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SLQuat4< T > Class Template Reference

Quaternion class for angle-axis rotation representation. More...

#include <SLQuat4.h>

Public Member Functions

 SLQuat4 ()
 SLQuat4 (T x, T y, T z, T w)
 SLQuat4 (const SLMat3< T > &m)
 SLQuat4 (T angleDEG, const SLVec3< T > &axis)
 SLQuat4 (const SLVec3< T > &v0, const SLVec3< T > &v1)
 SLQuat4 (const T xRotRAD, const T yRotRAD, const T zRotRAD)
x () const
y () const
z () const
w () const
void set (T x, T y, T z, T w)
void fromMat3 (const SLMat3< T > &m)
void fromAngleAxis (T angleRAD, T axisX, T axisY, T axisZ)
void fromEulerAngles (const T xRotRAD, const T yRotRAD, const T zRotRAD)
void fromVec3 (const SLVec3< T > &v0, const SLVec3< T > &v1)
SLMat3< T > toMat3 () const
SLMat4< T > toMat4 () const
SLVec4< T > toVec4 () const
void toAngleAxis (T &angleDEG, SLVec3< T > &axis) const
void toEulerAnglesXYZ (T &xRotRAD, T &yRotRAD, T &zRotRAD) const
void toEulerAnglesZYX (T &zRotRAD, T &yRotRAD, T &xRotRAD) const
void toEulerAnglesZXY (T &zRotRAD, T &xRotRAD, T &yRotRAD) const
dot (const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
length () const
SLQuat4< T > normalized () const
normalize ()
SLQuat4< T > inverted () const
void invert ()
SLQuat4< T > conjugated () const
void conjugate ()
SLQuat4< T > rotated (const SLQuat4< T > &b) const
void rotate (const SLQuat4< T > &q)
SLVec3< T > rotate (const SLVec3< T > &vec) const
SLQuat4< T > scaled (T scale) const
void scale (T scale)
SLQuat4< T > lerp (const SLQuat4< T > &q2, T t) const
 Linear interpolation. More...
void lerp (const SLQuat4< T > &q1, const SLQuat4< T > &q2, T t)
 Linear interpolation. More...
SLQuat4< T > slerp (const SLQuat4< T > &q2, T t) const
void slerp (const SLQuat4< T > &q1, const SLQuat4< T > &q2, T t)
 Spherical linear interpolation. More...
SLQuat4< T > & operator= (SLQuat4< T > q)
SLQuat4< T > operator- (const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
SLQuat4< T > operator+ (const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
SLQuat4< T > operator* (const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
SLQuat4< T > operator* (T s) const
SLVec3< T > operator* (const SLVec3< T > &v) const
SLbool operator== (const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
SLbool operator!= (const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
SLQuat4< T > & operator*= (const SLQuat4< T > &q2)
SLQuat4< T > & operator*= (T s)

Static Public Member Functions

static SLQuat4< T > fromLookRotation (const SLVec3< T > &forward, const SLVec3< T > &up)

Static Public Attributes

static SLQuat4 IDENTITY = SLQuat4<T>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

template<class T>
class SLQuat4< T >

Quaternion class for angle-axis rotation representation.

Quaternion class for angle-axis rotation representation. For rotations quaternions must have unit length. See Quaternions can be interpolated at low cost with the method lerp or slerp.

Definition at line 27 of file SLQuat4.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SLQuat4() [1/6]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T >::SLQuat4

Definition at line 100 of file SLQuat4.h.

100  : _x(0), _y(0), _z(0), _w(1)
101 {
102 }
T _w
Definition: SLQuat4.h:92
T _z
Definition: SLQuat4.h:92
T _x
Definition: SLQuat4.h:92
T _y
Definition: SLQuat4.h:92

◆ SLQuat4() [2/6]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T >::SLQuat4 ( x,

Definition at line 106 of file SLQuat4.h.

106  : _x(x), _y(y), _z(z), _w(w)
107 {
108 }
T w() const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:39
T z() const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:38
T y() const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:37
T x() const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:36

◆ SLQuat4() [3/6]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T >::SLQuat4 ( const SLMat3< T > &  m)

Definition at line 112 of file SLQuat4.h.

