SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
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1 /**
2  * \file CVTrackedFaces.cpp
3  * \date Spring 2018
4  * \authors Marcus Hudritsch
5  * \copyright
6  * \remarks Please use clangformat to format the code. See more code style on
7  *
8 */
10 /*
11 The OpenCV library version 3.4 or above with extra module must be present.
12 If the application captures the live video stream with OpenCV you have
13 to define in addition the constant APP_USES_CVCAPTURE.
14 All classes that use OpenCV begin with CV.
15 See also the class docs for CVCapture, CVCalibration and CVTracked
16 for a good top down information.
17 */
18 #include <CVTrackedFaces.h>
19 #include <Utils.h>
20 #include <Profiler.h>
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 //! Constructor for the facial landmark tracker
24 /*! The Constructor loads the training files for the face and the facial
25 landmarks. It also defines an averaged set of facial landmark points in 3D
26 used for pose estimation.
27 @param faceClassifierFilename Name of the cascaded face training file
28 @param faceMarkModelFilename Name of the facial landmark training file
29 @param smoothLength Length of averaging filter
30 */
31 CVTrackedFaces::CVTrackedFaces(string faceClassifierFilename,
32  string faceMarkModelFilename,
33  int smoothLength)
34 {
35  // Load Haar cascade training file for the face detection
36  if (!Utils::fileExists(faceClassifierFilename))
37  {
38  string msg = "CVTrackedFaces: File not found: " + faceClassifierFilename;
39  Utils::exitMsg("SLProject", msg.c_str(), __LINE__, __FILE__);
40  }
41  _faceDetector = new CVCascadeClassifier(faceClassifierFilename);
43  // Load facemark model file for the facial landmark detection
44  if (!Utils::fileExists(faceMarkModelFilename))
45  {
46  string msg = "CVTrackedFaces: File not found: " + faceMarkModelFilename;
47  Utils::exitMsg("SLProject", msg.c_str(), __LINE__, __FILE__);
48  }
50  cv::face::FacemarkLBF::Params facemarkParams;
51  facemarkParams.verbose = false; // no logging
52  _facemark = cv::face::FacemarkLBF::create(facemarkParams);
53  _facemark->loadModel(faceMarkModelFilename);
55  // Init averaged 2D facial landmark points
56  _smoothLength = smoothLength;
57  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Nose tip
58  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Nose hole left
59  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Nose hole right
60  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Left eye left corner
61  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Left eye right corner
62  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Right eye left corner
63  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Right eye right corner
64  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Left mouth corner
65  _avgPosePoints2D.emplace_back(AvgCVVec2f(smoothLength, CVVec2f(0, 0))); // Right mouth corner
67  _cvPosePoints2D.resize(_avgPosePoints2D.size(), CVPoint2f(0, 0));
69  // Set 3D facial points in mm
70  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(.000f, .000f, .000f)); // Nose tip
71  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(-.015f, -.005f, -.018f)); // Nose hole left
72  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(.015f, -.005f, -.018f)); // Nose hole right
73  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(-.047f, .041f, -.036f)); // Left eye left corner
74  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(-.019f, .041f, -.033f)); // Left eye right corner
75  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(.019f, .041f, -.033f)); // Right eye left corner
76  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(.047f, .041f, -.036f)); // Right eye right corner
77  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(-.025f, -.035f, -.036f)); // Left Mouth corner
78  _cvPosePoints3D.push_back(CVPoint3f(.025f, -.035f, -.036f)); // Right mouth corner
79 }
80 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 {
83  delete _faceDetector;
84 }
85 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 //! Tracks the a face and its landmarks
87 /* The tracking is done by first detecting the face with a pretrained cascaded
88 face classifier implemented in OpenCV. The facial landmarks are detected with
89 the OpenCV face module using the facemarkLBF detector. More information about
90 OpenCV facial landmark detection can be found on:
92 \n
93 The pose estimation is done using cv::solvePnP with 9 facial landmarks in 3D
94 and their corresponding 2D points detected by the cv::facemark detector. For
95 smoothing out the jittering we average the last few detections.
