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SLRaytracer Class Reference

SLRaytracer hold all the methods for Whitted style Ray Tracing. More...

#include <SLRaytracer.h>

Inheritance diagram for SLRaytracer:

Public Member Functions

 SLRaytracer ()
 ~SLRaytracer () override
SLbool renderClassic (SLSceneView *sv)
SLbool renderDistrib (SLSceneView *sv)
void renderSlices (bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
void renderSlicesMS (bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
SLCol4f trace (SLRay *ray)
SLCol4f shade (SLRay *ray)
void sampleAAPixels (bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
void renderUIBeforeUpdate ()
 Must be called before an inbetween frame updateRec. More...
void setPrimaryRay (SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLRay *primaryRay)
 Set the parameters of a primary ray for a pixel position at x, y. More...
void getAAPixels ()
SLCol4f fogBlend (SLfloat z, SLCol4f color)
virtual void printStats (SLfloat sec)
virtual void initStats (SLint depth)
void state (SLRTState state)
void maxDepth (SLint depth)
void resolutionFactor (SLfloat rf)
void doDistributed (SLbool distrib)
void doContinuous (SLbool cont)
void doFresnel (SLbool fresnel)
void aaSamples (SLint samples)
void gamma (SLfloat g)
SLRTState state () const
SLint maxDepth () const
SLbool doDistributed () const
SLbool doContinuous () const
SLbool doFresnel () const
SLint aaSamples () const
SLint progressPC () const
SLfloat aaThreshold () const
SLfloat renderSec () const
SLfloat gamma () const
SLfloat oneOverGamma () const
SLfloat resolutionFactor () const
SLint resolutionFactorPC () const
SLfloat raysPerMS ()
virtual void prepareImage ()
virtual void renderImage (bool updateTextureGL)
virtual void saveImage ()
 Saves the current RT image as PNG image. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SLGLTexture
 SLGLTexture ()
 Default ctor for all stack instances (not created with new) More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, const SLVCol4f &colors, SLint min_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint mag_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint wrapS=GL_REPEAT, const SLstring &name="2D-Texture")
 ctor for 1D texture with internal image allocation More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLint min_filter, SLint mag_filter, SLint wrapS, SLint wrapT, SLenum target=GL_TEXTURE_2D)
 ctor for empty 2D textures More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int cvtype, SLint min_filter, SLint mag_filter, SLTextureType type, SLint wrapS, SLint wrapT)
 ctor for 2D textures from byte pointer More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, const SLstring &imageFilename, SLint min_filter=GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, SLint mag_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLTextureType type=TT_unknown, SLint wrapS=GL_REPEAT, SLint wrapT=GL_REPEAT)
 ctor for 2D textures with internal image allocation More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, const SLVstring &imageFilenames, SLint min_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint mag_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint wrapS=GL_REPEAT, SLint wrapT=GL_REPEAT, const SLstring &name="3D-Texture", SLbool loadGrayscaleIntoAlpha=false)
 ctor for 3D texture with internal image allocation More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLint depth, const SLstring &imageFilename, SLint min_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint mag_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint wrapS=GL_REPEAT, SLint wrapT=GL_REPEAT, const SLstring &name="3D-Texture", SLbool loadGrayscaleIntoAlpha=false)
 ctor for 3D texture from a single file with depth as 3rd dimension More...
 SLGLTexture (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, const SLstring &imageFilenameXPos, const SLstring &imageFilenameXNeg, const SLstring &imageFilenameYPos, const SLstring &imageFilenameYNeg, const SLstring &imageFilenameZPos, const SLstring &imageFilenameZNeg, SLint min_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLint mag_filter=GL_LINEAR, SLTextureType type=TT_unknown)
 ctor for cube mapping with internal image allocation More...
 ~SLGLTexture () override
virtual void build (SLint texUnit)
void deleteData (SLbool deleteAlsoOnGPU)
 Delete all data (CVImages and GPU textures) More...
void deleteDataGpu ()
 Deletes the OpenGL texture objects and releases the memory on the GPU. More...
void deleteImages ()
 Deletes the CVImages in _images. No more texture mapping in ray tracing. More...
void bindActive (SLuint texUnit=0)
void fullUpdate ()
void drawSprite (SLbool doUpdate, SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat w, SLfloat h)
 Draws the texture as 2D sprite with OpenGL buffers. More...
void cubeUV2XYZ (SLint index, SLfloat u, SLfloat v, SLfloat &x, SLfloat &y, SLfloat &z)
 Computes the unnormalised vector x,y,z from tex. coords. uv with cubemap index. More...
void cubeXYZ2UV (SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLint &index, SLfloat &u, SLfloat &v)
 Computes the uv and cubemap image index from a unnormalised vector x,y,z. More...
SLstring filterString (SLint glFilter)
 Returns OpenGL texture filter as string. More...
void texType (SLTextureType bt)
void uvIndex (SLbyte i)
void bumpScale (SLfloat bs)
void minFiler (SLint minF)
void magFiler (SLint magF)
void needsUpdate (SLbool update)
void textureSize (int width, int height)
void deleteImageAfterBuild (SLbool delImg)
 If deleteImageAfterBuild is set to true you won't be able to ray trace the scene. More...
SLuint width ()
SLuint height ()
SLuint depth ()
SLbyte uvIndex ()
SLint bytesPerPixel ()
SLint bytesOnGPU ()
SLint bytesInFile ()
CVVImageimages ()
SLenum target () const
SLuint texID () const
SLTextureType texType ()
SLfloat bumpScale () const
SLCol4f getTexelf (SLfloat u, SLfloat v, SLuint imgIndex=0)
 SLGLTexture::getTexelf returns a pixel color from u & v texture coordinates. More...
SLCol4f getTexelf (const SLVec3f &cubemapDir)
 SLGLTexture::getTexelf returns a pixel color at the specified cubemap direction. More...
SLbool hasAlpha ()
SLMat4f tm ()
SLbool autoCalcTM3D () const
SLbool needsUpdate ()
SLstring typeName ()
 Returns the texture type as string. More...
SLstring typeShortName ()
 Returns the texture type short. More...
bool isTexture ()
SLstring minificationFilterName ()
SLstring magnificationFilterName ()
void build2DMipmaps (SLint target, SLuint index)
SLbool copyVideoImage (SLint camWidth, SLint camHeight, CVPixelFormatGL glFormat, SLuchar *data, SLbool isContinuous, SLbool isTopLeft)
 Copies the image data from a video camera into the current video image. More...
SLbool copyVideoImage (SLint camWidth, SLint camHeight, CVPixelFormatGL srcFormat, CVPixelFormatGL dstFormat, SLuchar *data, SLbool isContinuous, SLbool isTopLeft)
void calc3DGradients (SLint sampleRadius, const function< void(int)> &onUpdateProgress=nullptr)
void smooth3DGradients (SLint smoothRadius, function< void(int)> onUpdateProgress=nullptr)
SLVec2f dudv (SLfloat u, SLfloat v)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SLObject
 SLObject (const SLstring &Name="", const SLstring &url="")
virtual ~SLObject ()
void name (const SLstring &Name)
void url (const SLstring &url)
const SLstringname () const
const SLstringurl () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SLEventHandler
 SLEventHandler ()
virtual ~SLEventHandler ()
virtual SLbool onMouseDown (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onMouseUp (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onMouseMove (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onDoubleClick (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onMouseWheel (const SLint delta, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onTouch2Down (const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2)
virtual SLbool onTouch2Move (const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2)
virtual SLbool onTouch2Up (const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2)
virtual SLbool onTouch3Down (const SLint x1, const SLint y1)
virtual SLbool onTouch3Move (const SLint x1, const SLint y1)
virtual SLbool onTouch3Up (const SLint x1, const SLint y1)
virtual SLbool onKeyPress (const SLKey key, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onKeyRelease (const SLKey key, const SLKey mod)
virtual SLbool onRotationPYR (const SLfloat pitchRAD, const SLfloat yawRAD, const SLfloat rollRAD)
void mouseRotationFactor (SLfloat rf)
SLfloat mouseRotationFactor ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SLuint numThreads ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SLGLTexture
static SLTextureType detectType (const SLstring &filename)
 Detects the texture type from the filename appendix (See SLTexType def.) More...
static string internalFormatStr (int internalFormat)
 Returns the internal pixel format from OpenGL. More...

