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A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
This is the complete list of members for WAIMapStorage, including all inherited members.
convertCVMatToVector(const cv::Mat &mat) | WAIMapStorage | static |
convertToCVMat(const SLMat4f slMat) | WAIMapStorage | static |
convertToSLMat(const cv::Mat &cvMat) | WAIMapStorage | static |
loadCVMatFromBinaryStream(uint8_t **data, int rows, int cols, int type) | WAIMapStorage | static |
loadKeyFrameVideoMatching(std::vector< int > &keyFrameVideoMatching, std::vector< std::string > &vidname, const std::string &mapDir, const std::string outputKFMatchingFile) | WAIMapStorage | static |
loadMap(WAIMap *waiMap, cv::Mat &mapNodeOm, WAIOrbVocabulary *voc, std::string path, bool loadImgs, bool fixKfsAndMPts) | WAIMapStorage | static |
loadMapBinary(WAIMap *waiMap, cv::Mat &mapNodeOm, WAIOrbVocabulary *voc, std::string path, bool loadImgs, bool fixKfsAndMPts) | WAIMapStorage | static |
loadVectorFromBinaryStream(uint8_t **data, int count) | WAIMapStorage | static |
saveKeyFrameVideoMatching(std::vector< int > &keyFrameVideoMatching, std::vector< std::string > vidname, const std::string &mapDir, const std::string outputKFMatchingFile) | WAIMapStorage | static |
saveMap(WAIMap *waiMap, SLNode *mapNode, std::string fileName, std::string imgDir="", bool saveBOW=true) | WAIMapStorage | static |
saveMapBinary(WAIMap *waiMap, SLNode *mapNode, std::string fileName, std::string imgDir="", bool saveBOW=true) | WAIMapStorage | static |
saveMapRaw(WAIMap *waiMap, SLNode *mapNode, std::string fileName, std::string imgDir="") | WAIMapStorage | static |
writeCVMatToBinaryFile(FILE *f, const cv::Mat &mat) | WAIMapStorage | static |
writeVectorToBinaryFile(FILE *f, const std::vector< T > vec) | WAIMapStorage | static |