113 {
114  fromMat3(m);
115 }
void fromMat3(const SLMat3< T > &m)
Definition: SLQuat4.h:149

◆ SLQuat4() [4/6]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T >::SLQuat4 ( angleDEG,
const SLVec3< T > &  axis 

Definition at line 119 of file SLQuat4.h.

120 {
121  fromAngleAxis(angleDEG * DEG2RAD, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
122 }
void fromAngleAxis(T angleRAD, T axisX, T axisY, T axisZ)
Definition: SLQuat4.h:275
T y
Definition: SLVec3.h:43
T x
Definition: SLVec3.h:43
T z
Definition: SLVec3.h:43
static const float DEG2RAD
Definition: Utils.h:239

◆ SLQuat4() [5/6]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T >::SLQuat4 ( const SLVec3< T > &  v0,
const SLVec3< T > &  v1 

Definition at line 126 of file SLQuat4.h.

127 {
128  fromVec3(v0, v1);
129 }
void fromVec3(const SLVec3< T > &v0, const SLVec3< T > &v1)
Definition: SLQuat4.h:190

◆ SLQuat4() [6/6]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T >::SLQuat4 ( const T  xRotRAD,
const T  yRotRAD,
const T  zRotRAD 

Definition at line 133 of file SLQuat4.h.

134 {
135  fromEulerAngles(xRotRAD, yRotRAD, zRotRAD);
136 }
void fromEulerAngles(const T xRotRAD, const T yRotRAD, const T zRotRAD)
Definition: SLQuat4.h:291

Member Function Documentation

◆ conjugate()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::conjugate

Definition at line 659 of file SLQuat4.h.

660 {
661  // for a unit quaternion the conjugate is equal to the inverse
662  _x = -_x;
663  _y = -_y;
664  _z = -_z;
665 }

◆ conjugated()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::conjugated

Definition at line 651 of file SLQuat4.h.

652 {
653  // for a unit quaternion the conjugate is equal to the inverse
654  return SLQuat4(-_x, -_y, -_z, _w);
655 }
Definition: SLQuat4.h:100

◆ dot()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::dot ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q) const

Definition at line 536 of file SLQuat4.h.

537 {
538  return _x * q._x + _y * q._y + _z * q._z + _w * q._w;
539 }

◆ fromAngleAxis()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::fromAngleAxis ( angleRAD,

Definition at line 275 of file SLQuat4.h.

277 {
278  _w = (T)cos(angleRAD * (T)0.5);
279  _x = _y = _z = (T)sin(angleRAD * (T)0.5);
280  _x *= axisX;
281  _y *= axisY;
282  _z *= axisZ;
283 }

◆ fromEulerAngles()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::fromEulerAngles ( const T  xRotRAD,
const T  yRotRAD,
const T  zRotRAD 

Sets the quaternion from 3 Euler angles in radians Source: Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications A Programmer's Guide 2nd edition by James M. Van Verth and Lars M. Bishop

Definition at line 291 of file SLQuat4.h.

292 {
293  // Basically we create 3 Quaternions, one for (x), one for (y),
294  // one for (z) and multiply those together.
295  // The calculation below does the same, just shorter
297  //ghm1: I checked function against
298  //and it is the same, only the sign is inverted (but this should be no problem)
299  T x = xRotRAD * (T)0.5;
300  T y = yRotRAD * (T)0.5;
301  T z = zRotRAD * (T)0.5;
303  T Sx = (T)sin(x);
304  T Cx = (T)cos(x);
305  T Sy = (T)sin(y);
306  T Cy = (T)cos(y);
307  T Sz = (T)sin(z);
308  T Cz = (T)cos(z);
310  _x = Sx*Cy*Cz + Cx*Sy*Sz;
311  _y = Cx*Sy*Cz - Sx*Cy*Sz;
312  _z = Cx*Cy*Sz + Sx*Sy*Cx;
313  _w = Cx*Cy*Cz - Sx*Sy*Sz;
314 }

◆ fromLookRotation()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::fromLookRotation ( const SLVec3< T > &  forward,
const SLVec3< T > &  up 

Definition at line 213 of file SLQuat4.h.