Protected Attributes

function< void(bool, SLuint)> renderSlicesAsync
function< void(bool, SLuint)> sampleAAPixelsAsync
 Parent sceneview. More...
SLRTState _state
 RT state;. More...
 shortcut to the camera More...
SLfloat _resolutionFactor
 screen to RT image size factor (default 1.0) More...
SLint _maxDepth
 Max. allowed recursion depth. More...
SLbool _doContinuous
 if true state goes into ready again More...
SLbool _doDistributed
 Flag for parallel distributed RT. More...
SLbool _doFresnel
 Flag for Fresnel reflection. More...
SLint _progressPC
 progress in % More...
SLfloat _renderSec
 Rendering time in seconds. More...
AvgFloat _raysPerMS
 Averaged rays per ms. More...
SLfloat _pxSize
 Pixel size. More...
SLVec3f _eye
 Camera position. More...
SLVec3f _la
SLVec3f _lu
SLVec3f _lr
 Camera lookat, lookup, lookright. More...
SLVec3f _bl
 Bottom left vector. More...
SLint _nextLine
 next line index to render RT in a th
SLVPixel _aaPixels
 Vector for antialiasing pixels. More...
SLfloat _gamma
 gamma correction value More...
SLfloat _oneOverGamma
 one over gamma correction value More...
SLfloat _aaThreshold
 threshold for anti aliasing More...
SLint _aaSamples
 SQRT of uneven num. of AA samples. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SLGLTexture
CVVImage _images
 Vector of CVImage pointers. More...
SLuint _texID
 OpenGL texture ID. More...
SLTextureType _texType
 See SLTextureType. More...
SLint _width
 Texture image width in pixels (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both) More...
SLint _height
 Texture image height in pixels (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both) More...
SLint _depth
 3D Texture image depth (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both) More...
SLbyte _uvIndex
 Texture coordinate index in SLMesh (0 = default) More...
SLint _internalFormat
 Internal OpenGL format. More...
SLint _bytesPerPixel
 Bytes per texture image pixel (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both) More...
SLint _min_filter
 Minification filter. More...
SLint _mag_filter
 Magnification filter. More...
SLint _wrap_s
 Wrapping in s direction. More...
SLint _wrap_t
 Wrapping in t direction. More...
SLenum _target
 texture target More...
SLMat4f _tm
 texture matrix More...
SLuint _bytesOnGPU
 NO. of bytes on GPU. More...
SLuint _bytesInFile
 NO. of bytes in file. More...
SLbool _autoCalcTM3D
 Flag if texture matrix should be calculated from AABB for 3D mapping. More...
SLfloat _bumpScale
 Bump mapping scale factor. More...
SLbool _resizeToPow2
 Flag if image should be resized to n^2. More...
SLGLVertexArray _vaoSprite
 Vertex array object for sprite rendering. More...
std::atomic< bool > _needsUpdate {}
 Flag if image needs an single update. More...
std::mutex _mutex
 Mutex to protect parallel access (used in ray tracing) More...
SLbool _deleteImageAfterBuild
 Flag if images should be deleted after build on GPU. More...
SLbool _compressedTexture = false
 True for compressed texture format on GPU. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SLObject
SLstring _name
 name of an object More...
SLstring _url
 uniform resource locator More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SLEventHandler
SLfloat _mouseRotationFactor
 Mouse rotation sensibility. More...
SLfloat _keyboardDeltaPos
 Delta dist. for keyboard translation. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from SLGLTexture
static SLfloat maxAnisotropy = -1.0f
 Returns the derivation as [s,t]. More...
static SLuint totalNumBytesOnGPU = 0
 Total NO. of bytes used for textures on GPU. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SLGLTexture
void load (const SLstring &filename, SLbool flipVertical=true, SLbool loadGrayscaleIntoAlpha=false)
 Loads the texture, converts color depth & applies vertical mirroring. More...
void load (const SLVCol4f &colors)
 Loads the 1D color data into an image of height 1. More...

Detailed Description

SLRaytracer hold all the methods for Whitted style Ray Tracing.

SLRaytracer implements the methods render, eyeToPixel, trace and shade for classic Whitted style Ray Tracing. This class is a friend class of SLScene and can access via the pointer _s all members of SLScene. The scene traversal for the ray intersection tests is done within the intersection method of all nodes.

Definition at line 55 of file SLRaytracer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SLRaytracer()

SLRaytracer::SLRaytracer ( )

Definition at line 22 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

23 {
24  name("myCoolRaytracer");
26  _sv = nullptr;
27  _state = rtReady;
28  _doDistributed = true;
29  _doContinuous = false;
30  _doFresnel = true;
31  _maxDepth = 5;
32  _aaThreshold = 0.3f; // = 10% color difference
33  _aaSamples = 3;
34  _resolutionFactor = 0.5f;
35  gamma(1.0f);
36  _raysPerMS.init(60, 0.0f);
38  // set texture properties
39  _min_filter = GL_NEAREST;
40  _mag_filter = GL_NEAREST;
41  _wrap_s = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
42  _wrap_t = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
43  _resizeToPow2 = false;
44 }
@ rtReady
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:29
SLbool _resizeToPow2
Flag if image should be resized to n^2.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:321
SLint _wrap_t
Wrapping in t direction.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:314
SLint _min_filter
Minification filter.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:311
SLint _wrap_s
Wrapping in s direction.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:313
SLint _mag_filter
Magnification filter.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:312
const SLstring & name() const
Definition: SLObject.h:38
SLbool _doDistributed
Flag for parallel distributed RT.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:144
SLSceneView * _sv
Parent sceneview.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:138
SLfloat gamma() const
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:123
SLRTState _state
RT state;.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:139
SLfloat _resolutionFactor
screen to RT image size factor (default 1.0)
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:141
SLint _aaSamples
SQRT of uneven num. of AA samples.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:161
SLbool _doFresnel
Flag for Fresnel reflection.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:145
SLint _maxDepth
Max. allowed recursion depth.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:142
SLfloat _aaThreshold
threshold for anti aliasing
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:160
SLbool _doContinuous
if true state goes into ready again
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:143
AvgFloat _raysPerMS
Averaged rays per ms.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:148
void init(int numValues, T initValue)
Initializes the average value array to a given value.
Definition: Averaged.h:41

◆ ~SLRaytracer()

SLRaytracer::~SLRaytracer ( )

Definition at line 46 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

47 {
48  SL_LOG("Destructor : ~SLRaytracer");
49 }
#define SL_LOG(...)
Definition: SL.h:233

Member Function Documentation

◆ aaSamples() [1/2]

SLint SLRaytracer::aaSamples ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file SLRaytracer.h.

118 { return _aaSamples; }

◆ aaSamples() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::aaSamples ( SLint  samples)

Definition at line 101 of file SLRaytracer.h.

102  {
103  _aaSamples = samples;
104  state(rtReady);
105  }
SLRTState state() const
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:113

◆ aaThreshold()

SLfloat SLRaytracer::aaThreshold ( ) const

Definition at line 121 of file SLRaytracer.h.

121 { return _aaThreshold; }

◆ doContinuous() [1/2]

SLbool SLRaytracer::doContinuous ( ) const

Definition at line 116 of file SLRaytracer.h.

116 { return _doContinuous; }

◆ doContinuous() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::doContinuous ( SLbool  cont)

Definition at line 91 of file SLRaytracer.h.

92  {
93  _doContinuous = cont;
94  state(rtReady);
95  }

◆ doDistributed() [1/2]

SLbool SLRaytracer::doDistributed ( ) const

Definition at line 115 of file SLRaytracer.h.

115 { return _doDistributed; }

◆ doDistributed() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::doDistributed ( SLbool  distrib)

Definition at line 90 of file SLRaytracer.h.

90 { _doDistributed = distrib; }

◆ doFresnel() [1/2]

SLbool SLRaytracer::doFresnel ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file SLRaytracer.h.

117 { return _doFresnel; }

◆ doFresnel() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::doFresnel ( SLbool  fresnel)

Definition at line 96 of file SLRaytracer.h.