96 @param imageGray Image for processing
97 @param imageBgr Image for visualizations
98 @param calib Pointer to a valid camera calibration
99 */
101  CVMat imageBgr,
102  CVCalibration* calib)
103 {
106  assert(!imageGray.empty() && "ImageGray is empty");
107  assert(!imageBgr.empty() && "ImageBGR is empty");
108  assert(!calib->cameraMat().empty() && "Calibration is empty");
110  //////////////////
111  // Detect Faces //
112  //////////////////
114  float startMS = _timer.elapsedTimeInMilliSec();
116  // Detect faces
117  CVVRect faces;
118  int min = (int)((float)imageGray.rows * 0.4f); // the bigger min the faster
119  int max = (int)((float)imageGray.rows * 0.8f); // the smaller max the faster
120  CVSize minSize(min, min);
121  CVSize maxSize(max, max);
122  _faceDetector->detectMultiScale(imageGray,
123  faces,
124  1.05,
125  3,
126  0,
127  minSize,
128  maxSize);
130  // Enlarge the face rect at the bottom to cover also the chin
131  for (auto& face : faces)
132  face.height = (int)(face.height * 1.2f);
134  float time2MS = _timer.elapsedTimeInMilliSec();
135  CVTracked::detect1TimesMS.set(time2MS - startMS);
137  //////////////////////
138  // Detect Landmarks //
139  //////////////////////
141  CVVVPoint2f lm;
142  bool foundLandmarks = _facemark->fit(imageBgr, faces, lm);
144  float time3MS = _timer.elapsedTimeInMilliSec();
145  CVTracked::detect2TimesMS.set(time3MS - time2MS);
146  CVTracked::detectTimesMS.set(time3MS - startMS);
148  if (foundLandmarks)
149  {
150  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lm.size(); i++)
151  {
152  // Landmark indexes from
153  //*AbEg31EgkbXSQehuNJBlWg.png
154  _avgPosePoints2D[0].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][30].x, lm[i][30].y)); // Nose tip
155  _avgPosePoints2D[1].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][31].x, lm[i][31].y)); // Nose hole left
156  _avgPosePoints2D[2].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][35].x, lm[i][35].y)); // Nose hole right
157  _avgPosePoints2D[3].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][36].x, lm[i][36].y)); // Left eye left corner
158  _avgPosePoints2D[4].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][39].x, lm[i][39].y)); // Left eye right corner
159  _avgPosePoints2D[5].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][42].x, lm[i][42].y)); // Right eye left corner
160  _avgPosePoints2D[6].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][45].x, lm[i][45].y)); // Right eye right corner
161  _avgPosePoints2D[7].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][48].x, lm[i][48].y)); // Left mouth corner
162  _avgPosePoints2D[8].set(CVVec2f(lm[i][54].x, lm[i][54].y)); // Right mouth corner
164  // Convert averaged 2D points to OpenCV points2d
165  for (unsigned long p = 0; p < _avgPosePoints2D.size(); p++)
166  _cvPosePoints2D[p] = CVPoint2f(_avgPosePoints2D[p].average()[0],
167  _avgPosePoints2D[p].average()[1]);
169  // delaunayTriangulate(imageBgr, landmarks[i], drawDetection);
171  ///////////////////
172  // Visualization //
173  ///////////////////
175  if (_drawDetection)
176  {
177  // Draw rectangle of detected face
178  cv::rectangle(imageBgr,
179  faces[i],
180  cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0),
181  2);
183  // Draw detected landmarks
184  for (auto& j : lm[i])
185  cv::circle(imageBgr,
186  j,
187  2,
188  cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255),
189  -1);
191  // Draw averaged face points used for pose estimation
192  for (unsigned long p = 0; p < _avgPosePoints2D.size(); p++)
193  cv::circle(imageBgr,
194  _cvPosePoints2D[p],
195  5,
196  cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),
197  1);
198  }
200  // Do pose estimation for the first face found
201  if (i == 0)
202  {
203  /////////////////////
204  // Pose Estimation //
205  /////////////////////
207  startMS = _timer.elapsedTimeInMilliSec();
209  // find the camera extrinsic parameters (rVec & tVec)
210  CVMat rVec; // rotation angle vector as axis (length as angle)
211  CVMat tVec; // translation vector
212  bool solved = solvePnP(CVMat(_cvPosePoints3D),
214  calib->cameraMat(),
215  calib->distortion(),
216  rVec,
217  tVec,
218  false,
219  cv::SOLVEPNP_EPNP);
223  if (solved)
224  {
225  _objectViewMat = createGLMatrix(tVec, rVec);
226  return true;
227  }
228  }
229  }
230  }
232  return false;
233 }
234 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 /*!
