SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
source Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for source:


directory  scenes


file  AppDemoGui.cpp [code]
 UI with the ImGUI framework fully rendered in OpenGL 3+.
file  AppDemoGui.h [code]
 C++ Header file for the class AppDemoGui.h.
file  AppDemoMain.cpp [code]
 This file has the main function of the demo app of SLProject.
file  AppDemoSceneID.h [code]
 Definition of scene IDs in the demo app.
file  AppDemoSceneView.cpp [code]
file  AppDemoSceneView.h [code]
file  AppDemoVideo.cpp [code]
 All video capturing and video tracking functions are in here.