter
, K_esc
, K_backspace
, K_up
, K_down
, K_right
, K_left
, K_home
, K_insert
, K_pageUp
, K_pageDown
, K_NP0
, K_NP1
, K_NP3
, K_NP4
, K_NP5
, K_NP6
, K_NP7
, K_NP9
, K_NPDivide
, K_NPMultiply
, K_NPAdd
, K_NPSubtract
, K_NPDecimal
, K_F1
, K_F2
, K_F3
, K_F4
, K_F6
, K_F7
, K_F8
, K_F9
, K_F10
, K_F12
, K_super = 0x00100000
, K_shift = 0x00200000
, K_ctrl = 0x00400000
, K_alt = 0x00800000
} |
| Keyboard key codes enumeration. More...
enum | SLRenderType { RT_gl = 0
, RT_rt = 1
, RT_pt = 2
, RT_optix_rt = 3
, RT_optix_pt = 4
} |
| Rendering type enumeration. More...
enum | SLAxis { A_x = 0
, A_y = 1
, A_z = 2
} |
| Coordinate axis enumeration. More...
enum | SLMouseButton { MB_none
, MB_left
, MB_middle
, MB_right
} |
| Mouse button codes. More...
enum | SLTextAlign {
, TA_topCenter
, TA_topRight
, TA_centerLeft
, TA_centerCenter
, TA_centerRight
, TA_bottomCenter
, TA_bottomRight
} |
| Enumeration for text alignment in a box. More...
enum | SLCamAnim {
, CA_turntableZUp
, CA_trackball
, CA_walkingYUp
, CA_walkingZUp
, CA_deviceRotYUp
, CA_off
} |
| Enumeration for available camera animation types. More...
enum | SLProjType {
P_monoPerspective = 0
, P_monoIntrinsic
, P_monoOrthographic
, P_stereoSideBySide
, P_stereoSideBySideP
, P_stereoSideBySideD
, P_stereoColumnByColumn
, P_stereoPixelByPixel
, P_stereoColorRC
, P_stereoColorRG
, P_stereoColorRB
} |
| Enumeration for different camera projections. More...
enum | SLEyeType { ET_left = -1
, ET_center = 0
, ET_right = 1
} |
| Enumeration for stereo eye type used for camera projection. More...
enum | SLAnimInterpolation { AI_linear
, AI_bezier
} |
| Enumeration for animation modes. More...
enum | SLAnimLooping { AL_once = 0
, AL_loop = 1
, AL_pingPong = 2
, AL_pingPongLoop = 3
} |
| Enumeration for animation modes. More...
enum | SLEasingCurve {
EC_linear = 0
, EC_inQuad = 1
, EC_outQuad = 2
, EC_inOutQuad = 3
, EC_outInQuad = 4
, EC_inCubic = 5
EC_outCubic = 6
, EC_inOutCubic = 7
, EC_outInCubic = 8
, EC_inQuart = 9
, EC_outQuart = 10
, EC_inOutQuart = 11
EC_outInQuart = 12
, EC_inQuint = 13
, EC_outQuint = 14
, EC_inOutQuint = 15
, EC_outInQuint = 16
, EC_inSine = 17
EC_outSine = 18
, EC_inOutSine = 19
, EC_outInSine = 20
} |
| Enumeration for animation easing curves. More...
enum | SLTransformSpace { TS_world = 0
, TS_parent
, TS_object
} |
| Describes the relative space a transformation is applied in. More...
enum | SLSkinMethod { SM_hardware
, SM_software
} |
| Skinning methods. More...
enum | SLShaderType { ST_none
, ST_vertex
, ST_fragment
, ST_geometry
, ST_tesselation
} |
| Shader type enumeration for vertex or fragment (pixel) shader. More...
enum | SLUniformType {
, UT_incDec
, UT_incInc
, UT_inc
, UT_random
, UT_seconds
} |
| Type definition for GLSL uniform1f variables that change per frame. More...
enum | SLLogVerbosity { LV_quiet = 0
, LV_minimal = 1
, LV_normal = 2
, LV_detailed = 3
, LV_diagnostic = 4
} |
enum | SLViewportAlign { VA_center = 0
, VA_leftOrBottom
} |
| Mouse button codes. More...
enum | SLFogMode { FM_linear = 0
, FM_exp
, FM_exp2
} |
| Corresponds to the old fog modes in OpenGL 2.1. More...
enum | SLBillboardType { BT_Camera = 0
, BT_Vertical
, BT_Horizontal
} |
| Billboard type for its orientation used in SLParticleSystem. More...
enum | SLShapeType { ST_Sphere = 0
, ST_Box
, ST_Cone
, ST_Pyramid
} |
| Particle system shape type. More...
enum | SLReflectionModel { RM_BlinnPhong = 0
, RM_CookTorrance
, RM_Particle
, RM_Custom
} |
| Light Reflection Models for shader generation usd in SLMaterial. More...