97  {
98  _doFresnel = fresnel;
99  state(rtReady);
100  }

◆ fogBlend()

SLCol4f SLRaytracer::fogBlend ( SLfloat  z,
SLCol4f  color 

fogBlend: Blends the a fog color to the passed color according to to OpenGL fog calculation. See OpenGL docs for more information on fog properties.

Definition at line 757 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

758 {
759  SLfloat f;
761  if (z > _sv->_camera->clipFar())
762  z = _sv->_camera->clipFar();
764  switch (_cam->fogMode())
765  {
766  case 0:
767  f = (_cam->fogDistEnd() - z) /
768  (_cam->fogDistEnd() - _cam->fogDistStart());
769  break;
770  case 1:
771  f = exp(-_cam->fogDensity() * z);
772  break;
773  default:
774  f = exp(-_cam->fogDensity() * z * _cam->fogDensity() * z);
775  break;
776  }
777  color = f * color + (1 - f) * _cam->fogColor();
778  color.clampMinMax(0, 1);
779  return color;
780 }
float SLfloat
Definition: SL.h:173
void clipFar(const SLfloat cFar)
Definition: SLCamera.h:109
SLfloat fogDistStart() const
Definition: SLCamera.h:160
void fogMode(const SLFogMode mode)
Definition: SLCamera.h:126
SLCol4f fogColor() const
Definition: SLCamera.h:162
void fogDensity(const float density)
Definition: SLCamera.h:127
SLfloat fogDistEnd() const
Definition: SLCamera.h:161
SLCamera * _cam
shortcut to the camera
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:140
SLCamera * _camera
Pointer to the _active camera.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:225
void clampMinMax(const T min, const T max)
Definition: SLVec4.h:119

◆ gamma() [1/2]

SLfloat SLRaytracer::gamma ( ) const

Definition at line 123 of file SLRaytracer.h.

123 { return _gamma; }
SLfloat _gamma
gamma correction value
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:156

◆ gamma() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::gamma ( SLfloat  g)

Definition at line 106 of file SLRaytracer.h.

107  {
108  _gamma = g;
109  _oneOverGamma = 1.0f / g;
110  }
SLfloat _oneOverGamma
one over gamma correction value
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:157

◆ getAAPixels()

void SLRaytracer::getAAPixels ( )

This method fills the pixels into the vector pix that need to be sub-sampled because the contrast to its left and/or above neighbor is above a threshold.

Definition at line 605 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

606 {
607  SLCol4f color, colorLeft, colorUp; // pixel colors to be compared
608  SLVbool gotSampled;
609  gotSampled.resize(_images[0]->width()); // Flags if above pixel got sampled
610  SLbool isSubsampled; // Flag if pixel got sub-sampled
612  // Nothing got sampled at beginning
613  for (SLuint x = 0; x < _images[0]->width(); ++x)
614  gotSampled[x] = false;
616  // Loop through all pixels & add the pixel that have to be subsampled
617  _aaPixels.clear();
618  for (SLuint y = 0; y < _images[0]->height(); ++y)
619  {
620  for (SLuint x = 0; x < _images[0]->width(); ++x)
621  {
622  CVVec4f c4f = _images[0]->getPixeli((SLint)x, (SLint)y);
623  color.set(c4f[0], c4f[1], c4f[2], c4f[3]);
625  isSubsampled = false;
626  if (x > 0)
627  {
628  CVVec4f colL = _images[0]->getPixeli((SLint)x - 1, (SLint)y);
629  colorLeft.set(colL[0], colL[1], colL[2], colL[3]);
630  if (color.diffRGB(colorLeft) > _aaThreshold)
631  {
632  if (!gotSampled[x - 1])
633  {
634  _aaPixels.push_back(SLRTAAPixel((SLushort)x - 1, (SLushort)y));
635  gotSampled[x - 1] = true;
636  }
637  _aaPixels.push_back(SLRTAAPixel((SLushort)x, (SLushort)y));
638  isSubsampled = true;
639  }
640  }
641  if (y > 0)
642  {
643  CVVec4f colU = _images[0]->getPixeli((SLint)x, (SLint)y - 1);
644  colorUp.set(colU[0], colU[1], colU[2], colU[3]);
645  if (color.diffRGB(colorUp) > _aaThreshold)
646  {
647  if (!gotSampled[x])
648  _aaPixels.push_back(SLRTAAPixel((SLushort)x, (SLushort)y - 1));
649  if (!isSubsampled)
650  {
651  _aaPixels.push_back(SLRTAAPixel((SLushort)x, (SLushort)y));
652  isSubsampled = true;
653  }
654  }
655  }
656  gotSampled[x] = isSubsampled;
657  }
658  }
660 }
cv::Vec4f CVVec4f
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:54
unsigned int SLuint
Definition: SL.h:171
bool SLbool
Definition: SL.h:175
unsigned short SLushort
Definition: SL.h:169
vector< SLbool > SLVbool
Definition: SL.h:189
int SLint
Definition: SL.h:170
SLuint width()
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:218
CVVImage _images
Vector of CVImage pointers.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:302
static SLuint subsampledPixels
NO. of of subsampled pixels.
Definition: SLRay.h:138
SLVPixel _aaPixels
Vector for antialiasing pixels.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:155
void set(const T X, const T Y, const T Z, const T W=1)
Definition: SLVec4.h:49
T diffRGB(const SLVec4 &v)
Definition: SLVec4.h:128
Pixel index struct used in anti aliasing in ray tracing.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:37

◆ initStats()

void SLRaytracer::initStats ( SLint  depth)

Initialises the statistic variables in SLRay to zero

Definition at line 785 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

786 {
788  SLRay::primaryRays = 0;
791  SLRay::tirRays = 0;
792  SLRay::shadowRays = 0;
795  SLRay::tests = 0;
798  SLRay::avgDepth = 0.0f;
799 }
Ray tracing constant for max. allowed recursion depth.
Definition: SLRay.h:30
SLuint depth()
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:220
static SLuint intersections
NO. of intersection.
Definition: SLRay.h:133
static SLuint primaryRays
NO. of primary rays shot.
Definition: SLRay.h:126
static SLuint tirRays
NO. of TIR refraction rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:131
static SLuint tests
NO. of intersection tests.
Definition: SLRay.h:132
static SLuint reflectedRays
NO. of reflected rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:127
static SLint maxDepthReached
max. depth reached for all rays
Definition: SLRay.h:135
static SLuint refractedRays
NO. of refracted rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:128
static SLfloat avgDepth
average depth reached
Definition: SLRay.h:136
static SLuint subsampledRays
NO. of of subsampled rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:137
static SLuint shadowRays
NO. of shadow rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:130
static SLint maxDepth
Max. recursion depth.
Definition: SLRay.h:124

◆ maxDepth() [1/2]

SLint SLRaytracer::maxDepth ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file SLRaytracer.h.

114 { return _maxDepth; }

◆ maxDepth() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::maxDepth ( SLint  depth)

Definition at line 84 of file SLRaytracer.h.

85  {
86  _maxDepth = depth;
87  state(rtReady);
88  }

◆ numThreads()

static SLuint SLRaytracer::numThreads ( )

Definition at line 119 of file SLRaytracer.h.

119 { return Utils::maxThreads(); }
unsigned int maxThreads()
Returns in release config the max. NO. of threads otherwise 1.
Definition: Utils.cpp:1191

◆ oneOverGamma()

SLfloat SLRaytracer::oneOverGamma ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file SLRaytracer.h.

124 { return _oneOverGamma; }

◆ prepareImage()

void SLRaytracer::prepareImage ( )

Creates the inherited image in the texture class. The RT is drawn into a texture map that is displayed with OpenGL in 2D-orthographic projection. Also precalculate as much as possible.

