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A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
Light node class for a rectangular light source. More...
#include <SLLightRect.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SLLightRect (SLAssetManager *assetMgr, SLScene *s, SLfloat width=1, SLfloat height=1, SLbool hasMesh=true) | |
Construct a new SLLightRect::SLLightRect object. More... | |
~SLLightRect () override | |
void | init (SLScene *s) |
bool | hitRec (SLRay *ray) override |
void | statsRec (SLNodeStats &stats) override |
SLLightSpot::statsRec updates the statistic parameters. More... | |
void | drawMesh (SLSceneView *sv) override |
void | createShadowMap (float lightClipNear=0.1f, float lightClipFar=20.0f, SLVec2f size=SLVec2f(8, 8), SLVec2i texSize=SLVec2i(1024, 1024)) override |
void | createShadowMapAutoSize (SLCamera *camera, SLVec2i texSize=SLVec2i(1024, 1024), int numCascades=0) override |
SLfloat | shadowTest (SLRay *ray, const SLVec3f &L, SLfloat lightDist, SLNode *root3D) override |
SLfloat | shadowTestMC (SLRay *ray, const SLVec3f &L, SLfloat lightDist, SLNode *root3D) override |
void | width (const SLfloat w) |
void | height (const SLfloat h) |
void | samples (SLVec2i samples) |
void | samplesXY (SLint x, SLint y) |
SLfloat | width () const |
SLfloat | height () const |
SLCol4f | ambient () override |
Return normally _ambientColor * _ambientPower. More... | |
SLCol4f | diffuse () override |
Returns normally _diffuseColor * _diffusePower. More... | |
SLCol4f | specular () override |
Returns normally _specularColor * _specularPower. More... | |
SLVec4f | positionWS () const override |
SLVec3f | spotDirWS () override |
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SLNode (const SLstring &name="Node") | |
Construct a new SLNode::SLNode object. More... | |
SLNode (SLMesh *mesh, const SLstring &name="Node") | |
SLNode (SLMesh *mesh, const SLVec3f &translation, const SLstring &name) | |
~SLNode () override | |
virtual void | cull3DRec (SLSceneView *sv) |
virtual void | cullChildren3D (SLSceneView *sv) |
Initializer function to call SLNode::cull3DRec recursively. More... | |
virtual void | cull2DRec (SLSceneView *sv) |
virtual SLNode * | copyRec () |
virtual SLAABBox & | updateAABBRec (SLbool updateAlsoAABBinOS) |
virtual void | dumpRec () |
void | setDrawBitsRec (SLuint bit, SLbool state) |
void | setPrimitiveTypeRec (SLGLPrimitiveType primitiveType) |
virtual void | addMesh (SLMesh *mesh) |
bool | removeMesh () |
Returns true if a mesh was assigned and set it to nullptr. More... | |
bool | removeMesh (SLMesh *mesh) |
Returns true if the passed mesh was assigned and sets it to nullptr. More... | |
SLint | numChildren () |
void | addChild (SLNode *child) |
bool | insertChild (SLNode *insertC, SLNode *afterC) |
void | deleteChildren () |
bool | deleteChild () |
bool | deleteChild (SLNode *child) |
bool | deleteChild (const SLstring &name) |
bool | removeChild (SLNode *child) |
remove child from vector of children. Removes false if not found, else true. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | find (const SLstring &name="", SLbool findRecursive=true) |
template<typename T > | |
T * | findChild (const SLstring &name="", SLbool findRecursive=true) |
template<typename T > | |
deque< T * > | findChildren (const SLstring &name="", SLbool findRecursive=true, SLbool canContain=false) |
deque< SLNode * > | findChildren (const SLMesh *mesh, SLbool findRecursive=true) |
deque< SLNode * > | findChildren (SLuint drawbit, SLbool findRecursive=true) |
SLVec3f | translationOS () const |
SLVec3f | forwardOS () const |
SLVec3f | rightOS () const |
SLVec3f | upOS () const |
SLVec3f | axisXOS () const |
SLVec3f | axisYOS () const |
SLVec3f | axisZOS () const |
SLVec3f | translationWS () const |
SLVec3f | forwardWS () const |
SLVec3f | rightWS () const |
SLVec3f | upWS () const |
SLVec3f | axisXWS () const |