214 {
215  SLVec3f vector = forward;
216  vector.normalize();
217  SLVec3f vector2;
218  vector2.cross(up, vector);
219  vector2.normalize();
220  SLVec3f vector3;
221  vector3.cross(vector, vector2);
222  vector3.normalize();
223  float m00 = vector2.x;
224  float m01 = vector2.y;
225  float m02 = vector2.z;
226  float m10 = vector3.x;
227  float m11 = vector3.y;
228  float m12 = vector3.z;
229  float m20 = vector.x;
230  float m21 = vector.y;
231  float m22 = vector.z;
233  float num8 = (m00 + m11) + m22;
234  SLQuat4<T> quaternion;
235  if (num8 > 0.0f)
236  {
237  float num = (float)sqrt(num8 + 1.0f);
238  quaternion._w = num * 0.5f;
239  num = 0.5f / num;
240  quaternion._x = (m12 - m21) * num;
241  quaternion._y = (m20 - m02) * num;
242  quaternion._z = (m01 - m10) * num;
243  }
244  else if ((m00 >= m11) && (m00 >= m22))
245  {
246  float num7 = (float)sqrt(((1.0f + m00) - m11) - m22);
247  float num4 = 0.5f / num7;
248  quaternion._x = 0.5f * num7;
249  quaternion._y = (m01 + m10) * num4;
250  quaternion._z = (m02 + m20) * num4;
251  quaternion._w = (m12 - m21) * num4;
252  }
253  else if (m11 > m22)
254  {
255  float num6 = (float)sqrt(((1.0f + m11) - m00) - m22);
256  float num3 = 0.5f / num6;
257  quaternion._x = (m10+ m01) * num3;
258  quaternion._y = 0.5f * num6;
259  quaternion._z = (m21 + m12) * num3;
260  quaternion._w = (m20 - m02) * num3;
261  }
262  else
263  {
264  float num5 = (float)sqrt(((1.0f + m22) - m00) - m11);
265  float num2 = 0.5f / num5;
266  quaternion._x = (m20 + m02) * num2;
267  quaternion._y = (m21 + m12) * num2;
268  quaternion._z = 0.5f * num5;
269  quaternion._w = (m01 - m10) * num2;
270  }
271  return quaternion;
272 }
Quaternion class for angle-axis rotation representation.
Definition: SLQuat4.h:28
void cross(const SLVec3 &a, const SLVec3 &b)
Definition: SLVec3.h:118
SLVec3 & normalize()
Definition: SLVec3.h:124

◆ fromMat3()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::fromMat3 ( const SLMat3< T > &  m)

Definition at line 149 of file SLQuat4.h.

150 {
151  // Algorithm in Ken Shoemake's article in 1987 SIGGRAPH course notes
152  // article "Quaternion Calculus and Fast Animation".
154  const int next[3] = {1, 2, 0};
156  T trace = m.trace();
157  T root;
159  if (trace > (T)0)
160  {
161  // |_w| > 1/2, may as well choose _w > 1/2
162  root = sqrt(trace + (T)1); // 2w
163  _w = ((T)0.5)*root;
164  root = ((T)0.5)/root; // 1/(4w)
165  _x = (m(2,1) - m(1,2)) * root;
166  _y = (m(0,2) - m(2,0)) * root;
167  _z = (m(1,0) - m(0,1)) * root;
168  }
169  else
170  {
171  // |_w| <= 1/2
172  int i = 0;
173  if (m(1,1) > m(0,0)) i = 1;
174  if (m(2,2) > m(i,i)) i = 2;
175  int j = next[i];
176  int k = next[j];
178  root = sqrt(m(i,i) - m(j,j) - m(k,k) + (T)1);
179  T* quat[3] = { &_x, &_y, &_z };
180  *quat[i] = ((T)0.5)*root;
181  root = ((T)0.5)/root;
182  _w = (m(k,j) - m(j,k))*root;
183  *quat[j] = (m(j,i) + m(i,j))*root;
184  *quat[k] = (m(k,i) + m(i,k))*root;
185  }
186 }
T trace() const
Definition: SLMat3.h:486

◆ fromVec3()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::fromVec3 ( const SLVec3< T > &  v0,
const SLVec3< T > &  v1 

Definition at line 190 of file SLQuat4.h.

