SLAccelStruct is an abstract base class for acceleration structures.
virtual void updateStats(SLNodeStats &stats)=0
SLuint _voxelCntEmpty
NO. of empty voxels.
SLMesh * _m
Pointer to the mesh.
SLVec3f _maxV
max. point of AABB
SLfloat _voxelAvgTria
avg. no. of triangles per voxel
virtual void build(SLVec3f minV, SLVec3f maxV)=0
virtual void draw(SLSceneView *sv)=0
virtual SLbool intersect(SLRay *ray, SLNode *node)=0
SLuint _voxelCnt
NO. of voxels in accelerator.
SLuint _voxelMaxTria
max. no. of triangles pre voxel
virtual void disposeBuffers()=0
SLVec3f _minV
min. point of AABB
An SLMesh object is a triangulated mesh, drawn with one draw call.
SLNode represents a node in a hierarchical scene graph.
Ray class with ray and intersection properties.
SceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene.
Struct for scene graph statistics.