96 if (updateAlsoAABBinOS)
#define SL_DB_HIDDEN
Flags an object as hidden.
Defines an axis aligned bounding box.
void fromOStoWS(const SLVec3f &minOS, const SLVec3f &maxOS, const SLMat4f &wm)
Recalculate min and max after transformation in world coords.
SLbool get(SLuint bit)
Returns the specified bit.
Encapsulation of an OpenGL shader program object.
SLint uniformMatrix4fv(const SLchar *name, SLsizei count, const SLfloat *value, GLboolean transpose=false) const
Passes a 4x4 float matrix values py pointer to the uniform variable "name".
SLint uniform4fv(const SLchar *name, SLsizei count, const SLfloat *value) const
Passes 4 float values py pointer to the uniform variable "name".
SLint uniform1i(const SLchar *name, SLint v0) const
Passes the int values v0 to the uniform variable "name".
Singleton class holding all OpenGL states.
static SLGLState * instance()
Public static instance getter for singleton pattern.
SLMat4f viewMatrix
matrix for the active cameras view transform
SLMat4f projectionMatrix
matrix for projection transform
void minFiler(SLint minF)
void magFiler(SLint magF)
void bindActive(SLuint texUnit=0)
void drawElementsAs(SLGLPrimitiveType primitiveType, SLuint numIndexes=0, SLuint indexOffsetBytes=0)
Draws the VAO by element indices with a primitive type.
SLuint vaoID() const
Returns either the VAO id or the VBO id.
SLNode represents a node in a hierarchical scene graph.
SLDrawBits _drawBits
node level drawing flags
SLAABBox _aabb
axis aligned bounding box
const SLMat4f & updateAndGetWM() const
SceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene.
Texture Font class inherits SLGLTexture for alpha blended font rendering.
void buildTextBuffers(SLGLVertexArray &vao, const SLstring &text, SLfloat maxWidth=0.0f, SLfloat lineHeight=1.5f)
SLGLProgram * fontTexProgram()
SLVec2f calcTextSize(const SLstring &text, SLfloat maxWidth=0.0f, SLfloat lineHeightFactor=1.5f)
SLText creates a mesh using a textured font from SLTexFont.
SLfloat _lineH
Line height factor for wrapped text.
void drawText(SLSceneView *sv)
SLstring _text
Text of the button.
SLGLVertexArray _vao
Vertex array for rendering.
SLText(SLstring text, SLTexFont *font, SLCol4f txtCol=SLCol4f::WHITE, SLfloat maxWidth=0.0f, SLfloat lineHeightFactor=1.3f)
Construct a new SLText::SLText object.
void statsRec(SLNodeStats &stats) override
SLTexFont * _font
Font pointer of the preloaded font.
SLfloat _maxW
Max. width in pix. for wrapped text.
SLCol4f _color
RGBA-Color of the text.
SLAABBox & updateAABBRec(SLbool updateAlsoAABBinOS) override
Struct for scene graph statistics.
SLuint numNodes
NO. of children nodes.
SLuint numTriangles
NO. of triangles in mesh.
SLuint numBytes
NO. of bytes allocated.