Definition at line 842 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

843 {
844  ///////////////////////
846  ///////////////////////
848  _cam = _sv->_camera; // camera shortcut
850  // get camera vectors eye, lookAt, lookUp
851  _cam->updateAndGetVM().lookAt(&_eye, &_la, &_lu, &_lr);
853  if (_cam->projType() == P_monoOrthographic)
854  {
855  /*
856  In orthographic projection the bottom-left vector (_bl) points
857  from the eye to the center of the bottom-left pixel of a plane that
858  parallel to the projection plan at zero distance from the eye.
859  */
861  SLfloat hh = tan(Utils::DEG2RAD * _cam->fovV() * 0.5f) * pos.length();
862  SLfloat hw = hh * _sv->viewportWdivH();
864  // calculate the size of a pixel in world coords.
865  _pxSize = hw * 2 / ((SLint)((SLfloat)_sv->viewportW() * _resolutionFactor));
867  _bl = _eye - hw * _lr - hh * _lu + _pxSize / 2 * _lr - _pxSize / 2 * _lu;
868  }
869  else
870  {
871  /*
872  In perspective projection the bottom-left vector (_bl) points
873  from the eye to the center of the bottom-left pixel on a projection
874  plan in focal distance. See also the computer graphics script about
875  primary ray calculation.
876  */
877  // calculate half window width & height in world coords
878  SLfloat hh = tan(Utils::DEG2RAD * _cam->fovV() * 0.5f) * _cam->focalDist();
879  SLfloat hw = hh * _sv->viewportWdivH();
881  // calculate the size of a pixel in world coords.
882  _pxSize = hw * 2 / ((SLint)((SLfloat)_sv->viewportW() * _resolutionFactor));
884  // calculate a vector to the center (C) of the bottom left (BL) pixel
885  SLVec3f C = _la * _cam->focalDist();
886  _bl = C - hw * _lr - hh * _lu + _pxSize / 2 * _lr + _pxSize / 2 * _lu;
887  }
889  // Create the image for the first time
890  if (_images.empty())
891  _images.push_back(new CVImage((SLint)((SLfloat)_sv->viewportW() * _resolutionFactor),
893  PF_rgb,
894  "Raytracer"));
896  // Allocate image of the inherited texture class
897  if ((SLint)((SLfloat)_sv->viewportW() * _resolutionFactor) != (SLint)_images[0]->width() ||
898  (SLint)((SLfloat)_sv->viewportH() * _resolutionFactor) != (SLint)_images[0]->height())
899  {
900  // Delete the OpenGL Texture if it already exists
901  if (_texID)
902  {
903  glDeleteTextures(1, &_texID);
904  _texID = 0;
905  }
908  _images[0]->allocate((SLint)((SLfloat)_sv->viewportW() * _resolutionFactor),
910  PF_rgb);
912  _width = (SLint)_images[0]->width();
913  _height = (SLint)_images[0]->height();
914  _depth = (SLint)_images.size();
915  }
917  // Fill image black for single RT
918  if (!_doContinuous) _images[0]->fill(0, 0, 0);
919 }
@ PF_rgb
Definition: CVImage.h:36
@ P_monoOrthographic
standard mono orthographic projection
Definition: SLEnums.h:137
OpenCV image class with the same interface as the former SLImage class.
Definition: CVImage.h:64
SLfloat fovV() const
Vertical field of view.
Definition: SLCamera.h:135
void focalDist(const SLfloat f)
Definition: SLCamera.h:116
void projType(SLProjType p)
Definition: SLCamera.h:92
const SLMat4f & updateAndGetVM() const
Definition: SLCamera.h:131
SLint _width
Texture image width in pixels (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both)
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:305
SLuint height()
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:219
SLint _height
Texture image height in pixels (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both)
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:306
SLint _depth
3D Texture image depth (images exist either in _images or on the GPU or on both)
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:307
SLGLVertexArray _vaoSprite
Vertex array object for sprite rendering.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:322
SLuint _texID
OpenGL texture ID.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:303
void clearAttribs()
Clears the attribute definition.
SLVec3< T > translation() const
Definition: SLMat4.h:184
void lookAt(T EyeX, T EyeY, T EyeZ, T AtX=0, T AtY=0, T AtZ=0, T UpX=0, T UpY=0, T UpZ=0)
Defines the a view matrix as the corresponding gluLookAt function.
Definition: SLMat4.h:708
SLVec3f _eye
Camera position.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:151
SLVec3f _lu
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:152
SLVec3f _lr
Camera lookat, lookup, lookright.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:152
SLfloat _pxSize
Pixel size.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:150
SLVec3f _la
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:152
SLVec3f _bl
Bottom left vector.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:153
SLint viewportH() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:180
SLint viewportW() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:179
SLfloat viewportWdivH() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:178
static const float DEG2RAD
Definition: Utils.h:239

◆ printStats()

void SLRaytracer::printStats ( SLfloat  sec)

Prints some statistics after the rendering

Definition at line 804 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

805 {
806  SL_LOG("\nRender time : %10.2f sec.", sec);
807  SL_LOG("Image size : %10d x %d", _images[0]->width(), _images[0]->height());
808  SL_LOG("Num. Threads : %10d", Utils::maxThreads());
809  SL_LOG("Allowed depth : %10d", SLRay::maxDepth);
811  SLuint primarys = (SLuint)(_sv->viewportRect().width * _sv->viewportRect().height);
812  SLuint total = primarys +
818  SL_LOG("Maximum depth : %10d", SLRay::maxDepthReached);
819  SL_LOG("Average depth : %10.6f", SLRay::avgDepth / primarys);
820  SL_LOG("AA threshold : %10.1f", _aaThreshold);
821  SL_LOG("AA subsampling : %8dx%d\n", _aaSamples, _aaSamples);
822  SL_LOG("Subsampled pixels : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::subsampledPixels, (SLfloat)SLRay::subsampledPixels / primarys * 100.0f);
823  SL_LOG("Primary rays : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", primarys, (SLfloat)primarys / total * 100.0f);
824  SL_LOG("Reflected rays : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::reflectedRays, (SLfloat)SLRay::reflectedRays / total * 100.0f);
825  SL_LOG("Refracted rays : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::refractedRays, (SLfloat)SLRay::refractedRays / total * 100.0f);
826  SL_LOG("Ignored rays : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::ignoredRays, (SLfloat)SLRay::ignoredRays / total * 100.0f);
827  SL_LOG("TIR rays : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::tirRays, (SLfloat)SLRay::tirRays / total * 100.0f);
828  SL_LOG("Shadow rays : %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::shadowRays, (SLfloat)SLRay::shadowRays / total * 100.0f);
829  SL_LOG("AA subsampled rays: %10u, %4.1f%% of total", SLRay::subsampledRays, (SLfloat)SLRay::subsampledRays / total * 100.0f);
830  SL_LOG("Total rays : %10u,100.0%%\n", total);
832  SL_LOG("Rays per second : %10u", (SLuint)(total / sec));
833  SL_LOG("Intersection tests: %10u", SLRay::tests);
834  SL_LOG("Intersections : %10u, %4.1f%%\n", SLRay::intersections, SLRay::intersections / (SLfloat)SLRay::tests * 100.0f);
835 }
static SLuint ignoredRays
NO. of ignore refraction rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:129
T width
Definition: SLRect.h:29
T height
Definition: SLRect.h:29
SLRecti viewportRect() const
Definition: SLSceneView.h:176

◆ progressPC()

SLint SLRaytracer::progressPC ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file SLRaytracer.h.

120 { return _progressPC; }
SLint _progressPC
progress in %
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:146

◆ raysPerMS()

SLfloat SLRaytracer::raysPerMS ( )

Definition at line 127 of file SLRaytracer.h.

127 { return _raysPerMS.average(); }

◆ renderClassic()

SLbool SLRaytracer::renderClassic ( SLSceneView sv)

This is the main rendering method for the classic ray tracing. It loops over all lines and pixels and determines for each pixel a color with a partly global illumination calculation.