SLVec3f | axisYWS () const |
SLVec3f | axisZWS () const |
void | translation (const SLVec3f &pos, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) |
void | translation (SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) |
void | rotation (const SLQuat4f &rot, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) |
void | rotation (SLfloat angleDeg, const SLVec3f &axis, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) |
void | scaling (SLfloat s) |
void | scaling (SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z) |
void | scaling (const SLVec3f &scaling) |
void | lookAt (SLfloat targetX, SLfloat targetY, SLfloat targetZ, SLfloat upX=0, SLfloat upY=1, SLfloat upZ=0, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world) |
void | lookAt (const SLVec3f &target, const SLVec3f &up=SLVec3f::AXISY, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world) |
void | translate (const SLVec3f &vec, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) |
void | translate (SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) |
void | rotate (const SLQuat4f &rot, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) |
void | rotate (SLfloat angleDeg, const SLVec3f &axis, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) |
void | rotate (SLfloat angleDeg, SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) |
void | rotateAround (const SLVec3f &point, SLVec3f &axis, SLfloat angleDeg, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world) |
void | scale (SLfloat s) |
void | scale (SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z) |
void | scale (const SLVec3f &scale) |
void | scaleToCenter (SLfloat maxDim) |
void | setInitialState () |
void | resetToInitialState () |
void | parent (SLNode *p) |
void | entityID (SLint entityID) |
void | om (const SLMat4f &mat) |
void | animation (SLAnimation *a) |
void | castsShadows (SLbool castsShadows) |
virtual void | needUpdate () |
void | needWMUpdate () |
void | needAABBUpdate () |
void | isSelected (bool isSelected) |
void | minLodCoverage (SLfloat minLodCoverage) |
void | levelForSM (SLubyte lfsm) |
void | onUpdateCB (function< void()> callbackFunc) |
SLNode * | parent () |
SLint | depth () const |
SLint | entityID () const |
const SLMat4f & | om () |
const SLMat4f & | initialOM () |
const SLMat4f & | updateAndGetWM () const |
const SLMat4f & | updateAndGetWMI () const |
SLDrawBits * | drawBits () |
SLbool | drawBit (SLuint bit) |
SLAABBox * | aabb () |
SLAnimation * | animation () |
SLbool | castsShadows () |
SLMesh * | mesh () |
SLVNode & | children () |
const SLAnimSkeleton * | skeleton () |
Returns the first skeleton found in the meshes. More... | |
void | updateRec () |
virtual void | doUpdate () |
bool | updateMeshSkins (bool forceCPUSkinning, const std::function< void(SLMesh *)> &cbInformNodes) |
Update all skinned meshes recursively. More... | |
void | updateMeshAccelStructs () |
void | updateMeshMat (std::function< void(SLMaterial *m)> setMat, bool recursive) |
Updates the mesh material recursively with a material lambda. More... | |
void | setMeshMat (SLMaterial *mat, bool recursive) |
Set the mesh material recursively. More... | |
bool | isSelected () |
SLfloat | minLodCoverage () |
SLubyte | levelForSM () |
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SLObject (const SLstring &Name="", const SLstring &url="") | |
virtual | ~SLObject () |
void | name (const SLstring &Name) |
void | url (const SLstring &url) |
const SLstring & | name () const |
const SLstring & | url () const |
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SLEventHandler () | |
virtual | ~SLEventHandler () |
virtual SLbool | onMouseDown (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onMouseUp (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onMouseMove (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onDoubleClick (const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onMouseWheel (const SLint delta, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onTouch2Down (const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2) |