191 {
192  // Code from "The Shortest Arc Quaternion"
193  // by Stan Melax in "Game Programming Gems".
194  if (v0 == -v1)
195  {
196  fromAngleAxis(PI, 1, 0, 0);
197  return;
198  }
200  SLVec3<T> c;
201  c.cross(v0, v1);
202  T d =;
203  T s = sqrt((1 + d) * (T)2);
205  _x = c.x / s;
206  _y = c.y / s;
207  _z = c.z / s;
208  _w = s * (T)0.5;
209 }
SLScene * s
Definition: SLScene.h:31
The SLScene class represents the top level instance holding the scene structure.
Definition: SLScene.h:47
T dot(const SLVec3 &v) const
Definition: SLVec3.h:117
static const float PI
Definition: Utils.h:237

◆ invert()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::invert

Definition at line 627 of file SLQuat4.h.

628 {
629  T norm = _x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z + _w*_w;
631  if (norm > (T)0)
632  {
633  // for non-unit quaternions we have to normalize
634  T invNorm = ((T)1) / norm;
635  _x = -_x * invNorm;
636  _y = -_y * invNorm;
637  _z = -_z * invNorm;
638  _w = _w * invNorm;
639  } else
640  {
641  // return an invalid result to flag the error.
642  _x = (T)0;
643  _y = (T)0;
644  _z = (T)0;
645  _w = (T)0;
646  }
647 }

◆ inverted()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::inverted

Definition at line 600 of file SLQuat4.h.

601 {
602  SLQuat4<T> inverse;
603  T norm = _x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z + _w*_w;
605  if (norm > (T)0)
606  {
607  // for non-unit quaternions we have to normalize
608  T invNorm = ((T)1) / norm;
609  inverse._x = -_x * invNorm;
610  inverse._y = -_y * invNorm;
611  inverse._z = -_z * invNorm;
612  inverse._w = _w * invNorm;
613  } else
614  {
615  // return an invalid result to flag the error.
616  inverse._x = (T)0;
617  inverse._y = (T)0;
618  inverse._z = (T)0;
619  inverse._w = (T)0;
620  }
622  return inverse;
623 }

◆ length()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::length

Definition at line 543 of file SLQuat4.h.

544 {
545  return sqrt(_x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z + _w*_w);
546 }

◆ lerp() [1/2]

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::lerp ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q1,
const SLQuat4< T > &  q2,

Linear interpolation.

Definition at line 732 of file SLQuat4.h.

734 {
735  *this = q1.scaled(1-t) + q2.scaled(t);
736  normalize();
737 }
SLQuat4< T > scaled(T scale) const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:705
T normalize()
Definition: SLQuat4.h:575

◆ lerp() [2/2]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::lerp ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q2,
) const

Linear interpolation.

Definition at line 723 of file SLQuat4.h.

724 {
725  SLQuat4<T> q = scaled(1-t) + q2.scaled(t);
726  q.normalize();
727  return q;
728 }

◆ normalize()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::normalize

Definition at line 575 of file SLQuat4.h.

576 {
577  T len = length();
579  if (len > FLT_EPSILON)
580  {
581  T invLen = ((T)1)/len;
582  _x *= invLen;
583  _y *= invLen;
584  _z *= invLen;
585  _w *= invLen;
586  } else
587  { // set invalid result to flag the error.
588  len = (T)0;
589  _x = (T)0;
590  _y = (T)0;
591  _z = (T)0;
592  _w = (T)0;
593  }
595  return len;
596 }
T length() const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:543

◆ normalized()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::normalized

Definition at line 550 of file SLQuat4.h.