Definition at line 56 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

57 {
60  _sv = sv;
61  _state = rtBusy; // From here we state the RT as busy
62  _progressPC = 0; // % rendered
63  _renderSec = 0.0f; // reset time
65  initStats(_maxDepth); // init statistics
66  prepareImage(); // Setup image & precalculations
68  // Measure time
69  float t1 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
70  float tStart = t1;
72  for (SLuint y = 0; y < _images[0]->height(); ++y)
73  {
74  for (SLuint x = 0; x < _images[0]->width(); ++x)
75  {
76  SLRay primaryRay(_sv);
77  setPrimaryRay((SLfloat)x, (SLfloat)y, &primaryRay);
79  ///////////////////////////////////
80  SLCol4f color = trace(&primaryRay);
81  ///////////////////////////////////
85  _images[0]->setPixeliRGB((SLint)x,
86  (SLint)y,
87  CVVec4f(color.r,
88  color.g,
89  color.b,
90  color.a));
95  }
97  // Update image after 500 ms
98  double t2 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
99  if (t2 - t1 > 0.5)
100  {
101  _progressPC = (SLint)((SLfloat)y / (SLfloat)_images[0]->height() * 100);
103  _sv->onWndUpdate();
104  t1 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
105  }
106  }
108  _renderSec = GlobalTimer::timeS() - tStart;
110  _progressPC = 100;
112  if (_doContinuous)
113  _state = rtReady;
114  else
115  {
116  _state = rtFinished;
118  }
119  return true;
120 }
Definition: Instrumentor.h:41
SLSceneView * sv
Definition: SLGLImGui.h:28
@ rtBusy
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:30
@ rtFinished
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:31
static float timeS()
Definition: GlobalTimer.cpp:20
Ray class with ray and intersection properties.
Definition: SLRay.h:40
static SLint depthReached
depth reached for a primary ray
Definition: SLRay.h:134
static SLuint totalNumRays()
Total NO. of rays shot during RT.
Definition: SLRay.h:84
virtual void prepareImage()
SLCol4f trace(SLRay *ray)
virtual void printStats(SLfloat sec)
SLfloat _renderSec
Rendering time in seconds.
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:147
void renderUIBeforeUpdate()
Must be called before an inbetween frame updateRec.
void setPrimaryRay(SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLRay *primaryRay)
Set the parameters of a primary ray for a pixel position at x, y.
virtual void initStats(SLint depth)
cbOnWndUpdate onWndUpdate
C-Callback for app for intermediate window repaint.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:141
T g
Definition: SLVec4.h:33
T b
Definition: SLVec4.h:33
void gammaCorrect(T oneOverGamma)
Gamma correction.
Definition: SLVec4.h:163
T a
Definition: SLVec4.h:33
T r
Definition: SLVec4.h:33
void set(T value)
Sets the current value in the value array and builds the average.
Definition: Averaged.h:53

◆ renderDistrib()

SLbool SLRaytracer::renderDistrib ( SLSceneView sv)

This is the main rendering method for parallel and distributed ray tracing.

Definition at line 125 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

126 {
129  _sv = sv;
130  _state = rtBusy; // From here we state the RT as busy
131  _progressPC = 0; // % rendered
132  _renderSec = 0.0f; // reset time
134  initStats(_maxDepth); // init statistics
135  prepareImage(); // Setup image & precalculations
137  // Measure time
138  float t1 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
140  // Lambda function for async AA pixel sampling
141  sampleAAPixelsAsync = [this](bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
142  {
143  sampleAAPixels(isMainThread, threadNum);
144  };
146  // Lambda function for async slice rendering
147  if (_cam->lensSamples()->samples() == 1)
148  {
149  renderSlicesAsync = [this](bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
150  {
151  renderSlices(isMainThread, threadNum);
152  };
153  }
154  else
155  {
156  renderSlicesAsync = [this](bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
157  {
158  renderSlicesMS(isMainThread, threadNum);
159  };
160  }
162  // Do multi-threading only in release config
163  // Render image without anti-aliasing
164  vector<thread> threads1; // vector for additional threads
165  _nextLine = 0; // reset _nextLine=0 be for multithreading starts
167  // Start additional threads on the renderSlices function
168  for (SLuint t = 1; t <= Utils::maxThreads() - 1; t++)
169  threads1.emplace_back(renderSlicesAsync, false, t);
171  // Do the same work in the main thread
172  renderSlicesAsync(true, 0);
174  // Wait for the other threads to finish
175  for (auto& thread : threads1)
176  thread.join();
178  // Do anti-aliasing w. contrast compare in a 2nd. pass
179  if (_aaSamples > 1 && _cam->lensSamples()->samples() == 1)
180  {
181  PROFILE_SCOPE("AntiAliasing");
183  getAAPixels(); // Fills in the AA pixels by contrast
184  vector<thread> threads2; // vector for additional threads
185  _nextLine = 0; // reset _nextLine=0 be for multithreading starts
187  // Start additional threads on the sampleAAPixelFunction function
188  for (SLuint t = 1; t <= Utils::maxThreads() - 1; t++)
189  threads2.emplace_back(sampleAAPixelsAsync, false, t);
191  // Do the same work in the main thread
192  sampleAAPixelsAsync(true, 0);
194  // Wait for the other threads to finish
195  for (auto& thread : threads2)
196  thread.join();
197  }
200  _raysPerMS.set((float)SLRay::totalNumRays() / _renderSec / 1000.0f);
201  _progressPC = 100;
203  if (_doContinuous)
204  _state = rtReady;
205  else
206  {
207  _state = rtFinished;
209  }
210  return true;
211 }
#define PROFILE_SCOPE(name)
Definition: Instrumentor.h:40
void lensSamples(SLuint x, SLuint y)
Definition: SLCamera.h:118
void getAAPixels()
function< void(bool, SLuint)> renderSlicesAsync
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:135
void renderSlices(bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
SLint _nextLine
next line index to render RT in a thread
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:154
void renderSlicesMS(bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)
function< void(bool, SLuint)> sampleAAPixelsAsync
Definition: SLRaytracer.h:136
void sampleAAPixels(bool isMainThread, SLuint threadNum)

◆ renderImage()

void SLRaytracer::renderImage ( bool  updateTextureGL)

Draw the RT-Image as a textured quad in 2D-Orthographic projection

Definition at line 924 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

925 {
928  SLRecti vpRect = _sv->viewportRect();
929  SLfloat w = (SLfloat)vpRect.width;
930  SLfloat h = (SLfloat)vpRect.height;
932  // Set orthographic projection with the size of the window
933  SLGLState* stateGL = SLGLState::instance();
934  stateGL->viewport(vpRect.x, vpRect.y, (SLsizei)w, (SLsizei)h);
935  stateGL->projectionMatrix.ortho(0.0f, w, 0.0f, h, -1.0f, 0.0f);
936  stateGL->viewMatrix.identity();
937  stateGL->modelMatrix.identity();
938  stateGL->clearColorBuffer();
939  stateGL->depthTest(false);
940  stateGL->multiSample(false);
941  stateGL->polygonLine(false);
943  drawSprite(updateTextureGL, 0.0f, 0.0f, w, h);
945  stateGL->depthTest(true);
947 }
int SLsizei
Definition: SL.h:172
#define GET_GL_ERROR
Definition: SLGLState.h:56
Singleton class holding all OpenGL states.
Definition: SLGLState.h:71
SLMat4f modelMatrix
Init all states.
Definition: SLGLState.h:89
void viewport(SLint x, SLint y, SLsizei width, SLsizei height)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:378
void multiSample(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:267
static SLGLState * instance()
Public static instance getter for singleton pattern.
Definition: SLGLState.h:74
SLMat4f viewMatrix
matrix for the active cameras view transform
Definition: SLGLState.h:91
SLMat4f projectionMatrix
matrix for projection transform
Definition: SLGLState.h:90
void polygonLine(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:290
void clearColorBuffer()
Definition: SLGLState.h:121
void depthTest(SLbool state)
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:172
void drawSprite(SLbool doUpdate, SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat w, SLfloat h)
Draws the texture as 2D sprite with OpenGL buffers.
void ortho(T l, T r, T b, T t, T n, T f)
Defines a orthographic projection matrix with a field of view angle.
Definition: SLMat4.h:911
void identity()
Sets the identity matrix.
Definition: SLMat4.h:1333
T y
Definition: SLRect.h:29
T x
Definition: SLRect.h:29

◆ renderSec()

SLfloat SLRaytracer::renderSec ( ) const

Definition at line 122 of file SLRaytracer.h.

122 { return _renderSec; }

◆ renderSlices()

void SLRaytracer::renderSlices ( bool  isMainThread,
SLuint  threadNum 

Renders slices of 4 rows until the full width of the image is rendered. This method can be called as a function by multiple threads. The _nextLine index is used and incremented by every thread. So it should be locked or an atomic index. I prefer not protecting it because it's faster. If the increment is not done properly some pixels may get ray traced twice. Only the main thread is allowed to call a repaint of the image.