236  Returns the Delaunay triangulation on the points within the image
237  @param imageBgr OpenCV BGR image
238  @param points 2D points as OpenCV vector of points 2D
239  @param drawDetection Flag if detection should be drawn
240  */
242  const CVVPoint2f& points,
243  bool drawDetection)
244 {
245  // Get rect of image
246  CVSize size = imageBgr.size();
247  CVRect rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
249  // Create an instance of Subdiv2D
250  cv::Subdiv2D subdiv(rect);
252  // Do Delaunay triangulation for the landmarks
253  for (const CVPoint2f& point : points)
254  if (rect.contains(point))
255  subdiv.insert(point);
257  // Add additional points in the corners and middle of the sides
258  float w = (float)size.width;
259  float h = (float)size.height;
260  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(0.0f, 0.0f));
261  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(w * 0.5f, 0.0f));
262  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(w - 1.0f, 0.0f));
263  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(w - 1.0f, h * 0.5f));
264  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(w - 1.0f, h - 1.0f));
265  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(w * 0.5f, h - 1.0f));
266  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(0.0f, h - 1.0f));
267  subdiv.insert(CVPoint2f(0.0f, h * 0.5f));
269  // Draw Delaunay triangles
270  if (drawDetection)
271  {
272  vector<cv::Vec6f> triangleList;
273  subdiv.getTriangleList(triangleList);
274  CVVPoint pt(3);
276  for (auto t : triangleList)
277  {
278  pt[0] = CVPoint(cvRound(t[0]), cvRound(t[1]));
279  pt[1] = CVPoint(cvRound(t[2]), cvRound(t[3]));
280  pt[2] = CVPoint(cvRound(t[4]), cvRound(t[5]));
282  // Draw rectangles completely inside the image.
283  if (rect.contains(pt[0]) && rect.contains(pt[1]) && rect.contains(pt[2]))
284  {
285  line(imageBgr, pt[0], pt[1], cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
286  line(imageBgr, pt[1], pt[2], cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
287  line(imageBgr, pt[2], pt[0], cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
288  }
289  }
290  }
291 }
292 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utils::Averaged< CVVec2f > AvgCVVec2f
cv::Point3f CVPoint3f
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:45
cv::Point2f CVPoint2f
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:43
cv::CascadeClassifier CVCascadeClassifier
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:66
cv::Rect CVRect
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:39
cv::Size CVSize
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:55
cv::Mat CVMat
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:38
vector< cv::Point2f > CVVPoint2f
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:77
vector< cv::Rect > CVVRect
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:74
cv::Point CVPoint
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:41
vector< cv::Point > CVVPoint
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:75
vector< vector< cv::Point2f > > CVVVPoint2f
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:96
cv::Vec2f CVVec2f
Definition: CVTypedefs.h:50
Definition: Instrumentor.h:41
Live video camera calibration class with OpenCV an OpenCV calibration.
Definition: CVCalibration.h:71
const CVMat & cameraMat() const
const CVMat & distortion() const
int _smoothLength
Smoothing filter lenght.
cv::Ptr< CVFacemark > _facemark
Facial landmarks detector smart pointer.
CVCascadeClassifier * _faceDetector
Viola-Jones face detector.
CVVPoint2f _cvPosePoints2D
vector of OpenCV point2D
vector< AvgCVVec2f > _avgPosePoints2D
vector of averaged facial landmark 2D points
bool track(CVMat imageGray, CVMat imageBgr, CVCalibration *calib) final
Tracks the a face and its landmarks.
CVVPoint3f _cvPosePoints3D
vector of OpenCV point2D
CVTrackedFaces(string faceClassifierFilename, string faceMarkModelFilename, int smoothLength=5)
Constructor for the facial landmark tracker.
static void delaunayTriangulate(CVMat imageBgr, const CVVPoint2f &points, bool drawDetection)
CVMatx44f _objectViewMat
view transformation matrix
Definition: CVTracked.h:93
static AvgFloat detectTimesMS
Averaged time for video feature detection & description in ms.
Definition: CVTracked.h:83
bool _drawDetection
Flag if detection should be drawn into image.
Definition: CVTracked.h:92
static cv::Matx44f createGLMatrix(const CVMat &tVec, const CVMat &rVec)
Create an OpenGL 4x4 matrix from an OpenCV translation & rotation vector.
Definition: CVTracked.cpp:46
static AvgFloat detect1TimesMS
Averaged time for video feature detection subpart 1 in ms.
Definition: CVTracked.h:84
HighResTimer _timer
High resolution timer.
Definition: CVTracked.h:94
static AvgFloat detect2TimesMS
Averaged time for video feature detection subpart 2 in ms.
Definition: CVTracked.h:85
bool drawDetection()
Definition: CVTracked.h:64
static AvgFloat poseTimesMS
Averaged time for video feature pose estimation in ms.
Definition: CVTracked.h:88
float elapsedTimeInMilliSec()
Definition: HighResTimer.h:38
void set(T value)
Sets the current value in the value array and builds the average.
Definition: Averaged.h:53
bool fileExists(const string &pathfilename)
Returns true if a file exists.
Definition: Utils.cpp:897
void exitMsg(const char *tag, const char *msg, const int line, const char *file)
Terminates the application with a message. No leak checking.
Definition: Utils.cpp:1135