551 {
552  T len = length();
553  SLQuat4<T> norm;
555  if (len > FLT_EPSILON)
556  {
557  T invLen = ((T)1)/len;
558  norm._x = _x * invLen;
559  norm._y = _y * invLen;
560  norm._z = _z * invLen;
561  norm._w = _w * invLen;
562  } else
563  { // set invalid result to flag the error.
564  norm._x = (T)0;
565  norm._y = (T)0;
566  norm._z = (T)0;
567  norm._w = (T)0;
568  }
570  return norm;
571 }

◆ operator!=()

template<class T >
bool SLQuat4< T >::operator!= ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q) const

Definition at line 503 of file SLQuat4.h.

504 {
505  return !(*this == q);
506 }

◆ operator*() [1/3]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::operator* ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q) const

Definition at line 467 of file SLQuat4.h.

468 {
469  return rotated(q);
470 }
SLQuat4< T > rotated(const SLQuat4< T > &b) const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:669

◆ operator*() [2/3]

template<class T >
SLVec3< T > SLQuat4< T >::operator* ( const SLVec3< T > &  v) const

Definition at line 481 of file SLQuat4.h.

482 {
483  // nVidia SDK implementation
484  SLVec3<T> uv, uuv;
485  SLVec3<T> qvec(_x, _y, _z);
486  uv = qvec.crossProduct(v);
487  uuv = qvec.crossProduct(uv);
488  uv *= (2.0f * _w);
489  uuv *= 2.0f;
491  return v + uv + uuv;
492 }

◆ operator*() [3/3]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::operator* ( s) const

Definition at line 474 of file SLQuat4.h.

475 {
476  return scaled(s);
477 }

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > & SLQuat4< T >::operator*= ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q2)

Definition at line 509 of file SLQuat4.h.

510 {
511  SLQuat4<T> q;
512  SLQuat4<T>& q1 = *this;
514  q._w = q1._w * q2._w - q1._x * q2._x - q1._y * q2._y - q1._z * q2._z;
515  q._x = q1._w * q2._x + q1._x * q2._w + q1._y * q2._z - q1._z * q2._y;
516  q._y = q1._w * q2._y + q1._y * q2._w + q1._z * q2._x - q1._x * q2._z;
517  q._z = q1._w * q2._z + q1._z * q2._w + q1._x * q2._y - q1._y * q2._x;
519  q.normalize();
520  *this = q;
521  return *this;
522 }

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > & SLQuat4< T >::operator*= ( s)

Definition at line 525 of file SLQuat4.h.

526 {
527  _x *= s;
528  _y *= s;
529  _z *= s;
530  _w *= s;
531  return *this;
532 }

◆ operator+()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::operator+ ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q) const

Definition at line 460 of file SLQuat4.h.

461 {
462  return SLQuat4<T>(_x + q._x, _y + q._y, _z + q._z, _w + q._w);
463 }

◆ operator-()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::operator- ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q) const

Definition at line 453 of file SLQuat4.h.

454 {
455  return SLQuat4<T>(_x - q._x, _y - q._y, _z - q._z, _w - q._w);
456 }

◆ operator=()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > & SLQuat4< T >::operator= ( SLQuat4< T >  q)

Definition at line 443 of file SLQuat4.h.

444 {
445  _x = q._x;
446  _y = q._y;
447  _z = q._z;
448  _w = q._w;
449  return(*this);
450 }

◆ operator==()

template<class T >
bool SLQuat4< T >::operator== ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q) const

Definition at line 496 of file SLQuat4.h.

497 {
498  return _x == q._x && _y == q._y && _z == q._z && _w == q._w;
499 }

◆ rotate() [1/2]

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::rotate ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q)

Definition at line 682 of file SLQuat4.h.

683 {
684  SLQuat4<T> q;
685  SLQuat4<T>& q1 = *this;
687  q._w = q1._w * q2._w - q1._x * q2._x - q1._y * q2._y - q1._z * q2._z;
688  q._x = q1._w * q2._x + q1._x * q2._w + q1._y * q2._z - q1._z * q2._y;
689  q._y = q1._w * q2._y + q1._y * q2._w + q1._z * q2._x - q1._x * q2._z;
690  q._z = q1._w * q2._z + q1._z * q2._w + q1._x * q2._y - q1._y * q2._x;
692  q.normalize();
693  *this = q;
694 }

◆ rotate() [2/2]

template<class T >
SLVec3< T > SLQuat4< T >::rotate ( const SLVec3< T > &  vec) const

Definition at line 697 of file SLQuat4.h.