Definition at line 221 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

222 {
223  if (!isMainThread)
224  {
225  PROFILE_THREAD(string("RT-Worker-") + std::to_string(threadNum));
226  }
230  // Time points
231  double t1 = 0;
233  while (_nextLine < (SLint)_images[0]->height())
234  {
235  // The next section must be protected
236  // Making _nextLine an atomic was not sufficient.
237  _mutex.lock();
238  SLint minY = _nextLine;
239  _nextLine += 4;
240  _mutex.unlock();
242  for (SLint y = minY; y < minY + 4; ++y)
243  {
244  for (SLuint x = 0; x < _images[0]->width(); ++x)
245  {
246  SLRay primaryRay(_sv);
247  setPrimaryRay((SLfloat)x, (SLfloat)y, &primaryRay);
249  ///////////////////////////////////
250  SLCol4f color = trace(&primaryRay);
251  ///////////////////////////////////
255  //_mutex.lock();
256  _images[0]->setPixeliRGB((SLint)x,
257  (SLint)y,
258  CVVec4f(color.r,
259  color.g,
260  color.b,
261  color.a));
262  //_mutex.unlock();
267  }
269  // Update image after 500 ms
270  if (_sv->onWndUpdate && isMainThread && !_doContinuous)
271  {
272  if (GlobalTimer::timeS() - t1 > 0.5)
273  {
274  _progressPC = (SLint)((SLfloat)y /
275  (SLfloat)_images[0]->height() * 100);
276  if (_aaSamples > 0) _progressPC /= 2;
278  _sv->onWndUpdate();
279  t1 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
280  }
281  }
282  }
283  }
284 }
#define PROFILE_THREAD(name)
Definition: Profiler.h:38
std::mutex _mutex
Mutex to protect parallel access (used in ray tracing)
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:324

◆ renderSlicesMS()

void SLRaytracer::renderSlicesMS ( bool  isMainThread,
SLuint  threadNum 

Renders slices of 4 rows multi-sampled until the full width of the image is rendered. Every pixel is multi-sampled for depth of field lens sampling. This method can be called as a function by multiple threads. The _nextLine index is used and incremented by every thread. So it should be locked or an atomic index. I prefer not protecting it because it's faster. If the increment is not done properly some pixels may get ray traced twice. Only the main thread is allowed to call a repaint of the image.

Definition at line 295 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

296 {
297  if (!isMainThread)
298  {
299  PROFILE_THREAD(string("RT-Worker-") + std::to_string(threadNum));
300  }
304  // Time points
305  double t1 = 0;
307  // lens sampling constants
308  SLVec3f lensRadiusX = _lr * (_cam->lensDiameter() * 0.5f);
309  SLVec3f lensRadiusY = _lu * (_cam->lensDiameter() * 0.5f);
311  while (_nextLine < (SLint)_images[0]->width())
312  {
313  // The next section must be protected
314  // Making _nextLine an atomic was not sufficient.
315  _mutex.lock();
316  SLint minY = _nextLine;
317  _nextLine += 4;
318  _mutex.unlock();
320  for (SLint y = minY; y < minY + 4; ++y)
321  {
322  for (SLuint x = 0; x < _images[0]->width(); ++x)
323  {
324  // focal point is single shot primary dir
325  SLVec3f primaryDir(_bl + _pxSize * ((SLfloat)x * _lr + (SLfloat)y * _lu));
326  SLVec3f FP = _eye + primaryDir;
327  SLCol4f color(SLCol4f::BLACK);
329  // Loop over radius r and angle phi of lens
330  for (SLint iR = (SLint)_cam->lensSamples()->samplesX() - 1; iR >= 0; --iR)
331  {
332  for (SLint iPhi = (SLint)_cam->lensSamples()->samplesY() - 1; iPhi >= 0; --iPhi)
333  {
334  SLVec2f discPos(_cam->lensSamples()->point((SLuint)iR, (SLuint)iPhi));
336  // calculate lens position out of disc position
337  SLVec3f lensPos(_eye + discPos.x * lensRadiusX + discPos.y * lensRadiusY);
338  SLVec3f lensToFP(FP - lensPos);
339  lensToFP.normalize();
341  SLCol4f backColor;
342  if (_sv->s()->skybox())
343  backColor = _sv->s()->skybox()->colorAtDir(lensToFP);
344  else
345  backColor = _sv->camera()->background().colorAtPos((SLfloat)x,
346  (SLfloat)y,
347  (SLfloat)_images[0]->width(),
348  (SLfloat)_images[0]->height());
350  SLRay primaryRay(lensPos, lensToFP, (SLfloat)x, (SLfloat)y, backColor, _sv);
352  ////////////////////////////
353  color += trace(&primaryRay);
354  ////////////////////////////
359  }
360  }
361  color /= (SLfloat)_cam->lensSamples()->samples();
363  color.gammaCorrect(_oneOverGamma);
365  //_mutex.lock();
366  _images[0]->setPixeliRGB((SLint)x, y, CVVec4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a));
367  //_mutex.unlock();
371  }
373  if (_sv->onWndUpdate && isMainThread && !_doContinuous)
374  {
375  if (GlobalTimer::timeS() - t1 > 0.5)
376  {
378  _sv->onWndUpdate();
379  t1 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
380  }
381  }
382  }
383  }
384 }
void lensDiameter(const SLfloat d)
Definition: SLCamera.h:117
void skybox(SLSkybox *skybox)
Definition: SLScene.h:91
void camera(SLCamera *camera)
Definition: SLSceneView.h:145
SLScene * s()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:167
T x
Definition: SLVec3.h:43
static SLVec4 BLACK
Definition: SLVec4.h:213

◆ renderUIBeforeUpdate()

void SLRaytracer::renderUIBeforeUpdate ( )

Must be called before an inbetween frame updateRec.

Definition at line 968 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

969 {
970  _sv->gui()->onPaint(_sv->viewportRect());
972 }
void unbindAnythingAndFlush()
finishes all GL commands
Definition: SLGLState.cpp:465
SLUiInterface * gui()
Definition: SLSceneView.h:183
virtual void onPaint(const SLRecti &viewport)
ui render call (called by SLSceneView draw2DGL)
Definition: SLUiInterface.h:39

◆ resolutionFactor() [1/2]

SLfloat SLRaytracer::resolutionFactor ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file SLRaytracer.h.

125 { return _resolutionFactor; }

◆ resolutionFactor() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::resolutionFactor ( SLfloat  rf)

Definition at line 89 of file SLRaytracer.h.

89 { _resolutionFactor = rf; }

◆ resolutionFactorPC()

SLint SLRaytracer::resolutionFactorPC ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file SLRaytracer.h.

126 { return (SLint)(_resolutionFactor * 100.0f + 0.00001f); }

◆ sampleAAPixels()

void SLRaytracer::sampleAAPixels ( bool  isMainThread,
SLuint  threadNum 

SLRaytracer::sampleAAPixels does the subsampling of the pixels that need to be antialiased. See also getAAPixels. This routine can be called by multiple threads. The _nextLine index is used and incremented by every thread. So it should be locked or an atomic index. I prefer not protecting it because it's faster. If the increment is not done properly some pixels may get ray traced twice. Only the main thread is allowed to call a repaint of the image.

