Shader type enumeration for vertex or fragment (pixel) shader.
vector< SLLight * > SLVLight
STL vector of light pointers.
Encapsulation of an OpenGL shader program object.
Encapsulation of an OpenGL shader object.
SLstring preprocessIncludePragmas(SLstring inCode)
Replaces our custom pragma include directives in GLSL code.
SLuint _shaderID
Program Object.
void load(const SLstring &filename)
SLGLShader::load loads a shader file into string _shaderSource.
SLShaderType _type
Shader type enumeration.
SLstring _file
Path & filename of shader.
void code(SLstring strCode)
SLstring typeName()
Returns the shader type as string.
void file(SLstring strFile)
SLstring _code
ASCII Source-Code.
SLbool createAndCompile(SLVLight *lights)
SLGLShader::createAndCompile creates & compiles the OpenGL shader object.
void loadFromMemory(const SLstring &program)
SLGLShader::load loads a shader file from memory into memory.
SLstring preprocessDefinePragmas(SLstring inCode, SLVLight *lights)
Replaces our custom pragma define directives in GLSL code.
static SLstring removeComments(SLstring src)
SLGLShader::removeComments for C/C++ comments removal from shader code.
Default constructor.
Base class for all other classes.