698 {
699  SLMat3<T> rot = toMat3();
700  return rot * vec;
701 }
3x3 matrix template class
Definition: SLMat3.h:39
SLMat3< T > toMat3() const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:318

◆ rotated()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::rotated ( const SLQuat4< T > &  b) const

Definition at line 669 of file SLQuat4.h.

670 {
671  SLQuat4<T> q;
672  q._w = _w*b._w - _x*b._x - _y*b._y - _z*b._z;
673  q._x = _w*b._x + _x*b._w + _y*b._z - _z*b._y;
674  q._y = _w*b._y + _y*b._w + _z*b._x - _x*b._z;
675  q._z = _w*b._z + _z*b._w + _x*b._y - _y*b._x;
676  q.normalize();
677  return q;
678 }

◆ scale()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::scale ( scale)

Definition at line 712 of file SLQuat4.h.

713 {
714  _x *= s;
715  _y *= s;
716  _z *= s;
717  _w *= s;
718 }

◆ scaled()

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::scaled ( scale) const

Definition at line 705 of file SLQuat4.h.

706 {
707  return SLQuat4<T>(_x * s, _y * s, _z * s, _w * s);
708 }

◆ set()

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::set ( x,

Definition at line 140 of file SLQuat4.h.

141 {
142  _x = x;
143  _y = y;
144  _z = z;
145  _w = w;
146 }

◆ slerp() [1/2]

template<class T >
void SLQuat4< T >::slerp ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q1,
const SLQuat4< T > &  q2,

Spherical linear interpolation.

Definition at line 817 of file SLQuat4.h.

819 {
820  // Ken Shoemake's famous method.
821  assert(t>=0 && t<=1 && "Wrong t in SLQuat4::slerp");
823  T cosAngle =;
825  if (cosAngle > 1 - FLT_EPSILON)
826  {
827  *this = q2 + (q1 - q2).scaled(t);
828  normalize();
829  return;
830  }
832  if (cosAngle < 0) cosAngle = 0;
833  if (cosAngle > 1) cosAngle = 1;
835  T theta0 = acos(cosAngle);
836  T theta = theta0 * t;
838  SLQuat4<T> v2 = (q2 - q1.scaled(cosAngle));
839  v2.normalize();
841  *this = q1.scaled(cos(theta)) + v2.scaled(sin(theta));
842  normalize();
843 }
T dot(const SLQuat4< T > &q) const
Definition: SLQuat4.h:536

◆ slerp() [2/2]

template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::slerp ( const SLQuat4< T > &  q2,
) const

Spherical linear interpolation

clean up the code below and find a working algorithm or check the original shoemake implementation for errors.

Definition at line 745 of file SLQuat4.h.

746 {
747  // Not 100% slerp, uses lerp in case of close angle! note the todo above this line!
748  SLfloat factor = t;
749  // calc cosine theta
750  T cosom = _x * q2._x + _y * q2._y + _z * q2._z + _w * q2._w;
752  // adjust signs (if necessary)
753  SLQuat4<T> endCpy = q2;
754  if( cosom < static_cast<T>(0.0))
755  {
756  cosom = -cosom;
757  endCpy._x = -endCpy._x; // Reverse all signs
758  endCpy._y = -endCpy._y;
759  endCpy._z = -endCpy._z;
760  endCpy._w = -endCpy._w;
761  }
763  // Calculate coefficients
764  T sclp, sclq;
765  if( (static_cast<T>(1.0) - cosom) > static_cast<T>(0.0001)) // 0.0001 -> some epsillon
766  {
767  // Standard case (slerp)
768  T omega, sinom;
769  omega = acos( cosom); // extract theta from dot product's cos theta
770  sinom = sin( omega);
771  sclp = sin( (static_cast<T>(1.0) - factor) * omega) / sinom;
772  sclq = sin( factor * omega) / sinom;
773  } else
774  {
775  // Very close, do linear interp (because it's faster)
776  sclp = static_cast<T>(1.0) - factor;
777  sclq = factor;
778  }
780  SLQuat4<T> out;
781  out._x = sclp * _x + sclq * endCpy._x;
782  out._y = sclp * _y + sclq * endCpy._y;
783  out._z = sclp * _z + sclq * endCpy._z;
784  out._w = sclp * _w + sclq * endCpy._w;
785  return out;
787  /*OLD
788  // Ken Shoemake's famous method.
789  assert(t>=0 && t<=1 && "Wrong t in SLQuat4::slerp");
791  T cosAngle = dot(q2);
793  if (cosAngle > 1 - FLT_EPSILON)
794  {
795  SLQuat4<T> result = q2 + (*this - q2).scaled(t);
796  result.normalize();
797  return result;
798  }
800  if (cosAngle < 0) cosAngle = 0;
801  if (cosAngle > 1) cosAngle = 1;
803  T theta0 = acos(cosAngle);
804  T theta = theta0 * t;
806  SLQuat4<T> v2 = (q2 - scaled(cosAngle));
807  v2.normalize();
809  SLQuat4<T> q = scaled(cos(theta)) + v2.scaled(sin(theta));
810  q.normalize();
811  return q;
812  */
813 }
float SLfloat
Definition: SL.h:173

