SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
Level of Detail

The following scene shows 2500 corinthian columns with each 83k triangles in their highest resolution. With 3 levels of detail the amount of geometry is reduced depending on the size of the bounding rectangle in screen space. In addition, we do automatically a view frustum culling to optimize rendering performance. See the menu GL for additional visualizations for the OpenGL renderer. The scene uses also cascaded shadow mapping with the current time im Switzerland. You can adjust the date and time with the dialogue Info > Date-Time.

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General help:

  • Click and drag the left mouse button to rotate the scene.
  • Click and drag the middle mouse button to move sidewards/up-down.
  • Roll the mouse-wheel to move forward/backward.
  • Double click with the left mouse button to select an object.
  • Click the right mouse button to open the context menu.
  • Open and dock additional windows from the menu Infos.
  • See more example scenes over the menu File > Load Test Scene