SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
Shadow Mapping

In this scene you can see all light types: Directional, rectangular, spot and point light. All light types (SLLightDirect, SLLightRect, SLLightSpot) are derived from SLLight and can have a SLShadowMap. Only directional light (SLLightDirect) can create cascaded shadow maps. Double-click a light to see its shadow volume. With RMB > Show Properties you can see more properties under Node Properties > Shadow mapping.

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General help:

  • Click and drag the left mouse button to rotate the scene.
  • Click and drag the middle mouse button to move sidewards/up-down.
  • Roll the mouse-wheel to move forward/backward.
  • Double click with the left mouse button to select an object.
  • Click the right mouse button to open the context menu.
  • Open and dock additional windows from the menu Infos.
  • See more example scenes over the menu File > Load Test Scene