◆ toAngleAxis()

template<typename T >
void SLQuat4< T >::toAngleAxis ( T &  angleDEG,
SLVec3< T > &  axis 
) const

Definition at line 363 of file SLQuat4.h.

364 {
365  // The quaternion representing the rotation is
366  // q = cos(A/2) + sin(A/2)*(_x*i+_y*j+_z*k)
368  T sqrLen = _x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z;
370  if (sqrLen > FLT_EPSILON)
371  {
372  angleDEG = ((T)2) * acos(_w) * RAD2DEG;
373  T len = sqrt(sqrLen);
374  axis.x = _x / len;
375  axis.y = _y / len;
376  axis.z = _z / len;
377  }
378  else
379  {
380  // Angle is 0 (mod 2*pi), so any axis will do.
381  angleDEG = (T)0;
382  axis.x = (T)1;
383  axis.y = (T)0;
384  axis.z = (T)0;
385  }
386 }
static const float RAD2DEG
Definition: Utils.h:238

◆ toEulerAnglesXYZ()

template<typename T >
void SLQuat4< T >::toEulerAnglesXYZ ( T &  xRotRAD,
T &  yRotRAD,
T &  zRotRAD 
) const

Definition at line 407 of file SLQuat4.h.

408 {
409  double sinx = -(T)2 * (_z * _y - _w * _x);
410  double cosx = +1.0 - (T)2 * (_x * _x + _y * _y);
411  xRotRAD = (T)atan2(sinx, cosx);
413  double siny = (T)2 * (_w * _y + _x * _z);
414  if (fabs(siny) >= 1)
415  yRotRAD = (T)copysign(PI / 2, siny); // use 90 degrees if out of range
416  else
417  yRotRAD = (T)asin(siny);
419  double sinz = -(T)2 * (_x * _y - _w * _z);
420  double cosz = +1.0 - (T)2 * (_y *_y + _z *_z);
421  zRotRAD = (T)atan2(sinz, cosz);
422 }

◆ toEulerAnglesZXY()

template<typename T >
void SLQuat4< T >::toEulerAnglesZXY ( T &  zRotRAD,
T &  xRotRAD,
T &  yRotRAD 
) const

Definition at line 425 of file SLQuat4.h.

426 {
427  double sinz = -(T)2 * (_x * _y - _w * _z);
428  double cosz = 1 - (T)2 * (_x * _x + _z * _z);
429  zRotRAD = (T)atan2(sinz, cosz);
431  double sinx = (T)2 * (_y * _z + _w * _x);
432  if (fabs(sinx) >= 1)
433  xRotRAD = (T)copysign(PI / 2, sinx); // use 90 degrees if out of range
434  else
435  xRotRAD = (T)asin(sinx);
437  double siny = -(T)2 * (_x * _z - _w * _y);
438  double cosy = 1 - (T)2 * (_x * _x + _y * _y);
439  yRotRAD = (T)atan2(siny, cosy);
440 }

◆ toEulerAnglesZYX()

template<typename T >
void SLQuat4< T >::toEulerAnglesZYX ( T &  zRotRAD,
T &  yRotRAD,
T &  xRotRAD 
) const

Definition at line 389 of file SLQuat4.h.