virtual SLbool | onTouch2Move (const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2) |
virtual SLbool | onTouch2Up (const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2) |
virtual SLbool | onTouch3Down (const SLint x1, const SLint y1) |
virtual SLbool | onTouch3Move (const SLint x1, const SLint y1) |
virtual SLbool | onTouch3Up (const SLint x1, const SLint y1) |
virtual SLbool | onKeyPress (const SLKey key, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onKeyRelease (const SLKey key, const SLKey mod) |
virtual SLbool | onRotationPYR (const SLfloat pitchRAD, const SLfloat yawRAD, const SLfloat rollRAD) |
void | mouseRotationFactor (SLfloat rf) |
SLfloat | mouseRotationFactor () |
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SLLight (SLfloat ambiPower=0.1f, SLfloat diffPower=1.0f, SLfloat specPower=1.0f, SLint id=-1) | |
Construct a new SLLight::SLLight object. More... | |
virtual | ~SLLight ()=default |
void | id (const SLint id) |
void | isOn (const SLbool on) |
void | powers (SLfloat ambiPow, SLfloat diffPow, SLfloat specPow, const SLCol4f &ambiDiffSpecCol=SLCol4f::WHITE) |
Sets the ambient, diffuse and specular powers all with the same color. More... | |
void | ambiDiffPowers (SLfloat ambiPow, SLfloat diffPow, const SLCol4f &ambiDiffCol=SLCol4f::WHITE) |
Sets the ambient and diffuse powers with the same color. More... | |
void | ambiDiffColor (const SLCol4f &ambiDiffCol) |
Sets the same color to the ambient and diffuse colors. More... | |
void | ambientColor (const SLCol4f &ambi) |
void | ambientPower (const SLfloat ambPow) |
void | diffuseColor (const SLCol4f &diff) |
void | diffusePower (const SLfloat diffPow) |
void | specularColor (const SLCol4f &spec) |
void | specularPower (const SLfloat specPow) |
void | spotExponent (const SLfloat exp) |
void | spotCutOffDEG (SLfloat cutOffAngleDEG) |
void | kc (SLfloat kc) |
void | kl (SLfloat kl) |
void | kq (SLfloat kq) |
void | attenuation (const SLfloat kConstant, const SLfloat kLinear, const SLfloat kQuadratic) |
void | createsShadows (SLbool createsShadows) |
void | shadowMap (SLShadowMap *shadowMap) |
void | doSmoothShadows (SLbool doSS) |
void | smoothShadowLevel (SLuint ssLevel) |
void | shadowMinBias (SLfloat minBias) |
void | shadowMaxBias (SLfloat maxBias) |
SLint | id () const |
SLbool | isOn () const |
SLCol4f | ambientColor () |
SLfloat | ambientPower () const |
SLCol4f | diffuseColor () |
SLfloat | diffusePower () const |
SLCol4f | specularColor () |
SLfloat | specularPower () const |
SLfloat | spotCutOffDEG () const |
SLfloat | spotCosCut () const |
SLfloat | spotExponent () const |
SLfloat | kc () const |
SLfloat | kl () const |
SLfloat | kq () const |
SLbool | isAttenuated () const |
SLfloat | attenuation (SLfloat dist) const |
SLbool | createsShadows () const |
SLShadowMap * | shadowMap () |
SLbool | doSoftShadows () const |
SLuint | softShadowLevel () const |
SLfloat | shadowMinBias () const |
SLfloat | shadowMaxBias () const |
virtual SLbool | doCascadedShadows () const |
virtual void | renderShadowMap (SLSceneView *sv, SLNode *root) |
SLLight::renderShadowMap renders the shadow map of the light. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
SLfloat | _width |
Width of square light in x direction. More... | |
SLfloat | _height |
Lenght of square light in y direction. More... | |
SLfloat | _halfWidth |
Half width of square light in x dir. More... | |
SLfloat | _halfHeight |
Half height of square light in y dir. More... | |
SLVec2i | _samples |
Uneven NO. of samples in x and y dir. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static SLfloat | oneOverGamma () |
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static SLuint | numWMUpdates = 0 |
