![]() |
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
This is the complete list of members for SLText, including all inherited members.
_aabb | SLNode | protected |
_animation | SLNode | protected |
_castsShadows | SLNode | protected |
_children | SLNode | protected |
_color | SLText | protected |
_depth | SLNode | protected |
_drawBits | SLNode | protected |
_entityID | SLNode | protected |
_font | SLText | protected |
_initialOM | SLNode | protected |
_isAABBUpToDate | SLNode | mutableprotected |
_isSelected | SLNode | protected |
_isWMIUpToDate | SLNode | mutableprotected |
_isWMUpToDate | SLNode | mutableprotected |
_keyboardDeltaPos | SLEventHandler | protected |
_levelForSM | SLNode | protected |
_lineH | SLText | protected |
_maxW | SLText | protected |
_mesh | SLNode | protected |
_minLodCoverage | SLNode | protected |
_mouseRotationFactor | SLEventHandler | protected |
_name | SLObject | protected |
_om | SLNode | protected |
_onUpdateCB | SLNode | protected |
_parent | SLNode | protected |
_text | SLText | protected |
_url | SLObject | protected |
_vao | SLText | protected |
_wm | SLNode | mutableprotected |
_wmI | SLNode | mutableprotected |
aabb() | SLNode | inline |
addChild(SLNode *child) | SLNode | |
addMesh(SLMesh *mesh) | SLNode | virtual |
animation(SLAnimation *a) | SLNode | inline |
animation() | SLNode | inline |
axisXOS() const | SLNode | inline |
axisXWS() const | SLNode | inline |
axisYOS() const | SLNode | inline |
axisYWS() const | SLNode | inline |
axisZOS() const | SLNode | inline |
axisZWS() const | SLNode | inline |
castsShadows(SLbool castsShadows) | SLNode | inline |
castsShadows() | SLNode | inline |
children() | SLNode | inline |
color() | SLText | inline |
copyRec() | SLNode | virtual |
cull2DRec(SLSceneView *sv) | SLNode | virtual |
cull3DRec(SLSceneView *sv) | SLNode | virtual |
cullChildren3D(SLSceneView *sv) | SLNode | virtual |
deleteChild() | SLNode | |
deleteChild(SLNode *child) | SLNode | |
deleteChild(const SLstring &name) | SLNode | |
deleteChildren() | SLNode | |
depth() const | SLNode | inline |
doUpdate() | SLNode | inlinevirtual |
drawBit(SLuint bit) | SLNode | inline |
drawBits() | SLNode | inline |
drawMesh(SLSceneView *sv) override | SLText | inlinevirtual |
drawText(SLSceneView *sv) | SLText | |
dumpRec() | SLNode | virtual |
entityID(SLint entityID) | SLNode | inline |
entityID() const | SLNode | inline |
find(const SLstring &name="", SLbool findRecursive=true) | SLNode | |
findChild(const SLstring &name="", SLbool findRecursive=true) | SLNode | |
findChildren(const SLstring &name="", SLbool findRecursive=true, SLbool canContain=false) | SLNode | |
findChildren(const SLMesh *mesh, SLbool findRecursive=true) | SLNode | |
findChildren(SLuint drawbit, SLbool findRecursive=true) | SLNode | |
findChildrenHelper(const SLstring &name, deque< T * > &list, SLbool findRecursive, SLbool canContain=false) | SLNode | private |
findChildrenHelper(const SLMesh *mesh, deque< SLNode * > &list, SLbool findRecursive) | SLNode | private |
findChildrenHelper(SLuint drawbit, deque< SLNode * > &list, SLbool findRecursive) | SLNode | private |
fontHeightPX() | SLText | inline |
forwardOS() const | SLNode | inline |
forwardWS() const | SLNode | inline |
hitRec(SLRay *ray) override | SLText | inlinevirtual |
initialOM() | SLNode | inline |
insertChild(SLNode *insertC, SLNode *afterC) | SLNode | |
instanceIndex | SLNode | static |
isSelected(bool isSelected) | SLNode | inline |
isSelected() | SLNode | inline |
length() | SLText | inline |
levelForSM(SLubyte lfsm) | SLNode | inline |
levelForSM() | SLNode | inline |
lookAt(SLfloat targetX, SLfloat targetY, SLfloat targetZ, SLfloat upX=0, SLfloat upY=1, SLfloat upZ=0, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world) | SLNode | inline |
lookAt(const SLVec3f &target, const SLVec3f &up=SLVec3f::AXISY, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world) | SLNode | |
mesh() | SLNode | inline |
minLodCoverage(SLfloat minLodCoverage) | SLNode | inline |
minLodCoverage() | SLNode | inline |
mouseRotationFactor(SLfloat rf) | SLEventHandler | inline |
mouseRotationFactor() | SLEventHandler | inline |
name(const SLstring &Name) | SLObject | inline |
name() const | SLObject | inline |
needAABBUpdate() | SLNode | |
needUpdate() | SLNode | virtual |
needWMUpdate() | SLNode | |
numChildren() | SLNode | inline |
numWMUpdates | SLNode | static |
om(const SLMat4f &mat) | SLNode | inline |
om() | SLNode | inline |