Definition at line 671 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

672 {
673  if (!isMainThread)
674  {
675  PROFILE_THREAD(string("RT-Worker-") + std::to_string(threadNum));
676  }
680  assert(_aaSamples % 2 == 1 && "subSample: maskSize must be uneven");
681  double t1 = 0, t2;
683  while (_nextLine < (SLint)_aaPixels.size())
684  {
685  // The next section must be protected
686  // Making _nextLine an atomic was not sufficient.
687  _mutex.lock();
688  SLuint mini = (SLuint)_nextLine;
689  _nextLine += 4;
690  _mutex.unlock();
692  for (SLuint i = mini; i < mini + 4 && i < _aaPixels.size(); ++i)
693  {
694  SLuint x = _aaPixels[i].x;
695  SLuint y = _aaPixels[i].y;
696  CVVec4f c4f = _images[0]->getPixeli((SLint)x, (SLint)y);
697  SLCol4f centerColor(c4f[0], c4f[1], c4f[2], c4f[3]);
698  SLint centerIndex = _aaSamples >> 1;
699  SLfloat f = 1.0f / (SLfloat)_aaSamples;
700  SLfloat xpos = (SLfloat)x - (SLfloat)centerIndex * f;
701  SLfloat ypos = (SLfloat)y - (SLfloat)centerIndex * f;
703  SLCol4f color(0, 0, 0);
705  // Loop regularly over the float pixel
707  for (SLint sy = 0; sy < _aaSamples; ++sy)
708  {
709  for (SLint sx = 0; sx < _aaSamples; ++sx)
710  {
711  if (sx == centerIndex && sy == centerIndex)
712  color += centerColor; // don't shoot for center position
713  else
714  {
715  SLRay primaryRay(_sv);
716  setPrimaryRay(xpos + (SLfloat)sx * f,
717  ypos + (SLfloat)sy * f,
718  &primaryRay);
719  color += trace(&primaryRay);
720  }
721  }
722  ypos += f;
723  }
724  SLRay::subsampledRays += (SLuint)samples;
725  color /= samples;
727  color.gammaCorrect(_oneOverGamma);
729  //_mutex.lock();
730  _images[0]->setPixeliRGB((SLint)x,
731  (SLint)y,
732  CVVec4f(color.r,
733  color.g,
734  color.b,
735  color.a));
736  //_mutex.unlock();
737  }
739  if (_sv->onWndUpdate && isMainThread && !_doContinuous)
740  {
741  t2 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
742  if (t2 - t1 > 0.5)
743  {
744  _progressPC = 50 + (SLint)((SLfloat)_nextLine / (SLfloat)_aaPixels.size() * 50);
746  _sv->onWndUpdate();
747  t1 = GlobalTimer::timeS();
748  }
749  }
750  }
751 }

◆ saveImage()

void SLRaytracer::saveImage ( )

Saves the current RT image as PNG image.

Reimplemented in SLPathtracer.

Definition at line 950 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

951 {
952  static SLint no = 0;
953  SLchar filename[255];
954  snprintf(filename,
955  sizeof(filename),
956  "Raytraced_%d_%d.png",
957  _maxDepth,
958  no++);
959  _images[0]->savePNG(filename, 9, true, true);
960 }
char SLchar
Definition: SL.h:162

◆ setPrimaryRay()

void SLRaytracer::setPrimaryRay ( SLfloat  x,
SLfloat  y,
SLRay primaryRay 

Set the parameters of a primary ray for a pixel position at x, y.

Definition at line 464 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

465 {
466  primaryRay->x = x;
467  primaryRay->y = y;
468  primaryRay->sv = _sv;
470  // calculate ray from eye to pixel (See also prepareImage())
471  if (_cam->projType() == P_monoOrthographic)
472  {
473  primaryRay->setDir(_la);
474  primaryRay->origin = _bl + _pxSize * ((SLfloat)x * _lr + (SLfloat)y * _lu);
475  }
476  else
477  {
478  SLVec3f primaryDir(_bl + _pxSize * ((SLfloat)x * _lr + (SLfloat)y * _lu));
479  primaryDir.normalize();
480  primaryRay->setDir(primaryDir);
481  primaryRay->origin = _eye;
482  }
484  if (_sv->s()->skybox())
485  primaryRay->backgroundColor = _sv->s()->skybox()->colorAtDir(primaryRay->dir);
486  else
487  primaryRay->backgroundColor = _sv->camera()->background().colorAtPos(x,
488  y,
489  (SLfloat)_images[0]->width(),
490  (SLfloat)_images[0]->height());
492 }
SLVec3f origin
Vector to the origin of ray in WS.
Definition: SLRay.h:75
SLCol4f backgroundColor
Background color at pixel x,y.
Definition: SLRay.h:100
SLVec3f dir
Direction vector of ray in WS.
Definition: SLRay.h:76
void setDir(const SLVec3f &Dir)
Setter for the rays direction in world space also setting the inverse direction.
Definition: SLRay.h:146
SLfloat y
Pixel position for primary rays.
Definition: SLRay.h:94
SLfloat x
Definition: SLRay.h:94
SLSceneView * sv
Pointer to the sceneview.
Definition: SLRay.h:101

◆ shade()

SLCol4f SLRaytracer::shade ( SLRay ray)

This method calculates the local illumination at the rays intersection point. It uses the Blinn-Phong local reflection model where the color is calculated as follows: color = material emission + global ambient light scaled by the material's ambient color + ambient, diffuse, and specular contributions from all lights, properly attenuated

Definition at line 503 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

504 {
505  SLMaterial* mat = ray->hitMesh->mat();
506  SLVGLTexture& texture = mat->textures(TT_diffuse);
507  SLVec3f L, N, H;
508  SLfloat lightDist, LdotN, NdotH, df, sf, spotEffect, att, lighted;
509  SLCol4f ambi, diff, spec;
510  SLCol4f localSpec(0, 0, 0, 1);
511  SLScene* s = _sv->s();
512  SLCol4f localColor = mat->emissive() + (mat->ambient() & SLLight::globalAmbient);
514  ray->hitMesh->preShade(ray);
516  for (auto* light : s->lights())
517  {
518  if (light && light->isOn())
519  {
520  // calculate light vector L and distance to light
521  N.set(ray->hitNormal);
523  // Distinguish between point and directional lights
524  SLVec4f lightPos = light->positionWS();
526  // Check if directional light on last component w (0 = light is in infinity)
527  if (lightPos.w == 0.0f)
528  {
529  // directional light
530  L = -light->spotDirWS().normalized();
531  lightDist = FLT_MAX; // = infinity
532  }
533  else
534  {
535  // Point light
536  L.sub(lightPos.vec3(), ray->hitPoint);
537  lightDist = L.length();
538  L /= lightDist;
539  }
541  // Cosine between L and N
542  LdotN =;
544  // check shadow ray if hit point is towards the light
545  lighted = (LdotN > 0) ? light->shadowTest(ray, L, lightDist, s->root3D()) : 0;
547  // calculate the ambient part
548  ambi = light->ambient() & mat->ambient() * ray->hitAO;
550  // calculate spot effect if light is a spotlight
551  spec.set(0, 0, 0);
552  if (lighted > 0.0f && light->spotCutOffDEG() < 180.0f)
553  {
554  SLfloat LdS = std::max(>spotDirWS()), 0.0f);
556  // check if point is in spot cone
557  if (LdS > light->spotCosCut())
558  spotEffect = pow(LdS, (SLfloat)light->spotExponent());
559  else
560  {
561  lighted = 0.0f;
562  spotEffect = 0.0f;
563  }
564  }
565  else
566  spotEffect = 1.0f;
568  // calculate local illumination only if point is not shaded
569  if (lighted > 0.0f)
570  {
571  H.sub(L, ray->dir); // half vector between light & eye
572  H.normalize();
573  df = std::max(LdotN, 0.0f); // diffuse factor
574  NdotH = std::max(, 0.0f);
575  sf = pow(NdotH, (SLfloat)mat->shininess()); // specular factor
577  diff += lighted * df * light->diffuse() & mat->diffuse();
578  spec = lighted * sf * light->specular() & mat->specular();
579  }
581  // apply attenuation and spot effect
582  att = light->attenuation(lightDist);
583  localColor += att * ambi;
584  localColor += att * spotEffect * diff;
585  localSpec += att * spotEffect * spec;
586  }
587  }
589  if (!texture.empty() || !ray->hitMesh->C.empty())
590  {
591  localColor &= ray->hitTexColor; // component wise multiply
592  localColor += localSpec; // add afterwards the specular component
593  }
594  else
595  localColor += localSpec;
597  localColor.clampMinMax(0, 1);
598  return localColor;
599 }
@ TT_diffuse
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:78
vector< SLGLTexture * > SLVGLTexture
STL vector of SLGLTexture pointers.
Definition: SLGLTexture.h:342
static SLCol4f globalAmbient
static global ambient light intensity
Definition: SLLight.h:202
Defines a standard CG material with textures and a shader program.
Definition: SLMaterial.h:56
void specular(const SLCol4f &spec)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:173
void diffuse(const SLCol4f &diff)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:171
void shininess(SLfloat shin)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:177
void ambient(const SLCol4f &ambi)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:170
SLVGLTexture & textures(SLTextureType type)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:233
void emissive(const SLCol4f &emis)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:174
SLVCol4f C
Vector of vertex colors (opt.) layout (location = 4)
Definition: SLMesh.h:206
SLMaterial * mat() const
Definition: SLMesh.h:177
virtual void preShade(SLRay *ray)
Definition: SLMesh.cpp:1470
SLMesh * hitMesh
Points to the intersected mesh.
Definition: SLRay.h:106
SLfloat hitAO
Ambient occlusion factor at intersection point.
Definition: SLRay.h:113
SLVec3f hitPoint
Point of intersection.
Definition: SLRay.h:110
SLCol4f hitTexColor
Color at intersection for texture or color attributes.
Definition: SLRay.h:112
SLVec3f hitNormal
Surface normal at intersection point.
Definition: SLRay.h:111
The SLScene class represents the top level instance holding the scene structure.
Definition: SLScene.h:47
SLVLight & lights()
Definition: SLScene.h:107
void root3D(SLNode *root3D)
Definition: SLScene.h:78
SLVec3 normalized() const
Definition: SLVec3.h:127
SLVec3 & normalize()
Definition: SLVec3.h:124
T length() const
Definition: SLVec3.h:122
void set(const T X, const T Y, const T Z)
Definition: SLVec3.h:59
T dot(const SLVec3 &v) const
Definition: SLVec3.h:117
void sub(const SLVec3 &a, const SLVec3 &b)
Definition: SLVec3.h:113
T w
Definition: SLVec4.h:32
SLVec3< T > vec3() const
Definition: SLVec4.h:111

