SLProject  4.2.000
A platform independent 3D computer graphics framework for desktop OS, Android, iOS and online in web browsers
The App Framework


SLProject provides a framework for quickly setting up platform-independent apps that run on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, and the Web. The app framework is divided into three layers:

  • The App Layer contains the code of your app. At least one code file has to contain the apps main function and some configuration code, and callbacks for hooking into the SLProject systems. In our example apps these files end with *Main.cpp. The app code also must compile the AppCommon class that is the owner of the central instances of the SLProject. The central interface that every app uses is the App.h header, which is implemented by the platform layer.
  • The Platform Layer contains all platform-specific code for creating the rendering surface, setting up event handlers, etc. Every platform has its own implementation of the App.h. The implementation corresponding to the target platform is selected at compile time by CMake. The platform layer uses SLInterface.h to access SLProject modules. The platform-specific code is C/C++ for the GLFW platforms (Windows, MacOS & Linux), C/C++ and Java for Android, C/C++ and JavaScript for Emscripten (running in the web browser) and ObjectiveC for iOS. All platform-specific code is under apps/source/platforms.
  • The SL Layer contains all the SLProject libraries. This is where all inputs get processed, the updates get done and finally the 3D, 2D and UI rendering is done. The shown classes in the diagram is only a small section of the framework. Please see the introduction page for a deeper overview.



The main C++ file of an app looks something like this:

#include <App.h>
// Other includes...
return new AppExampleScene();
static void buildGui(SLScene* s, SLSceneView* sv)
// ...
int SL_MAIN_FUNCTION(int argc, char* argv[])
config.argc = argc,
config.argv = argv;
config.windowTitle = "SLProject Example App";
// More config...
return App::run(config);
The App namespace declares the App::Config struct and the App::run function.
Definition: App.h:24
static SLScene * createScene(SLSceneID sceneID)
static void buildGui(SLScene *s, SLSceneView *sv)
A static function that builds the UI with ImGui.
int SLSceneID
Scene identifier.
Definition: SLEnums.h:91
SLScene SLSceneView SLint sceneID
Definition: SLScene.h:33
The SLScene class represents the top level instance holding the scene structure.
Definition: SLScene.h:47
SceneView class represents a dynamic real time 3D view onto the scene.
Definition: SLSceneView.h:69
int run(Config config)
App::run implementation from App.h for the Emscripten platform.
Definition: AppAndroid.cpp:78
Config config
The configuration set in App::run.
Definition: AppAndroid.cpp:34
App configuration struct to be passed to the App::run function.
Definition: App.h:57
SLint windowWidth
Definition: App.h:60
SLint windowHeight
Definition: App.h:61
OnNewSceneCallback onNewScene
Definition: App.h:66
OnGuiBuildCallback onGuiBuild
Definition: App.h:72
int argc
Definition: App.h:58
char ** argv
Definition: App.h:59
SLstring windowTitle
Definition: App.h:62

The main function is defined using a macro that expands to the name of the main function on the current platform. This is usually main, but on Android it expands to slAndroidMain, a fake main function that is called from the JNI to initialize the application because there is no actual main on Android.

Inside the main function, an App::Config instance is created. This configuration specifies things like the window size, the ID of the start scene, or a callback for building the GUI. App::run is then called with this config to start the app. Every platform implements its own version of this function. The various implementations can be found in apps/source/platforms. Here's a list of all of them:

An implementation of App::run typically sets up the rendering surface, registers event handlers, loads core assets, starts the event loop, and returns when the program terminates. Only the Android version returns immediately because the event loop is handled by Java code and interacts with the app via the JNI.

For more information on creating a new app, see this wiki page.


New apps are added by calling the custom CMake function sl_add_app. This function is defined in apps/CMakeLists.txt and takes care of creating a new target and setting source files, headers, compile options, linked libraries, properties, etc. depending on the target platform. The function has parameters for specifying things like the name of the target, the platforms the app supports, additional source files (e.g. for scenes), the directory of the Android project, or iOS resources.

sl_add_app uses the CMake variable SL_PLATFORM to decide which platform is currently being targeted. This variable is set in the top-level CMakeLists.txt based on the current target system. The possible platforms are:

  • GLFW (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • ANDROID (Android)
  • IOS (iOS)

Scene Loading

A scene is loaded by setting the value of AppCommon::sceneToLoad to the ID of the new scene. Inside the event loop of every platform, we check whether this variable has a value and switch to the new scene if so:

void slSwitchScene(SLSceneView *sv, SLSceneID sceneID)
static optional< SLSceneID > sceneToLoad
Scene id to load at start up.
Definition: AppCommon.h:90

Scene switching is implemented inside AppLoad::switchScene. This function calls the callback AppConfig::onNewScene to create a new scene instance. The callback is specified by the app and returns an instance of a class derived from SLScene (e.g. AppDemoSceneMinimal). After creating the new scene instance, we switch to it in two stages:

  1. Register assets to be loaded. We call the overloaded SLScene::registerAssetsToLoad so it can register tasks on the SLAssetLoader to be executed asynchronously in a different thread. Meanwhile, the event loop on the main thread continues running so we can for example render a loading screen. Every frame, SLAssetLoader::checkIfAsyncLoadingIsDone is called to check whether the worker thread is done. When that happens, the next stage is triggered. Note: All I/O operations have to be registered here because they cannot be executed synchronously on the main thread on the Emscripten platform.
  2. Assemble the scene. When the asset loader is done, we call the overloaded SLScene::assemble function that uses the loaded assets to assemble the scene. After assembly, AppCommon::scene is set to the new scene and the scene switch is completed.