NO. of calls to updateWMRec per frame. More... | |
static unsigned int | instanceIndex = 0 |
??? More... | |
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static SLCol4f | globalAmbient = SLCol4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f) |
static global ambient light intensity More... | |
static SLfloat | gamma = 1.0f |
final output gamma value More... | |
static SLbool | doColoredShadows = false |
flag if shadows should be displayed with colors for debugging More... | |
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SLNode * | _parent |
pointer to the parent node More... | |
SLVNode | _children |
vector of children nodes More... | |
SLMesh * | _mesh |
pointer to a single mesh More... | |
SLint | _depth |
depth of the node in a scene tree More... | |
SLint | _entityID |
ID in the SLVEntity graph for Data Oriented Design. More... | |
SLMat4f | _om |
object matrix for local transforms More... | |
SLMat4f | _initialOM |
the initial om state More... | |
SLMat4f | _wm |
world matrix for world transform More... | |
SLMat4f | _wmI |
inverse world matrix More... | |
SLbool | _isWMUpToDate |
is the WM of this node still valid More... | |
SLbool | _isWMIUpToDate |
is the inverse WM of this node still valid More... | |
SLbool | _isAABBUpToDate |
is the saved aabb still valid More... | |
bool | _castsShadows |
flag if meshes of node should cast shadows More... | |
bool | _isSelected |
flag if node and one or more of its meshes are selected More... | |
SLDrawBits | _drawBits |
node level drawing flags More... | |
SLAABBox | _aabb |
axis aligned bounding box More... | |
SLAnimation * | _animation |
animation of the node More... | |
SLfloat | _minLodCoverage |
Min. LOD coverage for visibility (0.0 < _minLodCoverage < 1.0) More... | |
SLubyte | _levelForSM |
Level of LOD to use for shadow mapping (0 = the visible one will be drawn) More... | |
function< void()> | _onUpdateCB |
Optional lambda callback once per update. More... | |
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SLstring | _name |
name of an object More... | |
SLstring | _url |
uniform resource locator More... | |
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SLfloat | _mouseRotationFactor |
Mouse rotation sensibility. More... | |
SLfloat | _keyboardDeltaPos |
Delta dist. for keyboard translation. More... | |
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SLint | _id |
OpenGL light number (0-7) More... | |
SLbool | _isOn |
Flag if light is on or off. More... | |
SLCol4f | _ambientColor |
Ambient light color (RGB 0-1) More... | |
SLfloat | _ambientPower |
Ambient light power (0-N) More... | |
SLCol4f | _diffuseColor |
Diffuse light color (RGB 0-1) More... | |
SLfloat | _diffusePower |
Diffuse light power (0-N) More... | |
SLCol4f | _specularColor |
Specular light color (RGB 0-1) More... | |
SLfloat | _specularPower |
Specular light power (0-N) More... | |
SLfloat | _spotCutOffDEG |
Half the spot cone angle. More... | |
SLfloat | _spotCosCutOffRAD |
cosine of spotCutoff angle More... | |
SLfloat | _spotExponent |
Spot attenuation from center to edge of cone. More... | |
SLfloat | _kc |
Constant light attenuation. More... | |
SLfloat | _kl |
Linear light attenuation. More... | |
SLfloat | _kq |
Quadratic light attenuation. More... | |
SLbool | _isAttenuated |
fast attenuation flag for ray tracing More... | |
SLbool | _createsShadows |
flag if light creates shadows or not More... | |
SLShadowMap * | _shadowMap |
Used for shadow mapping. More... | |
SLbool | _doSoftShadows |
flag if percentage-closer filtering for smooth shadows is enabled More... | |
SLuint | _softShadowLevel |
Radius to smoothing (1 = 3 * 3; 2 = 5 * 5; ...) More... | |
SLfloat | _shadowMinBias |
Min. bias at 0 deg. to use to prevent shadow acne. More... | |
SLfloat | _shadowMaxBias |
Max. bias at 90 deg. to use to prevent shadow acne. More... | |
Light node class for a rectangular light source.
