vector< SLAnimPlayback * > SLVAnimPlayback
std::map< SLstring, SLAnimPlayback * > SLMAnimPlayback
Enumeration for animation easing curves.
Enumeration for animation modes.
Manages the playback of an SLAnimation.
void skipToPrevKeyframe()
void playbackRate(SLfloat pr)
SLfloat _weight
the current weight
SLfloat _localTime
the current local timestamp (eased time)
void weight(SLfloat weight)
SLEasingCurve _easing
easing modifier curve (to customize start and end point easing)
SLshort _playbackDir
the current playback direction
SLfloat localTime() const
SLbool isPlayingBackward() const
SLfloat _playbackRate
the current playback speed
SLbool isPlayingForward() const
SLbool _gotChanged
Did this playback change in the last frame.
SLbool _enabled
is this animation running
SLfloat _linearLocalTime
linear local time used for _easing propert
void changed(SLbool changed)
SLAnimLooping _loopingBehaviour
We support different looping behaviours.
SLAnimLooping loop() const
SLEasingCurve easing() const
SLfloat calcEasingTimeInv(SLfloat time) const
void easing(SLEasingCurve ec)
void advanceTime(SLfloat delta)
SLAnimation * _animation
the animation this plays is referencing
SLAnimPlayback(SLAnimation *parent, SLfloat weight=1.0f)
void loop(SLAnimLooping lb)
SLfloat playbackRate() const
SLfloat calcEasingTime(SLfloat time) const
Applies the easing time curve to the input time.
void skipToNextKeyframe()
SLAnimation * parentAnimation()
SLAnimation is the base container for all animation data.