390 {
391  double sinz = +2.0 * (_w * _z + _x * _y);
392  double cosz = +1.0 - 2.0 * (_y *_y + _z *_z);
393  zRotRAD = (T)atan2(sinz, cosz);
395  double siny = +2.0 * (_w *_y - _z *_x);
396  if (fabs(siny) >= 1)
397  yRotRAD = (T)copysign(PI / 2, siny); // use 90 degrees if out of range
398  else
399  yRotRAD = (T)asin(siny);
401  double sinx = +2.0 * (_w * _x + _y * _z);
402  double cosx = +1.0 - 2.0 * (_x * _x + _y * _y);
403  xRotRAD = (T)atan2(sinx, cosx);
404 }

◆ toMat3()

template<class T >
SLMat3< T > SLQuat4< T >::toMat3

Definition at line 318 of file SLQuat4.h.

319 {
320  T x2 = _x *(T)2;
321  T y2 = _y *(T)2;
322  T z2 = _z *(T)2;
324  T wx2 = _w * x2; T wy2 = _w * y2; T wz2 = _w * z2;
325  T xx2 = _x * x2; T xy2 = _x * y2; T xz2 = _x * z2;
326  T yy2 = _y * y2; T yz2 = _y * z2; T zz2 = _z * z2;
328  SLMat3<T> m(1 -(yy2 + zz2), xy2 - wz2, xz2 + wy2,
329  xy2 + wz2, 1 -(xx2 + zz2), yz2 - wx2,
330  xz2 - wy2, yz2 + wx2, 1 -(xx2 + yy2));
332  return m;
333 }

◆ toMat4()

template<class T >
SLMat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::toMat4

Definition at line 337 of file SLQuat4.h.

338 {
339  T x2 = _x *(T)2;
340  T y2 = _y *(T)2;
341  T z2 = _z *(T)2;
343  T wx2 = _w * x2; T wy2 = _w * y2; T wz2 = _w * z2;
344  T xx2 = _x * x2; T xy2 = _x * y2; T xz2 = _x * z2;
345  T yy2 = _y * y2; T yz2 = _y * z2; T zz2 = _z * z2;
347  SLMat4<T> m(1 -(yy2 + zz2), xy2 - wz2, xz2 + wy2, 0,
348  xy2 + wz2, 1 -(xx2 + zz2), yz2 - wx2, 0,
349  xz2 - wy2, yz2 + wx2, 1 -(xx2 + yy2), 0,
350  0, 0, 0, 1);
351  return m;
352 }
4x4 matrix template class
Definition: SLMat4.h:52

◆ toVec4()

template<class T >
SLVec4< T > SLQuat4< T >::toVec4

Definition at line 356 of file SLQuat4.h.

357 {
358  return SLVec4<T>(_x, _y, _z, _w);
359 }
4D vector template class for standard 4D vector algebra.
Definition: SLVec4.h:29

◆ w()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::w ( ) const

Definition at line 39 of file SLQuat4.h.

39 { return _w; }

◆ x()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::x ( ) const

Definition at line 36 of file SLQuat4.h.

36 { return _x; }

◆ y()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::y ( ) const

Definition at line 37 of file SLQuat4.h.

37 { return _y; }

◆ z()

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::z ( ) const

Definition at line 38 of file SLQuat4.h.

38 { return _z; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ _w

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::_w

Definition at line 92 of file SLQuat4.h.

◆ _x

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::_x

Definition at line 92 of file SLQuat4.h.

◆ _y

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::_y

Definition at line 92 of file SLQuat4.h.

◆ _z

template<class T >
T SLQuat4< T >::_z

Definition at line 92 of file SLQuat4.h.


template<class T >
SLQuat4< T > SLQuat4< T >::IDENTITY = SLQuat4<T>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)

Definition at line 89 of file SLQuat4.h.

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