SLLightRect is a node that renders in OpenGL a light rectangle object and applies the OpenGL light settings through the SLLight class. The light rectangle is defined with its width and height and lies initially centered in the x-y-plane. The light shines as a spotlight with 90 degrees cutoff angle towards the negative z-axis.
If a light node is added to the scene it stays fix in the scene.
If a light node is added to the camera it moves with the camera.
See the scene examples for Per-Vertex-Blinn or Per-Pixel-Blinn lighting where all light node types are used.
All light nodes inherited from SLLight work automatically together with the automatically generated shader in SLGLProgramGenerated.
Definition at line 37 of file SLLightRect.h.
SLLightRect::SLLightRect | ( | SLAssetManager * | assetMgr, |
SLScene * | s, | ||
SLfloat | w = 1 , |
SLfloat | h = 1 , |
SLbool | hasMesh = true |
) |
Construct a new SLLightRect::SLLightRect object.
assetMgr | AssetManager that will own the light mesh |
s | SLScene pointer |
w | Width of the light rectangle |
h | Height if the light rectangle |
hasMesh | Boolean if a mesh should be created and shown |
Definition at line 34 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 64 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Return normally _ambientColor * _ambientPower.
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 88 of file SLLightRect.h.
overridevirtual |
Creates an fixed sized standard shadow map for a rectangular light.
lightClipNear | The light frustums near clipping distance |
lightClipFar | The light frustums near clipping distance |
size | Ignored for rectangular lights |
texSize | Shadow texture map size |
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 289 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Creates an automatic sized shadow map for the rectangular light.
camera | Pointer to the camera for witch the shadow map gets sized |
texSize | Shadow texture map size (equal for all cascades) |
numCascades | This value is ignored (default 0) |
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 309 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns normally _diffuseColor * _diffusePower.
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 89 of file SLLightRect.h.
overridevirtual |
SLLightRect::drawMeshes sets the light states and calls then the drawMeshes method of its node.
Reimplemented from SLNode.
Definition at line 119 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 85 of file SLLightRect.h.
Definition at line 75 of file SLLightRect.h.
SLLightRect::hitRec calls the nodes intersection code.
Reimplemented from SLNode.
Definition at line 96 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
SLLightRect::init sets the light id, the light states & creates an emissive mat.
Definition at line 73 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 91 of file SLLightRect.h.
Definition at line 323 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
Definition at line 329 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
overridevirtual |
SLLightRect::shadowTest returns 0.0 if the hit point is completely shaded and 1.0 if it is 100% lighted. A return value inbetween is calculate by the ratio of the shadow rays not blocked to the total number of casted shadow rays.
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 147 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
overridevirtual |
SLLightRect::shadowTestMC returns 0.0 if the hit point is shaded and 1.0 if it lighted. Only one shadow sample is tested for path tracing.
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 258 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns normally _specularColor * _specularPower.
Implements SLLight.
Definition at line 90 of file SLLightRect.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
overridevirtual |
SLLightSpot::statsRec updates the statistic parameters.
Reimplemented from SLNode.
Definition at line 109 of file SLLightRect.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 84 of file SLLightRect.h.
Definition at line 70 of file SLLightRect.h.
private |
Half height of square light in y dir.
Definition at line 104 of file SLLightRect.h.
private |
Half width of square light in x dir.
Definition at line 103 of file SLLightRect.h.
private |
Lenght of square light in y direction.
Definition at line 102 of file SLLightRect.h.
private |
Uneven NO. of samples in x and y dir.
Definition at line 105 of file SLLightRect.h.
private |
Width of square light in x direction.
Definition at line 101 of file SLLightRect.h.