onDoubleClick(const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onKeyPress(const SLKey key, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onKeyRelease(const SLKey key, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onMouseDown(const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onMouseMove(const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onMouseUp(const SLMouseButton button, const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onMouseWheel(const SLint delta, const SLKey mod) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onRotationPYR(const SLfloat pitchRAD, const SLfloat yawRAD, const SLfloat rollRAD) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onTouch2Down(const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onTouch2Move(const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onTouch2Up(const SLint x1, const SLint y1, const SLint x2, const SLint y2) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onTouch3Down(const SLint x1, const SLint y1) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onTouch3Move(const SLint x1, const SLint y1) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onTouch3Up(const SLint x1, const SLint y1) | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
onUpdateCB(function< void()> callbackFunc) | SLNode | inline |
parent(SLNode *p) | SLNode | |
parent() | SLNode | inline |
preShade(SLRay *ray) | SLText | inline |
removeChild(SLNode *child) | SLNode | |
removeMesh() | SLNode | |
removeMesh(SLMesh *mesh) | SLNode | |
resetToInitialState() | SLNode | |
rightOS() const | SLNode | inline |
rightWS() const | SLNode | inline |
rotate(const SLQuat4f &rot, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) | SLNode | |
rotate(SLfloat angleDeg, const SLVec3f &axis, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) | SLNode | |
rotate(SLfloat angleDeg, SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) | SLNode | inline |
rotateAround(const SLVec3f &point, SLVec3f &axis, SLfloat angleDeg, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_world) | SLNode | |
rotation(const SLQuat4f &rot, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) | SLNode | |
rotation(SLfloat angleDeg, const SLVec3f &axis, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) | SLNode | |
scale(SLfloat s) | SLNode | inline |
scale(SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z) | SLNode | inline |
scale(const SLVec3f &scale) | SLNode | |
scaleToCenter(SLfloat maxDim) | SLNode | |
scaling(SLfloat s) | SLNode | inline |
scaling(SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z) | SLNode | inline |
scaling(const SLVec3f &scaling) | SLNode | |
setDrawBitsRec(SLuint bit, SLbool state) | SLNode | |
setInitialState() | SLNode | |
setMeshMat(SLMaterial *mat, bool recursive) | SLNode | |
setPrimitiveTypeRec(SLGLPrimitiveType primitiveType) | SLNode | |
size() | SLText | inline |
skeleton() | SLNode | |
SLEventHandler() | SLEventHandler | inline |
SLNode(const SLstring &name="Node") | SLNode | explicit |
SLNode(SLMesh *mesh, const SLstring &name="Node") | SLNode | explicit |
SLNode(SLMesh *mesh, const SLVec3f &translation, const SLstring &name) | SLNode | explicit |
SLObject(const SLstring &Name="", const SLstring &url="") | SLObject | inline |
SLText(SLstring text, SLTexFont *font, SLCol4f txtCol=SLCol4f::WHITE, SLfloat maxWidth=0.0f, SLfloat lineHeightFactor=1.3f) | SLText | |
statsRec(SLNodeStats &stats) override | SLText | virtual |
text() | SLText | inline |
translate(const SLVec3f &vec, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) | SLNode | |
translate(SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_object) | SLNode | inline |
translation(const SLVec3f &pos, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) | SLNode | |
translation(SLfloat x, SLfloat y, SLfloat z, SLTransformSpace relativeTo=TS_parent) | SLNode | inline |
translationOS() const | SLNode | inline |
translationWS() const | SLNode | inline |
updateAABBRec(SLbool updateAlsoAABBinOS) override | SLText | virtual |
updateAndGetWM() const | SLNode | |
updateAndGetWMI() const | SLNode | |
updateMeshAccelStructs() | SLNode | |
updateMeshMat(std::function< void(SLMaterial *m)> setMat, bool recursive) | SLNode | |
updateMeshSkins(bool forceCPUSkinning, const std::function< void(SLMesh *)> &cbInformNodes) | SLNode | |
updateRec() | SLNode | |
updateWM() const | SLNode | private |
upOS() const | SLNode | inline |
upWS() const | SLNode | inline |
url(const SLstring &url) | SLObject | inline |
url() const | SLObject | inline |
~SLEventHandler() | SLEventHandler | inlinevirtual |
~SLNode() override | SLNode | |
~SLObject() | SLObject | inlinevirtual |
~SLText() | SLText | inline |