◆ state() [1/2]

SLRTState SLRaytracer::state ( ) const

Definition at line 113 of file SLRaytracer.h.

113 { return _state; }

◆ state() [2/2]

void SLRaytracer::state ( SLRTState  state)

Definition at line 80 of file SLRaytracer.h.

81  {
82  if (_state != rtBusy) _state = state;
83  }

◆ trace()

SLCol4f SLRaytracer::trace ( SLRay ray)

This method is the classic recursive ray tracing method that checks the scene for intersection. If the ray hits an object the local color is calculated and if the material is reflective and/or transparent new rays are created and passed to this trace method again. If no object got intersected the background color is return.

Definition at line 393 of file SLRaytracer.cpp.

394 {
395  SLCol4f color(ray->backgroundColor);
397  // Intersect scene
398  SLNode* root = _sv->s()->root3D();
399  if (root) root->hitRec(ray);
401  if (ray->length < FLT_MAX && ray->hitMesh && ray->hitMesh->primitive() == PT_triangles)
402  {
403  color = shade(ray);
405  SLfloat kt = ray->hitMesh->mat()->kt();
406  SLfloat kr = ray->hitMesh->mat()->kr();
408  if (ray->depth < SLRay::maxDepth && ray->contrib > SLRay::minContrib)
409  {
410  if (!_doFresnel)
411  {
412  // Do classic refraction and/or reflection
413  if (kt > 0.0f)
414  {
415  SLRay refracted(_sv);
416  ray->refract(&refracted);
417  color += kt * trace(&refracted);
418  }
419  if (kr > 0.0f)
420  {
421  SLRay reflected(_sv);
422  ray->reflect(&reflected);
423  color += kr * trace(&reflected);
424  }
425  }
426  else
427  {
428  // Mix refr. & refl. color w. Fresnel approximation
429  if (kt > 0.0f)
430  {
431  SLRay refracted(_sv), reflected(_sv);
432  ray->refract(&refracted);
433  ray->reflect(&reflected);
434  SLCol4f refrCol = trace(&refracted);
435  SLCol4f reflCol = trace(&reflected);
437  // Apply Schlick's Fresnel approximation
438  SLfloat F0 = kr;
439  SLfloat theta = -(ray->dir * ray->hitNormal);
440  SLfloat F_theta = F0 + (1 - F0) * (SLfloat)pow(1 - theta, 5);
441  color += refrCol * (1 - F_theta) + reflCol * F_theta;
442  }
443  else
444  {
445  if (kr > 0.0f)
446  {
447  SLRay reflected(_sv);
448  ray->reflect(&reflected);
449  color += kr * trace(&reflected);
450  }
451  }
452  }
453  }
454  }
456  if (_cam->fogIsOn())
457  color = fogBlend(ray->length, color);
459  color.clampMinMax(0, 1);
460  return color;
461 }
@ PT_triangles
Definition: SLGLEnums.h:35
void fogIsOn(const bool isOn)
Definition: SLCamera.h:125
void kt(SLfloat kt)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:190
void kr(SLfloat kr)
Definition: SLMaterial.h:184
SLGLPrimitiveType primitive() const
Definition: SLMesh.h:179
SLNode represents a node in a hierarchical scene graph.
Definition: SLNode.h:147
virtual bool hitRec(SLRay *ray)
Definition: SLNode.cpp:508
SLint depth
Recursion depth for ray tracing.
Definition: SLRay.h:78
void refract(SLRay *refracted)
Definition: SLRay.cpp:197
SLfloat length
length from origin to an intersection
Definition: SLRay.h:77
SLfloat contrib
Current contribution of ray to color.
Definition: SLRay.h:79
static SLfloat minContrib
Min. contibution to color (1/256)
Definition: SLRay.h:125
void reflect(SLRay *reflected) const
Definition: SLRay.cpp:156
SLCol4f fogBlend(SLfloat z, SLCol4f color)
SLCol4f shade(SLRay *ray)

Member Data Documentation

◆ _aaPixels

SLVPixel SLRaytracer::_aaPixels

Vector for antialiasing pixels.

Definition at line 155 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _aaSamples

SLint SLRaytracer::_aaSamples

SQRT of uneven num. of AA samples.

Definition at line 161 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _aaThreshold

SLfloat SLRaytracer::_aaThreshold

threshold for anti aliasing

Definition at line 160 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _bl

SLVec3f SLRaytracer::_bl

Bottom left vector.

Definition at line 153 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _cam

SLCamera* SLRaytracer::_cam

shortcut to the camera

Definition at line 140 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _doContinuous

SLbool SLRaytracer::_doContinuous

if true state goes into ready again

Definition at line 143 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _doDistributed

SLbool SLRaytracer::_doDistributed

Flag for parallel distributed RT.

Definition at line 144 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _doFresnel

SLbool SLRaytracer::_doFresnel

Flag for Fresnel reflection.

Definition at line 145 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _eye

SLVec3f SLRaytracer::_eye

Camera position.

Definition at line 151 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _gamma

SLfloat SLRaytracer::_gamma

gamma correction value

Definition at line 156 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _la

SLVec3f SLRaytracer::_la

Definition at line 152 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _lr

SLVec3f SLRaytracer::_lr

Camera lookat, lookup, lookright.

Definition at line 152 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _lu

SLVec3f SLRaytracer::_lu

Definition at line 152 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _maxDepth

SLint SLRaytracer::_maxDepth

Max. allowed recursion depth.

Definition at line 142 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _nextLine

SLint SLRaytracer::_nextLine

next line index to render RT in a thread

Definition at line 154 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _oneOverGamma

SLfloat SLRaytracer::_oneOverGamma

one over gamma correction value

Definition at line 157 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _progressPC

SLint SLRaytracer::_progressPC

progress in %

Definition at line 146 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _pxSize

SLfloat SLRaytracer::_pxSize

Pixel size.

Definition at line 150 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _raysPerMS

AvgFloat SLRaytracer::_raysPerMS

Averaged rays per ms.

Definition at line 148 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _renderSec

SLfloat SLRaytracer::_renderSec

Rendering time in seconds.

Definition at line 147 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _resolutionFactor

SLfloat SLRaytracer::_resolutionFactor

screen to RT image size factor (default 1.0)

Definition at line 141 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _state

SLRTState SLRaytracer::_state

RT state;.

Definition at line 139 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ _sv

SLSceneView* SLRaytracer::_sv

Parent sceneview.

Definition at line 138 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ renderSlicesAsync

function<void(bool, SLuint)> SLRaytracer::renderSlicesAsync

Definition at line 135 of file SLRaytracer.h.

◆ sampleAAPixelsAsync

function<void(bool, SLuint)> SLRaytracer::sampleAAPixelsAsync

Definition at line 136 of file SLRaytracer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: