SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
SLInputEventInterface Member List

This is the complete list of members for SLInputEventInterface, including all inherited members.

charInput(int sceneViewIndex, unsigned int character)SLInputEventInterface
doubleClick(int sceneViewIndex, SLMouseButton button, int x, int y, SLKey modifier)SLInputEventInterface
keyPress(int sceneViewIndex, SLKey key, SLKey modifier)SLInputEventInterface
keyRelease(int sceneViewIndex, SLKey key, SLKey modifier)SLInputEventInterface
longTouch(int sceneViewIndex, int x, int y)SLInputEventInterfaceinline
mouseDown(int sceneViewIndex, SLMouseButton button, int x, int y, SLKey modifier)SLInputEventInterface
mouseMove(int sceneViewIndex, int x, int y)SLInputEventInterface
mouseUp(int sceneViewIndex, SLMouseButton button, int x, int y, SLKey modifier)SLInputEventInterface
mouseWheel(int sceneViewIndex, int pos, SLKey modifier)SLInputEventInterface
resize(int sceneViewIndex, int width, int height)SLInputEventInterface
scrCaptureRequest(int sceneViewIndex, std::string outputPath)SLInputEventInterface
SLInputEventInterface(SLInputManager &inputManager)SLInputEventInterface
touch2Down(int sceneViewIndex, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)SLInputEventInterface
touch2Move(int sceneViewIndex, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)SLInputEventInterface
touch2Up(int sceneViewIndex, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)SLInputEventInterface
updateScr2fb(int sceneViewIndex)SLInputEventInterface